
The rich do not spend nonsense, and the poor are afraid of thoughts about the future: what is the difference in the thinking of the poor, rich and middle-class people

We always think what is the difference between a poor and a rich person. We are also trying to understand what distinguishes the middle class as well. In the article, we will try to establish this framework so that you can feel this difference in people's thinking.

Believe it or not, the thinking of each type of people is very important when it comes to choosing our future, while some think about spending, others think about making more money, while others think about saving.

What do the poor think about government?

The poor always wait for the government to improve their situation, so if they are poor, it’s the fault of the government, which steals a lot, spends a lot, gives nothing to people, when, firstly, it is they who must change and start doing something in the right way channel. The government works and does not wait for their decisions to be ridiculed or taken by the poor, as this can cause serious damage to the country's budget. No one is accountable to you for your misconduct and inability to change the current state of affairs.

Family in the understanding of the poor

The poor have the erroneous idea that family is the solution to their problems. I remember how mothers said that you need to have many children so that someone can take care of them when they get old. This idea is 100% wrong, because your children will also have children, and their care will be primarily directed only at them, and not at you.

Also, many mothers are looking for a “good” couple for their daughters, just noticing how much money the groom has. They believe that a man who is well-to-do is suitable for their daughter, but in reality such a situation is extremely rare. Only rich men cannot look at your daughter, so it makes no sense to deprive her of happiness because of her own meaningless beliefs.


The lottery is another misconception by the poor. They often say that they play the lottery with the idea of ​​winning it and no longer worry about their old age. You play because you like it, and not because you plan to solve financial problems in your life.

What does the middle class think of school?

I must make it clear that we do not agree with education at all, we think that education is the key to success. And there is some truth to this. But it is also important to understand that education is not your path to wealth and success.

School is very important for the middle class, they think that this will lead to their enrichment, and the bad thing is that the education system is not ready for the real world, you are only invited to study the profession and have a safe job. The further fate depends only on you, and not on the knowledge acquired at school.

For example, a school does not teach you financial education, it does not teach you to be an entrepreneur, to take into account or start what you really like, unfortunately. This is what you study for yourself, in order to begin to do their own thing.

"Safe" work

This is another thought that the middle class has that we should look for a safe job and be in it until we save ourselves from lack of money. For this reason, many members of the middle class simply work until the end of life, well, or until old age.

But this is a different mentality that does not keep up with the times, since everyone does not always think about it, and jobs are not always safe, especially in those times when almost any work can be moved to another area.

Save for the future

Despite the fact that saving is a very attractive undertaking, you do not need to think about it in the long run, since with 10 dollars you cannot buy the same thing now as you did 10 years ago. Inflation is growing much faster than our interest rates, which is why long-term maintenance will be a problem, not a solution.

What do the rich think?

The rich man has a different thought: to think like a rich man, we must clearly understand one thing: you need to have your own business.

This is the main difference between the thinking of the rich from the poor or from the middle class.

A rich person not only thinks about making money and saving it. The main thing that he does is invest his money in something that gives him more money, that is, in his own business and hired people who can develop his business.

This is the formula that the rich have, investing their profit in things that bring them more profit.

Remember that in times of crisis, the poor become poorer, the middle class is simply poor, and the rich are richer. This is because when things go well, the rich invest and don’t waste their money.

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