Surprisingly, those who love trifles will have a guru right now. Why? The man who did not want to overpay on the loan, had patience and saved up. Moreover, he also came to the store and paid for the motorcycle with coins. And sellers, instead of fainting and dying right there, shared the story on social networks.
This is how you need to be responsible for the conditions of banks and various stores
Have you ever noticed that there are quite a few people who like to moan? And the cause of suffering can be various events and phenomena: the wrong job, the wrong weather, the wrong woman or man nearby. In other words, everything goes awry at them. And yes, loan rates are too high. At the same time, such people continue to work where they do not like, to live with those whom they do not like. Nothing can be done with the weather in this context. And they continue to borrow and borrow. Explaining this by the fact that they have no choice.
But there is a different kind of people, they prefer action. It is to the man of action that the elderly Filipino man Rodrigo M. Cosio belongs. He needed a motorcycle. He came to the store, found out the conditions for the loan, realized that he would overpay if he agreed to an installment plan, then left, saved up for two years on a motorcycle and brought money in coins. Moreover, no one drove away the elderly person and told him: “Hey old man, take your coins away!” No, sellers did not allow themselves such a thing. On the contrary, they patiently counted everything and glorified the man all over the world.