
Calculation of seniority according to the labor book

Any official labor activity of each citizen is recorded in the work book. This document helps not only to keep track of worked years, but also to perform the correct calculation of seniority. Let us consider in more detail what are the features of counting experience.

Basic concepts

Before counting the length of service, it is necessary to understand what it consists of.

Seniority - the time when a citizen was engaged in one or another type of activity. This includes, in addition to labor, training, maternity leave, etc.

Seniority - the period when the employer (or the citizen himself) deducted contributions to the pension fund for his employee (or for himself).

calculation of seniority

And if previously pension savings depended solely on seniority, now insurance contributions play the main role in the calculation. That is, at first insurance experience is considered, and then labor is calculated, where the coefficients are calculated.

Why count

The question may arise, why to calculate the length of service for a pension. Just to ensure that the pension has been correctly accrued. There are people who work all their lives in one organization, and there are those who change companies for various reasons. And labor activity is always accompanied by either insurance accruals or pension payments upon retirement.

The experience is necessary so that insurers or employees of the pension fund can rely on any base for calculating payments. And where to get this experience? Of course, in the form of labor.

calculation of seniority for sick leave

Many citizens may be alarmed by fears that due to periods when labor has not been conducted, pension accruals may be less. But here, the Federal Law No. 400 of 12/28/2013, on which the cases included in the length of service are registered, takes the side of the working population.


The main tool for calculating the length of service is the work book. According to Russian laws, seniority is divided into labor and insurance.

The seniority includes the entire period when a citizen worked and this period is indicated on the employment form. And also to such experience include:

  • study period in universities;
  • military service;
  • maternity leave;
  • child care up to 1.5 years;
  • civil service;
  • imprisonment in prisons;
  • the time when a citizen was registered with the employment service;
  • participation in public and political life.

The insurance experience, as already mentioned, consists of those periods when the employer deducted mandatory contributions for the employee. The time that is included in the length of service also applies to the length of service.

The calculation of insurance, seniority is carried out by summing these two types.

The procedure for calculating the insurance period

Documents that can confirm certain periods of work included in the length of service can be provided either to the employer or to the Social Insurance Fund. If a citizen can not provide a work book or if there is incorrect information in it, you can confirm the period of work by the following documents:

  • written labor agreements that were executed in accordance with the law;
  • certificates issued by the organization or government agencies;
  • extracts from orders;
  • personal account;
  • payroll statements.

calculation of seniority for retirement

A document issued to confirm work experience must contain the following information:

  1. Room.
  2. Date of issue.
  3. Details of the employee.
  4. Place of work.
  5. The period of employment.
  6. Employee profession.
  7. The basis for the issuance of the document.

If there is a coincidence in time of several periods, then, applying the rules for calculating seniority and insurance, respectively, only one period is taken into account. You can select the period to be considered by writing a statement. It should be remembered that the calculation is based on such rules: a full year is 12 months, a full month is 30 days. If the document indicates only the year of the period, then the start date is 01.07 of the specified year; if the day of the month is not indicated, then the 15th day of the specific month is taken.

The algorithm for calculating the length of service

What is the calculation of the insurance period? Just the size of some benefits will depend on the duration of this experience.

The calculation of seniority for sick leave (and, as mentioned above, the seniority is included in the labor) is necessary for several purposes:

  1. According to the length of service, the size of benefits will be determined as a percentage of the average salary.
  2. The maximum amount of benefits that will be paid for a full month depends on the length of service.

The entire procedure for calculating the insured person is presented in Article 16 of the Federal Law No. 255 of December 29, 06.

work record program

There is a special program for calculating seniority (including insurance), and you can do this manually. True, it will take a lot of time. When calculating the length of employment records in the labor should be made taking into account the legislative norms in force at the time of their entry into the document.

The general algorithm for calculating seniority is as follows:

  1. Determination of the periods that are included in the length of service (that is, the identification of the beginning and end of each period of work included in the length of service).
  2. Determination in calendar days of the duration of each period.
  3. Counting the total length of service in days.
  4. Allocation of full months.
  5. Allocation of full years.
  6. Determination of length of service in years, months and days.

IP work

The form of the work book confirms the fact of the order of the citizen to work. Whoever has the document can easily calculate the length of service and calculate the number of years worked.

 work record program

And what about those citizens who are privately owned and do not have a work book? This does not mean that individual entrepreneurs will not receive a pension, and they do not have work experience. A citizen who is an individual entrepreneur must take documents that confirm the conduct of such activities, as well as make insurance contributions.

Special length of service

Under the special work experience in the legislation of the Russian Federation is understood the total duration of labor in some types of national economy, in certain professions and positions, as well as in some types of social activities.

calculation of insurance seniority

The following persons fall under special experience:

  • having a disability of the first or second group during the performance of labor duties;
  • workers in hazardous production: hot shop, mine, tower, etc .;
  • eligible for length of service.

The listed categories of citizens are entitled to early retirement. The calculation of seniority in this case will be carried out as usual, and the amount of pension contributions will depend on the continuity of the labor activity itself. That is, having a special work experience, you can increase the standard pension accruals.

How to count? Example

In order to calculate the length of employment, you can choose any convenient method:

  • apply to the pension fund when it is time to apply for a pension;
  • count yourself;
  • choose an online calculator (this is a special program for calculating length of service by a work book, accessible to all Internet users).

But the simplest thing that any citizen can do is work calmly and wait for retirement age. And there already experienced employees of the pension fund will calculate everything and make the appropriate accruals.

If, nevertheless, there is a desire to calculate the experience, then you can take advantage of a simple technique of accounting or personnel department employees.To calculate the experience, it is necessary to subtract from the sum of the periods of the end of each period the sum of the periods of the beginning of work at each place. The result obtained is the length of service.

rules for calculating seniority

Consider an example. A citizen worked in one place from 02/02/1998 until 10/11/2003. In the next place, he worked from 12/01/2004 to 12/16/2007, in the last place he worked, from 02/01/2008 to 10/25/2008. 2016 year

Apply the accountant method. First you need to add the dates of the beginning of labor activity of each period: 02.02.1998 + 12.01.2004 + 01.02.2008 = 05.15.6010. Next, we add the dates of the end of the labor activity of each period: November 10, 2003 + December 16, 2007 + October 25, 2016 = 51.33.6026. Now, from the result obtained during the periods of dismissal, we subtract the result of the periods at the beginning of labor activity: 51.33.6026 - 05.15.6010 = 36.28.16. Consequently, the citizen worked for 16 years, 28 months and 36 days. But here it should be remembered that a year is 12 months, and a month is 30 days. This means that a citizen has a total work experience of 18 years, 5 months and 6 days.

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