The draft law, which was adopted in first reading in December 2015, suggested that lonely elderly people over eighty should not pay for overhaul. However, by the second reading, the bill was significantly transformed - the conversation was already about refunding pensioners, such subsidies or compensation. Is the law relevant now? Do pensioners pay for overhaul? Let's figure it out together.
Overhaul Contributions
In accordance with the rules established by the RF LC, overhaul payment is made through monthly payments to the fund on behalf of each homeowner. These payments are saved in a special account, accumulated to a certain amount and are spent only for a reasoned purpose in accordance with the program. Payments are not made if:
- the house cannot be repaired or there is no objective need for repairs (for example, this is a new building);
- housing in the established manner recognized as emergency;
- the house will be demolished (there is already a decision of the municipal authorities);
- a decision was made to withdraw a certain residential building from use by residents and transfer it to the possession of city authorities.
It has been established that the housing authorities are specifically considering the authorities of the subject, since only general principles of preferential policy have been developed at the national level.
The usual calculation allows you to determine the approximate amount payable for overhaul, an average of 400 to 3000 rubles (depending on the area of the home). But are there any benefits? Do retirees have to pay for overhaul? Indeed, in this regard, additional housing costs for certain categories of people have become important, and in some cases very burdensome.
Do pensioners have to pay for home repairs?
As already noted, in December 2015, the law on the abolition of payments for overhaul for the elderly was introduced. In the first reading, it was successfully adopted by parliamentarians of all factions: then the talk was about the release of people over eighty years old, whose apartment corresponds to social standards. To exercise the right to a benefit, a pensioner must live alone or do not work together with a spouse.
Already in the second reading, they put forward a proposal for compensation of expenses to persons older than seventy years and a half, and for pensioners over eighty they offered full compensation. The plan also revised the attitude towards people with disabilities, families with a disabled child. It was decided that this category of citizens for the overhaul of the house will return the amount to the bank account in the amount of 50% of the payment.
So, do pensioners need to pay for overhaul? This will be discussed further.
According to the law on benefits, a pensioner has the right to receive compensation for the payment of major repairs of the house in the event that he has no debts. Otherwise, payment will be made after payment of the full amount due.
Legislative changes
Since July, a fresh column has been added to payment papers for housing. Now, any apartment owner is required to pay certain amounts for major repairs of the house. Pensioners must pay for overhaul, but at a discount.
The biggest public response of the new column in the payment system caused in the capital. Citizens of Moscow now pay 15 rubles each. per square meter of housing as a contribution for major repairs. In the Internet voting, the collection of signatures was signed under a petition to Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev.Soon, the number of categories of apartment owners was increased, which will receive subsidies and compensation for the payment of major repairs.
To whom will the money be returned?
As a rule, payments are not due to all pensioners who have reached the age of eighty, but only to those that fall under the relevant clauses of the article relating to the type of housing, employment, and so on.
According to the second article of the RF LC, the decision to provide compensation is made at the level of the regional authorities. The amount for providing these payments is already in the budget of this region.
What pensioners do not pay for overhaul?
Only pensioners falling under the characteristics of the article have the right not to pay repair fees. Consider these benefits in more detail:
- Benefits for overhaul of a home are provided in the amount of 50% to persons over seventy years of age, and persons over 80 are entitled to a full refund of payments. Benefits will be provided if pensioners do not work, are owners, live alone, regularly pay utilities, and their living quarters comply with all standards. The amount of benefits is calculated individually, based on the number of square meters of living space.
- As such, there is no possibility for pensioners not to pay for overhaul, because instead of canceling payment, the law began to provide for the return of the amount of fees.
According to the Committee on Housing and Communal Services, about 2.9 million people in the state are orphaned elderly people of those ages who are entitled to compensation.
To receive a specific and detailed notice, you need to contact the social protection departments. When confirming that the indicated benefits for the elderly are valid in the pensioner's region of residence, you will need to write an appeal for the provision of benefits.
Overhaul application
Pensioners do not pay for overhaul if they apply for a benefit - the address principle does not work here yet.
In order to start receiving payment, you need to submit an application of the appropriate form to the territorial social security. This can be done in person, through a third party or through the "State Services" portal. In the event that documents are submitted by a third party, a power of attorney from the pensioner will also be required.
How is the privilege issued?
Elderly people who see that the full payment is also indicated in the overhaul payment should not feel cheated - the subsidy may be charged in the form of a return payment. So, to argue that pensioners do not pay for overhaul is wrong. Older people pay, but then receive compensation.
The whole procedure for obtaining capital repair benefits for older people is as follows:
- You must make sure that the house really is registered in the state program. This can be done in the construction department or HOA.
- Pay all available debts. By law, if a pensioner has any debts, then he has no opportunity to apply for benefits.
- Pay the initial receipt. Typically, such a receipt arrives approximately six months after the state program for the apartment building has been approved.
- Prepare receipts and a package of necessary documents confirming the privilege. Next, address the collected package of documents to the IFC or another company involved in the preparation of municipal documents.
- The application takes about 7 days, after which a refund is made.
What documents are needed?
A considerable amount of documentation and references will be required. And the question is, in this matter, we are talking about elderly people who very often are not able to withstand long lines waiting for a long-awaited help. State authorities believed that to receive new benefits it would be sufficient to provide a couple of papers, since compensation does not depend on the level of wages, and the data on lonely people are in the EIRC. Information on elderly people already retired and their age is in the Pension Fund of Russia.However, in practice, a person who wants to receive appropriate benefits must provide a large number of securities that are required by the social protection authority.
The list of necessary documents that must be submitted to the social protection authority includes:
- statement;
- passport;
- income statement;
- receipt for payment of major repairs at home;
- certificates confirming payment of utilities for the last month;
- a certificate from the housing and communal services confirming the absence of arrears in payment of the "communal";
- document confirming the right of the owner;
- personal bank account number;
- house book;
- pensioner's ID.
Alternative to apply to the MFC ("My Documents")
Many pensioners cannot personally apply for benefits for overhaul due to health reasons. In such situations, it is possible to contact the My Documents centers (former MFCs) of third parties who are authorized to represent the interests of a pensioner. The subsidy can be provided in the form of a refund to a personal bank (pension) account of a part of the amount or in the form of a subsidy.
What sanctions will result from non-payment of a major overhaul?
Almost all citizens of the Russian Federation expected that the fees for the elderly would still completely cancel or substantially reform the idea and implementation of the overhaul, which causes so much discontent. But, apart from the introduction of additional subsidies for individuals, in fact, nothing has changed since 2015.
Older people continue to appeal to the authorities to completely exempt them from such payments, but these people do not have the right to such decisions. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether older people should make payments for major repairs at home, no matter how annoying it may sound, is unequivocal. Yes, pensioners are required to pay major repairs, like other residents.
Refusal to pay contributions on an unauthorized basis will cause interest accrual, and the regional operator has the right to apply to the court with a claim to recover the total amount of interest, debt and legal expenses.
To date, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not take into account exemption from contributions. Do people pay retirement age for overhaul? Will pensioners have to pay for major repairs of apartment buildings? So far, the answers are not clear, and we are talking only about compensation for expenses incurred by the owner.