Many older people are worried about the question of why the pension is delayed, because for them it is the only source of funding. They use it to pay off debts on loans, pay utility bills, buy food, medicine, and essentials. Even a slight delay in payments can create a huge number of problems and troubles for pensioners. Let us find out the main reasons why such situations arise.
Causes of the problem
Why is retirement delayed in the Russian Federation? To begin with, there is not a single resident in our country who would be insured against such a situation. Is it possible to deal with this problem? All recipients of payments are concerned about the question of why they are delaying the pension, where and how to handle complaints.
There are several reasons for this problem:
- Lack of pension transfers due to insufficient funds. This situation happens quite rarely these days. Only in some regions are pensioners occasionally confronted with it. The state ensures that funds arrive on time to the accounts of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
- Trying to understand why the pension is delayed, we note the failure to fully (due to the heavy workload) by the social services of their responsibilities for timely submission of a payment schedule to specific banking institutions. Financial institutions are forced to transfer money to payees with some delay.
- There are problems with the transfer to banking institutions of funds from the accounts of the pension fund. Such a transaction is sometimes delayed, as a result of which the bank does not have the opportunity to distribute money on customer accounts in a timely manner.
In the situations considered, the delay in payments reaches 1-2 days.
What is important to know?
We can also note the occurrence of delays in the payment of pensions due to the fault of the recipient, who did not submit the required documents to the Pension Fund in time, and issued papers with violations. A similar situation is mainly faced by those who will receive payment for the first time. Why is the first pension delayed?
If the documents were submitted on time, but no payments are received, most likely some information was not submitted in full. This point needs to be clarified in the Pension Fund. Once the error has been corrected, one can count on the timely receipt of the due social benefits from the state.
Where to go?
Many beneficiaries are worried about why they are delaying their pension on a Sberbank card. Among the reasons may be an inaccuracy made during the activation of a bank card, which should receive funds. If finances do not come to a new card or come with a big delay, it is important to contact both a banking institution and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
You can file an appeal no earlier than 5-7 days after the delay. Due to the numerous technical issues, the poorly coordinated work of social services and financial organizations, delaying the terms of pension payments by 2-4 days is considered normal.
What to do
Having found out why Sberbank is delaying the pension, now we’ll try to understand in what order to solve the problem. We offer the simplest algorithm, compliance with which will solve the problem:
first you need to get confirmation that there has been a delay in the military or regular pension (this will require an extract from the bank about transactions that took place over a certain period);
then you need to take a certificate from a banking institution stating that there was no pension;
with the received documents you must contact the Pension Fund.
Employees of the institution should listen carefully, provide account statements and explain why Sberbank delays the payment of pensions. If the problem is paperwork, the fund employees must make certain corrections, and then transfer the funds to the card of Sberbank or another financial institution with which the Pension Fund has an agreement.
Features of delayed payments
Why do they delay the pension on the card? There may be several reasons at present. Among the "standard" situations that periodically "appear", they highlight the lack of the necessary amount of material resources in the Pension Fund, technical problems in the bank, and errors in the documentation. It is also possible to postpone the timing of payments in those situations when the dates fall on holidays or weekends.
How is payment transfer carried out?
What points should you pay special attention to? Arguing over why a military pension or old-age payments are delayed, we note that there are some nuances that are important to know and consider:
It is not the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation that accrues the pension, but the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It is open Monday through Friday, and Saturday and Sunday are public holidays. They turn into workers only in those rare cases when the official transfer of holidays to the Russian Federation was made.
A certain rule applies in the Pension Fund: a pension that falls on a Saturday day is accrued a day earlier, that is, it is received on recipient cards on Friday, and payments from Sunday are transferred to Monday of the following week.
The Savings Bank of the Russian Federation manages the information on pensions, which arrives on Friday, to process in full only if it was with them before 15:00. If the Pension Fund provided information later than this time, payments to pensioners will be made only the next day, that is, on Saturday.
The date on which the pension payment is made by Sberbank directly depends on the Pension Fund of Russia. The bank itself carries out only an intermediary function between the recipient and the state. As modern information technologies are used in banking institutions, the processing of information transmitted to a financial organization is carried out within 24 hours. In this case, why is the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or another organization delayed? How to behave in such situations?
Expert Advice
The first thing to start with a long delay in payments is to contact the Pension Fund branch or the bank for clarification. Employees must explain why they are delaying a retirement supplement or the whole benefit. It is highly likely that after a few days the funds will be transferred. If the delay is not eliminated, you can write complaints to higher authorities. The term for their consideration does not exceed 30 days from the date of the pensioner's appeal.
Sample complaint
Compose it, like any claim, in any form. In our country there is no single sample, as well as clear requirements for the complaint. Nevertheless, it is important when writing a claim to take into account the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for considering citizens’ appeals ”. The following information must be indicated in a written request:
the body into which it is composed;
personal data (F. I. O., contact telephone number, address);
state a claim (describe the situation);
requirements, citing legislation in force in the Russian Federation;
date of compilation and signature.
If you have any difficulties in the process of drawing up a complaint, you can always get advice from a lawyer.
Appeal to the judiciary
In those situations where it was not possible to obtain the desired result in pre-trial procedure, then we can proceed to draw up a statement of claim at the location of the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. To properly draw up a statement of claim, it is better to seek the help of a professional lawyer. In addition to the claim drawn up in the spirit of the copies, you will need a receipt on payment of state duty, as well as documents that confirm the plaintiff’s words about the absence of pension payments (delays in transferring funds).
To summarize
Pensions are currently paid in two ways: through the post office of the Russian Federation, to a bank card. In the first case, the pensioner himself comes to the post office for money or waits for the postman's house. The second option is preferred by those pensioners who do not have free time to visit the post office or wait for the postman.
If funds are delayed by Russian post, violation of the terms of payments for technical reasons may be considered as the reasons. In this case, you should immediately contact the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Its representatives are obliged to clarify the situation, explain to the pensioner its reasons.
Technical disruptions are the most common reason for delayed retirement benefits. Most often this is observed in the first and last months of the year, as well as during other banking procedures at the same time. If at the same time indexation of payments is supposed, it can also cause a slight delay. Most often in such cases, the main part of the pension is transferred first, and then additional payments are additionally transferred. In exceptional cases, pensioners themselves confuse the timing of payments, believing that the pension is delayed. In such situations, the task of the Pension Fund staff is to explain to them the terms of payments, printout of information about the amount of the pension.