Two women set alarm clocks on their phones every night to wake up early and arrive at work on time. However, the alarms did not work, and the women were constantly late for the workplace. Then they decided to find out what was the matter. Imagine their surprise when they saw that the culprit for their lateness was their ... cat.
Very independent cat
Two women living together in Brazil always used alarms in their phones. But once there came a time when this gadget stopped working, and they often began to be late for work.
To correct the situation, they decided to find out what was the matter. To do this, they set an alarm so that it rang after a few minutes, and turned on the video recording.
When the alarm rang, their cat Joachim rushed to him. He jumped onto the chest of drawers on which the apparatus was lying, and began to hit the screen with his paw.
Thus, the cat managed to unlock the phone and turn off the sound of the alarm. After that, he went to bed with his mistresses, apparently very pleased with himself.
Perhaps the cat decided that in this way it helps its owners to sleep longer and provides them with good offices. Now women do not leave phones on the dresser, but hide them higher so that Joachim could not reach them.