If a valuable item is stolen from you, you will contact the police. But if your work colleagues take your idea without demand, it will be extremely difficult to prove it, and there is no place to wait for help. Try not to panic the poem, but listen to the advice of experienced psychologists who know how to deal with it.
Take it easy
You are outraged and do not find a place for yourself, anger boils in your heart and a desire to put everything in its place. This is an absolutely normal reaction of a person who has spent a lot of time and effort for it to belong to another now. Nevertheless, you should not commit rash and hasty actions. First of all, you need to calm down, master your emotions and abstract from this situation. Just switch to something else until your nerves are in order, otherwise you can make irreparable mistakes.
Rate the situation
When you calm down, try to objectively assess the situation. Perhaps it just seemed to you that it was your idea that was borrowed. There is an expression that good ideas are in the air and several people can visit at once, and the interval will be insignificant. Think about how such a situation could happen, and who is to blame. Do not exclude your share of guilt, this can mitigate your anger a little. Perhaps a colleague thought that the idea seemed uninteresting to you, or there were some other reasons.
Reasons for appropriating other people's ideas
It makes sense to dwell on a more detailed interpretation of the assessment of the situation. You need to understand why the abduction of other people's ideas occurs. These options are:
There are absolutely no ideas on a specific occasion, but they are simply necessary.
This is done specifically to “annoy” you.
An attempt by a colleague to curry favor with his superiors.
A situation where a person knows for sure that you cannot defend your rights.
A colleague understood that you did not need this idea, for some reason you “rejected” it.
A person simply does not remember where he got it from (perhaps he just heard and did not attach any importance to it) and sincerely decided that it was his own thoughts.
Go deep into memories
Having assessed the situation objectively, try to reproduce all the events in which your idea could pass to a colleague. Remember when it was, who said what, what circumstances could have caused such a conversation. This will help you make certain conclusions: whether your colleague did it intentionally, or you yourself issued it.
Talk to the alleged kidnapper
This conversation should be calm and constructive. Listen to the point of view of your interlocutor, in no case do not put pressure on him and do not threaten. If he gives you enough arguments that he is not guilty, try not to make hasty conclusions and prove the opposite. It may be a more sensible decision to return to the conversation a little later. And if you make sure that your idea is stolen, try to come to a common compromise. Tell us about your feelings, do not be afraid to voice the fact that you are very unpleasant to realize this situation, and that you do not want to be in it again. Invite a colleague to confess honestly to the boss.
Chat with your boss
If a colleague categorically denies his actions, and you are sure of his guilt, it makes sense to talk with the boss. You need to understand that the conversation should be as loyal and diplomatic as possible. Do not try to expose someone and introduce yourself as a brilliant employee who fell victim to an unscrupulous colleague.Just describe the situation and make it clear that you are not a provocateur, but a responsible person who defends his rights.
Do not discuss the situation with other colleagues
Whatever the outcome of the situation, keep everything secret. You should not recall this incident with other colleagues and tell how you managed to find a compromise or how you managed to become a winner. Your goal is to protect your rights and prevent a recurrence of the incident, and not become the main gossip or hero of recent days. Try not to go beyond healthy production ambitions and not waste your energy discussing such incidents.
Keep everything secret
From now on, never let your ideas become the property of anyone else. Do not talk about your plans, do not leave notes on the desktop or computer that can be used by other people for their own purposes. Try to control the process of your creativity so that no one has any chance to reassign your idea. At the same time, you should not completely hide from colleagues. Everything that happened should not be a reason to behave from now on as if you are a recluse. Stay as you were before, just draw the right conclusions.
Think out a strategy
If you see that your ideas are valuable, consider how to behave. Make plans, bring them to the authorities and control their appearance in the projects of the enterprise. In each company, this procedure looks different. Therefore, figure out what you can do to protect yourself. Then your achievements will be a reason for joy, and not for additional investigations.