
The less a person loves his job, the more he will lie to his superiors: an unusual scientific study

We can all speak differently about our work, but in most cases, people completely dislike it. Very rarely, a person loves work if he really managed to do just that direction, which is the real destination.

A negative attitude to one's own work gives rise to a lie. And this is not just speculation, but a real fact, confirmed by scientific research.

How do workers lie?

Most often, the employer hears from their employees as an excuse: “I’m sick” or “I have certain plans.” By the way, 60% of respondents use the first phrase.

As a rule, a lie appears in those companies where very strict rules regarding the observance of the work schedule. According to one of the employees of the cosmetic company, where delays and other absences from work are unacceptable, she, working part-time, very often lied. After employment, she expected that she could work out her 15 hours (half the rate) at a more convenient time for her. But the company refused to make concessions, and had to lie. Sometimes it came to the point that she forged medical certificates and even justified herself by the death of her beloved. According to the girl, she had to lie only for the reason that she still could not find a balance between this and other work.

According to statistics, this is precisely the reason for lying, as well as the disloyal attitude of the employer towards its employees.

Some statistics

Based on scientific research, we can say that:

  • only 17% of all workers surveyed are completely satisfied with their work and do not want to change anything;
  • 27% of respondents are satisfied with their job, but still lie once or twice a week;
  • 36% are slightly satisfied;
  • 41% are completely dissatisfied with their work.

In the last two cases, the respondents admitted that they lie daily.

“Good” and “Bad” Lies

In addition to the degree of satisfaction, the researchers found that people who are satisfied or half satisfied with their work, use the so-called "good" lie. It may be the phrase: “You look good today” or “I already have plans for this evening.”

If we are talking about dissatisfied employees, then they are already using the so-called "harmful" lie. Simply put, we are talking about shifting responsibilities or excuses that an employee who is satisfied with his work will never utter. For example, “My phone and computer did not work,” “I did not receive a message,” and so on.

Dependence of the amount of lies in the workplace on age, status and day of the week

Research data suggests that the older the employee, the less he lies. Persons who hold high positions lie much more often (36%), at least 2 times a week. And if we are talking about an entry-level employee, then only 28% resort to lies.

Employees lie more often on Mondays and Fridays, that is, this is due to the desire to extend their days off. Researchers were also able to establish that men are much more likely to lie than women, especially when it comes to career advancement or salary increases. That is, even mythical success at work makes a man lie.

Why are employees lying?

It is believed that if an employee at least once managed to convict of a lie, then he is a bad employee. It is unfortunate that in 99% of cases, the employer does not even try to find out the reasons for this lie.

In most cases, any lie reflects the employee's attitude to his work and directly to the employer.

Lying is an actual technique in psychology that allows you to adjust the situation in your own way. Therefore, it is most often dissatisfied employees who resort to lies. Although there are other situations where both sides are equally to blame for the situation, but this rarely happens.

Therefore, advice to managers - give the floor to your employees, and not only listen to them, but also try to understand what information they want to convey.

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