
To avoid disappointment: how to help your child choose a profession that he will love with all his heart

Children to a large extent retain the behavior of their parents not only in personal relationships, but also in social and social activities. They are strongly influenced by their older environment, which increases the risks of distorting ideas about the future profession. Indeed, the first thing a child pays attention to in terms of choosing a specialty is the nature of their parents' employment.

But an even more serious danger lies in attempts to consciously direct children to a particular type of activity without taking into account their personal interests.

Of course, this approach will not lead to anything good. But the tips below will help parents formulate the right help for their child in terms of choosing a profession.

Exclusion of pressure and imposition

Whatever the parent's strategy for helping the child make responsible decisions, the principles of rigidity and pressure should be excluded at all stages. Freedom of choice is the main value that must be preserved in children who choose the path of future development. But does this mean that parents should completely move away from the selection process? Of course no. They should support the interests of the child, trying to expand the field of view of various professions and occupations.

Interests and abilities come first

From an early age, children develop their first hobbies, addictions and interest in certain occupations. This does not always happen, but it may well be that one of the children's hobbies will subsequently form the basis for choosing a future profession.

Parents should promote the development of skills and knowledge that the child naturally seeks and without any pressure.

If there are no expressed interests, then it is unobtrusive to offer a choice of several options for classes. For example, it can be playing a musical instrument, a sports section, shooting with a camera or constructing from small parts.

The first steps on the approaches to a career

At some point, the child will have an idea of ​​future work. Perhaps it will change many times, but there is nothing wrong with stimulating this interest in a certain direction in the early stages. For example, today there are specialized schools with biases in one or another profile and preparatory courses. In addition, a win-win solution will be the general development of the child’s universal skills, including learning the language, mastering business communication techniques, strengthening memory, etc.

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