The preparation of documents for citizens has always been a process that needs to be prepared to one degree or another. It is mandatory for the population to have certain papers. For example, SNILS. What kind of document is this? And how to arrange it? Is it really allowed in Russia to get SNILS at the MFC? Find answers to these questions and not only for us to come. The main thing is to remember that a person does not need to wait for any serious paperwork.
Registration in the center "My Documents" - true or false
Can I get SNILS at the MFC? Or will you have to contact other registration authorities?
Insurance certificates can be requested today through:
- FIU;
- multifunctional centers.
It follows that the task is quite real. But how to bring it to life? And what is an insurance certificate?
SNILS is ...
SNILS is a pension insurance certificate. This document indicates that a person is listed in the FIU of the Russian Federation as a registered person. The paper looks like a green card with white splashes.
Today, insurance certificates are required very often. Let's say when:
- employment;
- registration in the clinic;
- registration of a medical policy;
- sending a child to a kindergarten / school;
- requesting benefits and government assistance.
As already mentioned, the document under study is also necessary upon retirement. Who can get it? And how to do it?
Recipient Categories
Every resident of Russia is able to get SNILS at the MFC. Today the mentioned documentation is issued:
- Russian citizens;
- to foreigners.
In this case, it is customary to distinguish the following categories of recipients:
- newborns;
- minor children;
- adult citizens.
In each case, it is required to prepare different packages of documents. In fact, everything is not so difficult. The main thing is to prepare for the procedure in advance.
How much can you get SNILS at the MFC? Is there a state duty for the production of the corresponding "green card"?
Not. Registration of an insurance certificate and its replacement are free operations. They do not require money for them under any circumstances. Therefore, it should be remembered that there is no need to pay for the service. This kind of claim is illegal.
Terms of issue
Obtaining SNILS through the MFC in Moscow or in any other region of Russia is proposed quite quickly. How long do you have to wait until the documentation is ready?
According to the current rules - 15-20 days. In general, the service of issuing insurance certificates is provided within one month. More accurate information will have to be specified in a specific multifunctional center. The answer depends on the load on the registering authority.
How to get SNILS at the MFC? You will have to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions. He does not raise any questions.
The instruction for ordering a green card looks like this:
- Form a package of papers requested by government agencies.
- Fill out an application for an insurance certificate.
- Contact the MFC at the place of registration. You can submit a request to any multifunctional center, but with actions at the place of residence, the service will be rendered much faster.
- To get ready SNILS on hand at the appointed time.
Important: to simplify the task, you can pre-register with the registration authority. For example, via the Internet or by phone. This technique will save a lot of time. After all, with its help you don’t have to sit in a “live queue”.
Baby Documentation
Now we will find out which papers will help SNILS to receive at the MFC. Let's start with the newborns. Recently in Russia even this category of citizens should have insurance certificates.
The applicants are required to:
- passport of one of the parents;
- baby's birth certificate;
- application (filled out by the parent of the newborn);
- certificate of registration of the child.
It'll be enough. If you present the appropriate package of documents, a person will be able to quickly issue a "green card". Similar certificates are required for minors under 14 years of age.
Package of documents for persons after 14
If we are talking about a child who is already 14 years old, you will have to face another package of documents. Citizens at this age can independently apply to the registration authorities for some services. And registration of an insurance certificate is no exception.
How to get SNILS for a child through the MFC under similar circumstances? From the child will be required:
- passport;
- statement on your behalf.
Nothing more is required. As practice shows, if the child has a temporary registration, you will additionally have to attach the appropriate certificate.
Adult citizens of the Russian Federation
It is not difficult to get SNILS through the MFC in real life. Especially if you follow the instructions provided.
What do I need to bring with me an adult citizen of the Russian Federation to submit a request? The package of documents will include what children bring after 14 years.
Foreigners and green cards
And what should a foreign citizen do? This category of citizens may also request an insurance certificate. The main thing is to remember how to behave.
At the moment, a foreigner will need the same package of papers as local residents, depending on the situation, to request SNILS. Additionally, you have to attach:
- migration card;
- RVP or residence permit;
- translation of the passport into Russian;
- insert with citizenship of the child.
As in all of the above cases, the studied service is offered to foreigners free of charge. Nobody has the right to demand money for a green card or its replacement.
Reasons to replace
In some cases, the studied paper needs to be exchanged. And it is also possible to get SNILS at the MFC in Moscow (and not only) under similar circumstances.
The following circumstances serve as a reason for re-applying to the registration authority for a “green card” in Russia:
- change of surname / patronymic / name;
- divorce / marriage;
- damage to the document;
- typos in the certificate;
- loss of SNILS or theft of evidence.
The studied documentation does not have a specific validity period. Therefore, sometimes people make an insurance certificate only once in a lifetime. This practice does occur, though not too often.
Replacement Documents
To renew the insurance certificate, you need to create a new package of securities. It includes all the references listed above.
Additionally, you must bring with you to the registration authority:
- old SNILS (if available);
- certificate of marriage / divorce;
- court decision on the change of personal data;
- certificate from the registry office.
Perhaps this is all. As practice shows, there are no problems with replacing insurance certificates. Minimum paperwork greatly simplifies the studied procedure.
After readiness
To get SNILS at the MFC, a citizen will have to adhere to all the principles listed above. And what to do after the request of the established sample is submitted to the registration authority?
Now it remains only to wait. As soon as the person’s insurance card is ready, the recipient will be notified of this event. For example, by sending SMS. What's next?
This behavior is suggested:
- Bring ID with you.
- Appear at the MFC where the request was submitted.
- Pick up the finished card by presenting an identity card.
If we are talking about minors, then SNILS for a child under 14 years old is taken away by parents. Otherwise, the applicant acts independently.
Instant design - a fairy tale or reality
Is it possible to get SNILS in the MFC instantly? For example, for a newborn?
If you contact the FIU directly, such an opportunity exists. But when you visit services like "My Documents", a person will have to wait.
The thing is that the MFC does not replace the main state bodies. This is just an intermediary to which the population addresses. And instantly release SNILS or any other document in "My Documents" does not work. MFCs are not involved in the respective tasks.
We found out how to apply for an insurance certificate for a child or adult. This is actually not so difficult to do.
MFCs offer to cope with the task without much work and queues. Nevertheless, for urgent paperwork, it is better to contact the Pension Funds directly. More instant production of SNILS is not carried out anywhere.
Green cards cannot be ordered online. Every modern citizen should remember this. Replacing the appropriate paper through Internet portals is also impossible.
From now on, everyone will be able to get SNILS in the MFC or in the FIU. This is a fairly simple task that takes a minimum of time and effort.