
The expert told how to work correctly with mail so that letters do not remain unanswered

In the tough world of business, it’s hard to promote your startup and fight for the palm. It seems to be trying, putting a lot of effort, but for some reason no special results are visible. It becomes especially offensive when a newsletter with seemingly attractive offers does not bear any fruit. There are no more customers, and no feedback either. What to do in this case? Experienced experts will talk about this.


To begin with, in this situation you are not alone. Do you know that, according to statistics, only eight and a half percent of emails receive a response? So the first thing to do is be patient. Especially if you just recently launched a project. Give people the opportunity to process the information received, rethink and make a decision. If you did the newsletter yesterday, it's silly to wait for some results today. It is likely that you will be contacted next week or even in a month.

Wrong marketing strategy

Another reason your emails go unanswered is a poorly thought-out marketing strategy. If you do not adapt the information, that is, the product you are offering, to the target audience, then there will be no feedback. Perhaps no one understands the concept of your brand or you are not able to convey the essence to the end user. A simple example: you produce youth goods, and advertise them in the nineteenth-century literary language. Do you think this will interest young people? Hardly. But if you add more slang, specific words, then perhaps there will be more customers.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that your keys to success are patience and a well-thought-out marketing strategy. Here are a few effective strategies that will help you cope with the task and take the startup to a new level of development.

Long Topic Title

When you correspond with business partners, you need to be extremely concise. If you are doing newsletters to customers, then the subject of your letter should be long. Surprised? Experts came to this conclusion by analyzing electronic messages and responses to them. It turned out that the letters with the long title of the topic were answered almost twenty percent more often than those with a heading of one or two words.

When choosing a topic name, you should be extremely honest. The header should reflect the whole essence of the message. If you intrigue a person, he will open the letter and see not at all what he was promised, then consider that you have lost the client.

Address appeal

To get feedback, you need to somehow stand out from the competition. According to statistics, a working person receives about a hundred letters per day. Looking through the list of messages, a person makes a decision to "read / not read" only based on your topic.

For example, if in the Subject field you write “Sale”, “Promotions”, “Last Minute”, etc., then hardly anyone will want to open your letter. Every second message has a similar heading. In this case, there is an effective way to interest a person - it is to contact him by name. Targeted addressing helps to locate the client. He has the impression that he has been cooperating with you for a long time, is familiar, etc. Such a letter is more credible. So the ideal topic title should sound something like this: “Elena, we have a total sale of goods until Friday. Hurry up to buy! "

Time to send letters

How often do you distribute and at what time? Experts say that the quality of feedback and the number of responses also depend on this. According to studies, letters sent on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday receive more responses than sent on other days of the week. People rarely read weekends, so it’s best to do weekly newsletters.

The experts also managed to find the ideal hours for sending correspondence: it is six and nine in the morning, as well as two in the afternoon. The answer to letters comes within an hour. At least that's what the research results have shown. Only you need to consider an important point: if the client lives in a different time zone, focus on the local time of the region where he is.

Experts recommend using these tips, but recall that not all companies are universal. It all depends on the specifics of your chosen niche, target audience and many other factors. Be sure to experiment and record the time of activity of people. This will allow you to create your own scheme.

Simple and clear text

We live at a fast pace, so we do not have time to read long messages over several pages. Consider this factor when composing the body of the letter. The text should be simple, clear and well structured. Break the information into small paragraphs to make the message more readable. If a person opens a letter and sees a long essay in one paragraph, he is unlikely to waste time reading it at all.

This rule is especially relevant if you are dealing with influential people. They value their time, so immediately close the long message. Keep this in mind when writing text.

Ignore patterns

On the Internet you can find a lot of templates for mailing on any topic and for any end user. Avoid these marketing tools as they are ineffective. Remember that in the business world there is fierce competition, so you must somehow stand out in order to attract customers.

Create text that you’ve never seen before. If you do not have writing talent, you can turn to professional copywriters for help. They will make you a competent and attractive text in accordance with your requirements. Do not forget that the message should reflect the concept and idea of ​​your startup. Do not forget to develop and promote your brand so that it is recognizable.

Use business mail

If you will be doing newsletters using free email hosting services (like mail.ru, gmail.com, etc.), you can hardly count on feedback. There is no trust in such emails, and often they automatically end up in the Spam folder. If you are developing your business, make sure that your email address sounds professional and matches the name of your company.

Getting a professional address is not that expensive. Consider also opening your own website, even the most primitive one. This will increase customer confidence and allow you to attract more people. As long as you use free hosting, there will definitely not be any sense from your mailing list.


So, in order for your letters not to remain unanswered, you need to think over the brand concept, develop a marketing strategy and be patient. If you did everything right, then the result will not be long in coming.

Remember to adhere to the following rules:

  • Send letters at ten in the morning on Wednesdays.
  • Reach customers by name and make long headlines.
  • Come up with a unique message text to stand out from the competition.
  • Structure your text to make it more readable.
  • Do not lure customers with intriguing, but not having anything to do with reality headlines. Be honest and sincere.

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