
What is the "cafe effect" and how to use it to increase productivity, experts said

Photos with people who work for laptops in cafes look just like an attractive advertising picture, but it turned out that this is really good for productivity. Running away from the office for a few hours, even if it’s your home office, to stay away from annoying colleagues and the boss in a place where you just have a cup of latte and a laptop in front of you is extremely useful. Researchers have even given the name to this phenomenon - the "cafe effect". Moreover, the neuropsychologist Onno Van der Groen believes that the cafe has many factors that can increase human productivity.

Background noise helps focus

Van der Groen has long been studying this phenomenon. Background noise stimulates sensory signals in the brain. In 2016, this scientist conducted a study and came to the conclusion that such signals make a person see, hear and feel better, as well as sharpen perception and increase the speed of decision-making. This effect is otherwise called by scientists stochastic resonance.

A recent study, published by neuropsychologist Van der Groen in March 2019, shows that sensory signals triggered by background noise help the brain get out of the mental rut and see many things from a new perspective. Ultimately, this leads to increased productivity. That is, work at a certain level of background noise is more effective than in silence.

This feature can be easily used at the workplace, even if you are not allowed to go to the cafe. It is enough to put on the headphones. In this case, it will be much easier to choose the optimal background noise than in the same cafe.

It is important to select the optimum volume.

If the music in the cafe becomes too loud, then the level of performance drops immediately. Therefore, the task is to find the optimal level of background noise. Sounds should not be too loud, but not so quiet as to not be noticed at all.

If we talk about music as an element for creating background noise, it is important that it be familiar, so that the brain is not distracted by listening to it. Music is also required without words.

A way to maximize stochastic resonance

To increase efficiency, experts advise combining Pomodoro with carefully selected background noise. To do this, set the timer on your phone for 25 minutes and work concentrated, without being distracted by anything. Having a time frame is important in order to focus.

After the timer beep, it is recommended to get up from your seat, stretch and distract for 5 minutes. Then again set the timer for 25 minutes, after work again should be followed by a 5-minute break. After the fourth “tomato” you need to take a break for 15 minutes.

As a result of such work, we will feel less exhausted and exhausted than if you worked continuously for an hour or a half.

Pure background noise combined with strict timelines and discipline results in maximum performance.

In my opinion, a great argument to convince the boss to let you go to the cafe more often. And I am pleased, and useful for work.

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