Credit cards are popular banking instruments, thanks to which anyone can make a major purchase without having to own their own funds. But my friend told me how to correctly use a credit card in order to get certain benefits from it. It is advisable to initially issue cards at banks that offer cashback and other advantages for using borrowed funds. There are several areas for which cardholders receive large bonuses.
Buying tickets
Optimal use of credit cards to cover numerous travel expenses. It is for these costs that banks usually offer substantial bonuses or cashback. Initially, you need to draw up a credit card, which is intended for travel. Money from it must be spent on buying tickets for trains or planes. In addition, it is used to pay for hotels, cruises or other services necessary for travel.
Travel cards are offered by many banks, and with their help you can rely on a large cashback, discounts from airlines or other advantages. Therefore, if a person travels a lot, then for him the use of such a credit card is a popular and profitable process. Received bonuses can be used in the future while planning another trip.
Mobile phone purchase
Many people who plan to buy a new smartphone usually prefer to use cash, but experts say that it is best to use money from a credit card for these purposes. This is because banks often offer discounts or bonuses for such expenses.
Typically, hardware stores make agreements with banks through which they offer numerous advantages for such credit card purchases. Often, an installment plan is issued at all or part of the money spent is returned.
Advance payment of goods
If people prefer to pre-book hotels or buy goods on the Internet with full prepayment, then it is advisable to use a credit card. This is due to the fact that if the hotel owner or seller of goods for some reason can not fulfill their obligations, then a citizen can contact the bank for support.
Many banks offer assistance in the process of finding a company that received payment, but did not fulfill its obligations.
Making major acquisitions
Before making the next major purchase, it is recommended to study in advance which trade organizations are partners of the bank that issued the credit card. The fact is that banks enter into an agreement with different equipment stores. If you use a credit card issued by a specific banking organization in such stores, you can get a substantial discount, installment payment, a large cashback, an extended guarantee, or other significant advantages.
Therefore, if a person plans to purchase household appliances or expensive electronics, then initially you need to decide on the partners of the bank so that such a purchase is really profitable. Due to cashback or a substantial discount, you can significantly reduce the cost of the selected equipment.
Payment of housing services
Every person is forced to pay utility bills every month. This includes not only electricity, gas or water, but also the Internet with a telephone.For such expenses, many banks offer different bonuses if you use a credit card to pay for services.
Since such expenses are charming and regular, it is advisable to fully cover them at the expense of borrowed funds offered by the bank by credit card. But it is important to remember the need to pay off the emerging debt before the end of the interest-free period. Under such conditions, you can count on a good cashback or other pluses.
If you make payments through online banking, you can completely configure auto payment or remember all the details, changing only the value of the indicators. Under such conditions, the procedure for paying for utility bills will be quick and easy.
Cost sharing
If the person is an entrepreneur, then it is advisable to issue two credit cards. One will be used to solve personal problems, and the second will be used for expenses associated with doing business.
If you use a credit card to cover the expenses of the company, this will simplify accounting, as well as provide protection against an increase in personal expenses. But you need to use a credit card only if the businessman uses UTII or other simplified modes in which you do not need to calculate expenses. Otherwise, there may be problems with the tax office due to the fact that the entrepreneur uses borrowed bank funds to cover expenses.
Credit Improvement
A credit card is an ideal solution for a person who has a damaged credit history for various reasons. If in the past a citizen issued loans for which he had delinquencies or other problems, then he has a bad credit history in the BCI. This leads to the fact that he cannot count on a profitable loan.
Experts advise correcting this situation by issuing small loans at MFIs or banks. Additionally, you can get a credit card, which you need to constantly use. Information about such a citizen as a bona fide payer will be timely submitted to the BKI. As a result, in a short period of time you can significantly improve your credit history.
Almost every modern person can get a credit card, even if he does not have official employment. But it’s advisable to use this banking tool only in some cases, for example, when it is planned to purchase air tickets, large household appliances or a mobile phone. It is recommended to use a credit card to people with a bad credit history or to citizens who are private entrepreneurs.