At work, we meet different people. We like some, while others make us want to stay as far away from them as possible. What if you have to constantly communicate with a negative colleague who creates problems for you? When I faced a similar situation, the advice of my friend psychologist helped me.
Acceptance and sympathy
Identifying people who spoil the atmosphere within the team is easy enough. These individuals do not know how to work in a team, shift their work to the shoulders of others, constantly complain, dissolve gossip and gladly criticize others.
Stop being angry is the first thing you need to do. You must understand that complex people exist in any work collective, and their appearance cannot be prevented. When you find peace, you should try to find in yourself empathy for a negative colleague. Imagine how hard it is for a person who is used to seeing everything in a gloomy light. Own negativity prevents him from enjoying life.
Be calm about criticism
A rare person can say that he likes to listen to criticism. However, if you work with negative people, you will have to get used to it. There is a high probability that you will constantly be pointed out to your mistakes and shortcomings.
Learn to be critical of criticism. Think that someone else's negative opinion will help you discover weaknesses in yourself that you did not even suspect. You can begin to work on your shortcomings, grow and develop.
Criticism must not only be calmly accepted, but also analyzed. Often negative statements have no reason. If you try to attribute non-existent shortcomings and errors, just do not pay attention to it.
Keep your distance
Do not forget that you do not have to maintain friendly relations with colleagues that you do not like. No need to try to get close to such a person, since you are unlikely to be able to remake him.
Keep your distance if you feel uncomfortable communicating with someone. Limit yourself to a discussion of work issues, never talk about personal things. However, when you distance yourself from someone, you should not forget about basic politeness. Friendly greet your unpleasant colleague, praise him when he deserves it.
Calm, only calm
Stress resistance is a quality that today is useful to develop for everyone. Talking with negative people is a great way to develop this skill. In no case should you allow your colleagues to pull yourself into conflict situations. Keep calm, don't let anger take hold of you.
Soon you will notice that you began to feel better in stressful situations. The ability to always remain balanced and calm will certainly help you in conquering career heights.
Do not let insult yourself
Keeping calm is important, but don't let your negatively-minded colleague insult you. Discrimination, harassment, bullying - all this will lead to the development of depression, if you endure it.
Do not let other people negatively influence your self-esteem, deprive you of self-confidence. When you constantly let others insult others, your subconscious mind begins to believe that you deserve such an appeal. As a result, you cease to believe in your own strength, begin to think badly of yourself. Always fight back when they try to insult and humiliate you.
Take a deep breath
Our psychological state directly depends on how we breathe. If you have to communicate a lot with unpleasant people, fight their negative impact with the help of breathing exercises.
Deep breathing with your stomach is a sure step towards health. Put one hand on the chest and lower the other below the belly button. About two to three minutes, just watch how your chest moves. Then carefully pull in the muscles of the lower abdomen and exhale. Perform this action several times, emptying the lungs deeper. This effective exercise is enough to perform twice a day. Soon you will notice that you have become much calmer, more resistant to all kinds of stresses, including those caused by communication with unpleasant personalities.
Seek support
The tips given above are repeatedly tested in practice. However, in particularly difficult situations, they do not help. What if communication with an unpleasant colleague constantly spoils the mood, causes depression? You can ask the company management for help.
Of course, you should not demand the dismissal of an employee with whom you cannot work together. It is enough to tell the boss about the situation and ask for advice. In your story, you should definitely mention that you tried all possible ways to build relationships with an unpleasant colleague. Emphasize that your actions have not yielded any results.
Seeking support from company management, of course, is far from possible in all cases. You must have evidence that one person slows down the work of the entire company. It is also not recommended to resort to this method of struggle too often. Parents are unlikely to like an employee who does not know how to cope with conflict situations on his own, to find a common language with others.
What else can be done
If a colleague is poisoning your life, consider the option of looking for another job. It is possible that in the new team you will feel more comfortable.