
Investigator Assistant: authority, requirements, legal status

For a long time, the Investigative Committee (IC RF), the most important law enforcement body, has been standing guard over the rights and freedoms of Russians. The aim of his work is the timely prevention of violations of the law, punishment of those responsible, protection of civil interests and much more. We can talk about law enforcement officers for a very long time. After all, the presented sphere is incredibly vast and complex. In our article, we will talk about a person who is just starting work in the RF IC. It's about the assistant investigator.

Investigative Committee: features of work

You should not think that the assistant investigator is a certain doctor Watson, who solves difficult tasks together with the famous tracker. To be honest, the intern almost does not play any role in the work of a specialist. This is not even the right, but the left hand of an SK employee. In most cases, the trainee draws up documentation, plays the role of a courier, and also performs various small assignments of his immediate supervisor. The rest of the time, the assistant investigator oversees the work of his supervisor.

If a person who has recently completed his studies really wants to devote his life to detective work, then his main duty in the first stages of his work will be constant and careful monitoring of the professional activities of his mentor.

The assistant tracker must have a law degree. In his work, he is guided by Articles 144-145 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which states that the trainee is not allowed to independently investigate serious criminal cases. In this case, the employee must comply with all legal instructions of his mentor.

Law on junior employees in the RF IC

In 2010, Federal Law No. 403-FZ was adopted, which regulates the work of the Investigative Committee. Article 16 of this Law specifies the requirements that must be imposed on citizens who wish to work in the RF IC.

The first and main requirement is the presence of Russian citizenship and a higher legal education. The legal program in which a citizen was trained should be accredited in a specialty close to an investigation. When hiring, the moral and professional qualities of the future employee, his mental and physical health are taken into account.investigator assistant

The law says that even a law student can become an assistant investigator. It is only important that he does not have arrears in studies, and that the period for receiving education is at least six months.

Paragraph 4 of Article 16 of the Law in question sets forth the signs in the presence of which a person cannot be hired by the Investigative Committee. Here it is worth noting the full or limited incapacity, criminal record, criminal prosecution, the presence of serious diseases, close relationship with an employee of the RF IC, the presence of citizenship other than Russian, as well as the refusal of the admission procedure. In the latter case, we are talking about the failure to submit relevant documents, according to which the Investigative Committee can hire.

Organization of professional activity

The IC of the Russian Federation works according to the order of May 4, 2011. It says that attracting young specialists to the position of public assistants is one of the forms of interaction between the law enforcement system and the general public. As a result of this interaction, the personnel policy is being qualitatively implemented.

Joint implementation of the functions of public assistants to the investigator with law enforcement agencies is useful for both sides of the interaction. Organizational and technical assistance is provided to professionals in the UK, as a result of which the entire law enforcement system begins to work faster and more efficiently. Separate public figures satisfy their needs in the formation of valuable work experience.

The question of how to become an assistant investigator is of particular relevance today. In fact, there is nothing complicated in applying for a job in the UK. Only one direction with characteristics from the university is enough.

Students or bachelors admitted to work on the committee can familiarize themselves with the working environment in the field of law enforcement in advance. In parallel with the study of theoretical material, professional skills are being developed. Young specialists have the opportunity to monitor the work of their mentors, execute small assignments, get acquainted with the database of legal documents, etc. Today, there are all the necessary conditions for the qualitative formation of initial skills in the field of investigation.

Assistant Investigator Tasks

The scope of powers and tasks of the trainee is determined by federal law. In this case, specific goals are assigned to the immediate supervisor of the assistant. According to the law, junior employees in the system of bodies in question are involved in providing informational, organizational and technical assistance to the investigator. Most of the work is related to the preparation of project documentation.public assistant investigator

The duties of an assistant investigator in the police, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation or the prosecutor's office include promptly informing their superiors about problems and unusual circumstances that arise during the course of work. In turn, the employees themselves must calmly and competently explain to the trainee all the problem points.

The assistant investigator is responsible for his actions. Depending on the damage caused, liability may be disciplinary, material, administrative or even criminal.

Responsibilities of the Assistant Investigator

The requirements for the work of trainees in the UK, the scope of the main tasks and powers - all this is indicated in the general provisions of the Federal Law. And what about the specific responsibilities of assistant investigators?

The law states that the most important duty of any trainee in the Investigative Committee is the quality execution of all legal requirements, orders and requests from superiors. Together with specialists in the field of search, assistants should check criminal case materials. Documents come from lower law enforcement agencies. The duties of employees of the UK include checking the materials for violations of the law. “Minor” cases, as a rule, are entrusted to the assistants of the investigators. They also carry out a certain set of measures, having the character of a pre-investigation check of applications received.investigator of the investigative committee

In accordance with the law, assistants to the investigator are required to implement search activities together with their superiors. The identity of the accused is studied, the reasons and conditions for breaking the law are established, a survey of witnesses is conducted, etc.

Another important responsibility of the assistant investigator is to maintain public relations. This function has a very extensive, and sometimes even blurry character. Trainees of the Investigative Committee can report criminal cases in labor collectives, educate the public about the inadmissibility of violating the law, acquaint fellow students with work in law enforcement agencies, etc.

The investigation assistant is strictly forbidden to divulge information received from the authorities in certain criminal cases. During the investigation, you cannot receive any material values, gifts, services, etc.Finally, the behavior of a junior employee in the RF IC must comply with the norms of morality, ethics and professional ethics.

Thus, the specialist in question has a fairly large number of responsibilities. However, many people have a problem: do the scope of powers of investigators vary depending on the place of work in the law enforcement system? This question is no longer relevant for all lawyers, including for assistant investigators.

