
The expert said what skills will be in demand in the future with the advent of artificial intelligence

No one knows what the future will be, but now artificial intelligence is developing at an incredibly fast pace. Because of automation, many jobs are eliminated, and the skills of some employees become unclaimed. Experts insist that soon emotional and social skills will be more in demand.

Technology will replace people

When artificial intelligence can diagnose a patient’s condition with greater accuracy than a human doctor, what happens to doctors? This is a question that people who want to have a sought-after specialty in the future should think about.

Perhaps artificial intelligence will soon become so widespread that technology will do most of the hard work. This is why the doctor’s ability to deliver compassion and compassion to the patient will become much more valuable. While the technical skills of doctors will remain important, their emotional intelligence will take on new meaning.

As it was before?

In the age of industry, workers were required to have muscle. The information age traded muscles for mental abilities, which explains the increase in the number of mental workers. The future will require workers to be emotionally smart.

Future requirements

Emotional intelligence is the ability to realize, control and express your emotions, as well as to reasonably and empathetically relate to interpersonal relationships.

As the world fills with more sophisticated artificial intelligence and ubiquitous technology, human skills - compassion, empathy, etc. - determine the competitive advantage of workers and entire organizations. Therefore, those who are interested in prosperity in a high-tech world should rely on emotional intelligence.

The importance of developing and applying social and emotional skills is growing. The so-called “soft skills” predict the student’s academic accomplishments twice as much as their home environment and demography. 30-40 percent of jobs in developing industries require soft skills. In addition, 57 percent of leaders say that “soft skills” are more important than hard ones.

  • Problem solving, critical thinking, innovation and creativity.
  • The ability to cope with complexity and ambiguity.
  • Communication.
  • Professional skills (carpentry, plumbing, welding, machining, etc.).
  • Data science data analysis.
  • Science / technology / medicine.

Work of the future

New jobs, that is, those that were not destroyed by automation, require significantly more social skills than manufacturing and factory jobs that once fed the economy.

Robots still cannot be friendly, conduct small talk and reassure dissatisfied customers, which allows people to remain in demand by specialists. However, many of the people are also not very good at this.

Large companies are specifically designing training programs to help their employees show empathy. Cashiers no longer deposit salary checks and do not process withdrawal requests, given the dominance of online banking.

Employers do not seek the same level of in-depth knowledge and technical skills as in the past. In fact, 90 percent of employers say they are open to accepting non-traditional candidates who do not have four-year college degrees. They are more open to hiring candidates who have completed an online course.

Representatives of some companies say: “Today we look more at students with a two-year degree, because they have the basic knowledge that we need, and they can further expand their skills through our specialized training.”

In addition, 40 percent of employers believe that artificial intelligence will help fill the skills gap.

The predominance of artificial intelligence will only make social and emotional skills more necessary and valuable, because they are skills that robots cannot perform. In today's fast-paced world, “hard skills” have a short shelf life, but strengthening social and emotional skills will never go out of style, and “soft skills” are more portable across careers and industries.

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