Flying is often torture, but fortunately, our fate can be alleviated. If you are flying on vacation or on business, most likely you will want to sleep a bit.
Travel takes us out of the usual schedule and often means a shift in periods of activity and sleep. Considering that even a short rest can increase focus, attention and just refresh, sleep and travel experts shared tips on how to sleep on the plane.
Lean forward and not backward.
Most people think that the best position is to sit back, but this is only true if it is folding. Instead, lean forward onto the folding table, especially if you are sitting in the middle.
Of course, it should first be freed from the tray and at least covered with something, because they are not cleaned very often. Leaning forward, you will feel much more comfortable and fall asleep faster.
As it turned out, taking melatonin on a long flight to translate your body’s internal clock is a bit controversial. Some recommend taking it (in particular, in the form of chewing gum) so that you can sleep a little without negative feelings after sleeping pills. Others advise you not to resort to any auxiliary means. As in most cases, it all comes down to personal experience and knowing what helps you sleep.
Avoid Caffeine
Although many people are tempted to drink a cup of coffee before the flight, especially during the morning flight, experts advise to refrain from this. If you want to take a nap, then you should avoid taking caffeine 3-4 hours before the flight. Before going to bed, it is good to drink liquid, but only if it is water or herbal tea.
Find something to lean on
One of the reasons why it’s so hard for us on the plane is that we take uncomfortable postures so as not to invade someone else’s space. In particular, it is difficult to understand what to do with your own hands.
If you are in the middle and have access to both armrests, you probably only use one. And if you are in the aisle, you will want to remove this elbow from the armrest when you sleep, so that you do not hit the cart with drinks. You can solve this problem if you take with you, for example, a small pillow, a folded sweater or a jacket.
Wear comfortable clothing
No, you are not offered to travel in pajamas, but there is a difference between tight jeans and cotton trousers. Wear casual clothing that is as close as possible to your pajamas. You also need to make sure that your outfit is warm enough and take a sweatshirt or jacket with you.
Avoid alcohol
Of course, there is the temptation to immediately empty the tiny bottles, but this should not be allowed. Alcohol acts faster at altitude, and for some it means that you will want to drink more and more often.
Avoid sleeping pills
Natural sleeping pills melatonin have already been discussed above, but what about other drugs? Experts advise avoiding them. You should not sleep for more than a couple of hours, because four hours of immobility of the lower half of the body doubles the risk of vein thrombosis.
In addition, the pills are designed to confuse you for a while, and you will not be at ease after you reach your goal. It will be much more difficult to navigate the bus system of a new city or conduct a business meeting with a hangover from sleeping pills.
Train your brain to fall asleep to soothing music
Tim Leffel, the author of The Cheapest Places in the World, trained his brain to go to bed on an airplane, always listening to one of two special albums with headphones after eating or drinking. According to him, after many years spent in airplanes and buses, his brain thus receives a message that it is time to sleep.
Book a window seat
This is another case where personal preferences are important, but given the desire to fall asleep during the flight, a window seat is the best choice for several reasons. Firstly, this position allows you to control the lighting of your row by adjusting the window blind. You can also lean against the plane, which many find more convenient.
But the main advantage of a window seat is that you don’t have to get up if someone in your row wants to go out. Passengers seated in the middle seats or at the aisles are always at risk of waking up in the middle of sleep so that fellow travelers can get out.
Use eye mask
In airplanes, usually quite bright light. Even when the interior lighting is dimmed during a night flight, the floor and toilet are often brightly lit, not to mention all the screens that other passengers use. It may be difficult for your brain to receive a molecular signal that it is time to sleep, sent by a burst of sleep hormone melatonin.
The best way to reduce the amount of light that prevents you from falling asleep is to put on an eye mask and create darkness. This will cause the brain to secrete melatonin and signal the onset of sleep time.
Try meditation
If meditation helps you relax or fall asleep, be sure to try it on your next flight. Meditation will help your body enter the relaxed state necessary for you to visit the land of dreams. It can be practiced anywhere - both in a public place and in solitude. Find some smartphone apps you like and download them in advance for quick access at any time.
Regardless of whether you choose noise-canceling headphones, earplugs or even the earbuds that come with your phone, something can help you to drown out the noise of the plane. Experts recommend listening to flowing, meditative melodies that take your brain out of your current environment to a calm space when you close your eyes. Other white noise, such as the sound of waves or a fan, may also be useful.
Pay attention to the watch.
The situation on the plane does not contribute to sleep: noise, bright light, uncomfortable position. Trying to force yourself to fall asleep when your body is not prepared for this is likely to fail. Look at your watch or phone and find out what time it is at home. If you are approaching normal sleep time or it has already arrived, then go to bed. Otherwise, try relaxing, such as reading.
Book night flights
If you fly in the evening, book your flight as late as possible. Thus, your body will be better prepared for sleep, and it will be easier for you to fall asleep on an airplane than in the morning or afternoon.
Take a pillow with you
If you sleep better with a special pillow around your neck, which is sold in all souvenir shops of the airport, then use it. Even better if you buy an inflatable. It takes up a minimum of space, and you can inflate it before takeoff. Experts advise not to use it on the back of the head. If you are sitting in the center or near the aisle, place it under the chin so that your head does not fall. If the place is by the window, then it can be used as an ordinary pillow.
Set the correct temperature
Some aircraft are air-conditioned. Others seem to be completely devoid of ventilation and heat up very quickly. Technically, you can control the tiny air vent above your chair, but that doesn't help much. It is better to dress well and have your own blanket, because they are not often washed in airplanes.
Have a drink before the flight
Yes, we know that we should drink as much water as possible during the flight.This is great if you have a place at the aisle and you do not want to sleep, but if your goal is to take a nap, you may not want to drink water in the air. Instead, start drinking plenty of fluids a few days before the flight, and then refrain from it immediately before takeoff.
Eat Carbohydrate-Rich Foods
Food on the plane is another thing that depends on personal preference. Some find it easier to fall asleep when they are avoiding junk food, while others recommend choosing a carbohydrate-rich food that quickly releases sugar, causing a surge in insulin and then fast sleep.
Don't push yourself
Completely disconnecting during the flight would be great, but for many people this is unrealistic. Instead of forcing themselves to completely fall asleep, experts suggest just relaxing and closing your eyes without waiting for sleep. If you fall asleep, that's great. Otherwise, at least you will rest and not get the stress from unsuccessful attempts.