The prosecutor’s office, the police department, various law enforcement committees, and, of course, the RF IC — until recently, all these bodies carried small commissions with detectives. So, the prosecutor’s investigator was significantly different from the same employee, but in the police department. A few years ago, such differentiation disappeared. From now on, all investigators are concentrated only in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

What does the assistant investigator do?

It has long been known that the law spells out many rules that are far from always respected in practice. In most cases, assistants to the investigator in law enforcement do not care. Younger employees are left with mountains of documents that need to be completed and delivered on time. And this is the big mistake of today's law enforcement. New specialists should not be ignored, while complaining about them as "extra ballast." The entire investigative system will be qualitatively transformed only if they begin to pay special attention to young employees.legal status

And yet, how are things today? What is most likely to be expected by law students who have expressed a desire to practice in the Investigative Committee? You can form a common, even slightly battered picture.

There is a provincial body of the RF IC, where many complaints and appeals are received every day. There are not many real investigators here, at best there are about ten. One of them has a new task: to check a legal entity for financial crimes. The indignant employee of the Investigative Committee, who already has many unfinished cases, recalls that he has a public assistant for the investigator. And here comes the long-awaited opportunity to get rid of at least part of the assigned duties. A busy investigator sends an assistant to understand, and he pays attention to more complex matters. And this is not the worst case. Often, junior employees do not understand what they should do, and therefore feel unnecessary.

Ineffective organization of work with junior employees is the result of heavy workload, excessive bureaucracy and little control by the authorities. One thing is good: getting an assistant investigator is not so difficult today. How exactly this can be done will be described later.

How to get an assistant investigator?

As a rule, students or citizens who have recently graduated from the law faculty go to the RF IC. If a person is still studying, then practice in the law enforcement system should be agreed with the faculty authorities. Most likely, an employment contract will be concluded. Work as an assistant in the UK will help not only gain valuable knowledge and skills, but also gain work experience. As a result, upon graduation, the legal status of an “assistant” may fall away, and the employee will become a full-fledged employee.how to become an assistant investigator

If a person has already completed his studies, then it will be possible to get a public assistant in the Investigative Committee. The difference between a simple employee and a public one lies only in the procedure for submitting certain documents. However, in all cases, representatives of the UK can arrange a small exam for a beginner. Knowledge will be tested in civil, constitutional, and, of course, in criminal law.

The Investigative Committee willingly accepts new cadres.This is, however, connected not with a passionate desire to organize high-quality work with young employees, but with the need to fill out a statement. When a rotation or a set of new personnel is indicated in the documents, the federal authorities remain satisfied. Of course, far from all bodies of the RF IC are all so indifferent to new personnel. However, there is a tendency that indicates weak ties between employees of the investigative committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and assistant investigators and interns.

Profession Features

Becoming an assistant investigator is not so difficult. Students or graduates who are ready to work with mountains of documents are unlikely to be superfluous. But is it so easy to become a detective? What qualities should a trainee in law enforcement agencies have in order to get the desired position?police investigator assistant

No matter how strange and pathos this may sound, a good investigator in the modern world should be almost a genius. Why so? Is knowledge in the field of jurisprudence alone not enough? Unfortunately not. You can remember all legal codes by heart, but without knowledge and logical skills, it will not work for a long time in the UK. Future employees are trained in a special investigation methodology. However, it is not enough to know all the methods of investigation by heart. It is much more important to apply them correctly, competently compare with each other and find problem areas in them.

Investigators are not allowed to make mistakes. Any mistake can turn into a complete failure and collapse of the whole thing. Not only will criminals remain at large, innocent people may suffer as well. That is why the detective must have iron calm, logical thinking and the ability to communicate with a variety of people.

Activity coordination

An intern in the IC of the Russian Federation should take into account that investigators constantly interact with many professional instances. These are the bodies of inquiry, forensic experts, medical and judicial expert groups, prosecutors, police and much more. Moreover, it is necessary to interview witnesses. This should be done in such a way as to get as much useful and necessary information as possible.

What conclusion should be made to the assistant investigator to acquire the desired legal status? Studying and practicing alone will not be enough. It is necessary to constantly improve, read professional literature, develop logical thinking and observe the work of specialists. Detective business can only be learned if there is a desire and motivation. Fortunately, to satisfy these feelings allow the extensive powers of the assistant investigator.

The importance of working in the Investigative Committee

Investigator is a very important profession. It is unlikely that anyone will deny this. However, not every citizen will be able to tell why this specialty is so important.

You can determine the value of a profession from two perspectives: from the perspective of society and from the perspective of the employee. For society, the UK is a body that constantly guards the rule of law and the law. UK employees protect the interests, rights and freedoms of every Russian citizen. It is thanks to the investigators that economic and criminal crimes are revealed, offenses are prevented, and freedom of elements dangerous to society is limited.assistant investigator

Now it’s worth paying attention to the advantages of the profession from the perspective of an investigator. The first advantage is prestige. Investigators are treated with great respect today. Probably there is not a single person who would not compare the SK employee with the hero of Conan Doyle's stories.

The second advantage is salary. Today it is much higher than that of any other workers. The investigators work hard and hard, and therefore receive a decent reward. Unfortunately, there is no need to talk about the salary of the assistant investigator.It all depends on who exactly works as a trainee - a public figure, a student, a law school graduate or any other person. A student is often not even paid, because this is about training practice. Those who graduate from a university receive a salary depending on the region, work schedule, staffing, etc. The average salary of an assistant investigator in Russia is quite small - about 20 thousand rubles.

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