Most often summer residents and farmers use cow dung to fertilize agricultural and vegetable crops. Its undoubted advantages include low cost and a high content of nutrients. However, other types of manure are often used as top dressing - chicken, pork, horse, sheep.
Fresh manure for fertilizing plants, as you know, is not used. The fact is that in such a mass special biological and chemical processes occur, accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat. That is, plants fertilized with fresh manure can simply get burns. Before entering into the beds, this type of top dressing must be processed in a special way. Manure can be processed into fertilizer using different technologies.
Most often, manure, both cow, horse, bird, sheep or pig, is processed in this way. The popularity of composting is due primarily to the fact that this technology is, firstly, simple, and secondly - cheap. This methodology for processing manure includes several main stages:
animal waste products are stacked in piles 2-4 meters high;
To improve the quality of future fertilizer, shavings, sawdust, straw, etc. are added to the mass during storage.
According to the characteristics, different types of manure are quite different. The amount of additives, therefore, depends on the composition of a particular mass. So, for example, cow manure contains a lot of nutrients, but at the same time, unlike horse manure, it is characterized by increased density. Therefore, when composting it is recommended to use more "baking powder".
Pork manure processing composting is also often done using a large amount of sawdust or peat. The fact is that such a fresh mass contains a lot of water.
No special equipment for manure processing when using such technology is not applied (besides shovels or loaders). In this case, all the main “work” is performed by special microorganisms that settle in the mass naturally. When decomposing, manure of any variety warms up to about 60 ° C. As a result, in addition to everything else, all pathogenic bacteria, viruses and parasites die in it.
Getting granules
Cows, goats and sheep usually “produce” quite a large amount of manure. Therefore, composting fertilizer in this case is quite convenient. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about bird droppings. In addition, in terms of the content of various kinds of microelements, this type of cow, pork, and even horse manure is significantly superior. Therefore, for composting bird droppings, it is often not composting that is used, but other industrial methods.
The most common technology in this case is granulation. This method of processing bird droppings consists in the following:
litter is dried up to 10-12% humidity;
the mass is carefully crushed;
granulation of manure is carried out.
The benefits of granules
Fertilizer produced in this form is popular among summer residents and farmers primarily because:
guaranteed does not contain harmful microorganisms;
contains the optimal amount of minerals;
convenient for applying to the soil by agricultural machinery;
has a long shelf life.
What equipment is used in the production of granules
Processing oncart at the first stage of such production is carried out in special drying aerodynamic machines. Such equipment is quite expensive, but it is characterized by a low degree of energy consumption.
Preparation of dried manure mass for granulation is carried out in special grinding machines. Such equipment can be configured to produce particles of different sizes. At the final stage of this technology for processing manure, the crushed mass enters the granulator.
Bacteria use
By this method, it is possible to obtain very effective and useful biological compounds for plants that contain, in addition to nutrients, enzymes.
Is produced processing manure such technology is usually directly on the farms. Moreover, it can be used both in those farms that use hydro-washing of animal waste, and the storage of mass in burts.
In the first case, they are usually used bacteria for manure processingcontributing to the preservation of nitrogen in the mass. When composting in piles, microorganisms are mainly used that contribute to the decomposition of cellulose and lignin.
Biological products
To obtain high-quality fertilizer using this technique, different bacteriological agents can be used. For example, for the processing of manure, the preparation "Water Heater" is often used. One dose of this product is enough for use within 25 days. Before use, "Water Heater" is diluted with water in a proportion of 100 g per 5 liters. After that, it is infused for 20 minutes. At 50 m3 meters of manure is usually used about 1 kg of dry means "Water".
Can be used bacteria for processing pig manureequine, sheep, horse. A similar technology is used to obtain high-quality fertilizers from bird droppings.
This method of processing manure is also often used on farms. In this case, the mass is also composted, but not with bacteria, but with earthworms. This technique allows you to ultimately get a fertilizer containing a large number of not only useful macronutrients, but also microorganisms.
Worms for processing manure bred specially. In addition to rain, simple manure can be used in this case to obtain high-quality fertilizer.
The advantage of this technique is, first of all, that with its use it is possible to obtain organic fertilizer that is maximally cleared of pathogenic microorganisms and weed seeds. Dung can be dried only at the factory using special equipment. At home, this method of processing is not recommended. The fact is that with simple drying in the open air a large amount of substances useful for plants “volatilizes” from the dung mass. In particular, the nitrogen content is significantly reduced in the fertilizer.
What equipment is used in enterprises
Is produced processing manure Pabout such technology in the shops most often with the use of:
centrifuges and filtrators for the extraction of the initial mass;
drying in special chambers equipped with heat sources.
Recently, another technology has been used to process manure in this way - vacuum. In this case, the following equipment is used:
scraper conveyor for mass supply;
vacuum reactor.
The latter type of equipment allows you to get a mass containing the maximum amount of nutrients and nutrients useful for plants. Manure is processed in vacuum reactors at temperatures below 100 ° C and at low pressure.
At the final stage, when using this technology, manure enters the continuous mixer. Here, as necessary, other useful substances are added to it - ash, biological products.Sometimes a vacuum complex for drying manure can be supplemented with a granulator or pellet plant. In the latter case, the final product is not used as fertilizer, but as fuel for boilers.
Manure, litter processing: biogas production
Most often, fresh manure is used to obtain fertilizers or pellets. But such a mass can serve as sources and gaseous fuels. The latter can be used, for example, to generate thermal and electrical energy.
Biogas is a special combustible mixture consisting mainly of methane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, ammonia. Most often, cow dung, pork and bird droppings are processed in this way.
How to get biogas
Is produced manure processing according to this technology using special stations, the design of which may be different. Most often, biogas is produced in plants consisting of:
reception and preparatory systems;
mass transportation systems within the installation;
a bioreactor equipped with a stirrer;
reactor heating systems;
gas removal and purification systems;
storage tanks for storing gas and fermented mass;
automation and control systems.
Using fresh manure
All the processing methods discussed above involve the use of expensive equipment or time-consuming. Therefore, sometimes summer residents and farmers use fresh manure to fertilize plants. In this case, the most simple technology is used for its processing - infusion and dilution with water. To obtain high-quality fertilizer using this technology, only containers of a sufficiently large volume are needed. They are pre-washed with water, and then:
a quarter filled with manure;
add warm water to the top of the tank.
Infusion is carried out for about 2 weeks. In this case, the composition is daily mixed with sticks or a shovel.
Cattle manure is usually processed in a similar manner. or chicken. The resulting mass can be used. not only as plant nutrition. Often her apply as well as biofuels for heating greenhouses and hotbeds. In this case, both cow or chicken, and mutton manure can be used as the source. The use of the latter is considered even more preferable. The fact is that sheep manure can warm up to a temperature of 70 ° C. Chicken and cow, when overheated, “gain” no more than 60 ° C.