Today we will talk about the main tasks of the Ministry of Emergencies. Before this, we introduce the decoding of the abbreviation. So, the EMERCOM of Russia is a federal executive body. The Ministry of the Russian Federation, dealing with civil defense, emergency situations and the elimination of the consequences of various natural disasters.
This body (EMERCOM of the Russian Federation) carries out many important functions, for example, the development and implementation of state policy, legal regulation, supervision and control, which relates to the protection of the population from various types of emergencies:
- natural;
- technogenic.
The remainder of this article will use the term “emergency”, implying both. In addition, the tasks of the EMERCOM of Russia include:
- ensuring fire safety;
- protection of the population at water bodies.
Russian Emergency Situations Ministry
So, the Ministry of Emergencies performs several functions related to the field of civil defense, protecting people and territories from emergency situations, namely:
- control;
- coordination;
- control;
- response
- ensuring fire safety;
- ensuring safety at water bodies.
The tasks of the Ministry of Emergencies are numerous, the body carries out its activities through:
- territorial bodies;
- State Fire Service;
- specially trained troops for civil defense;
- State Inspectorate for Small Vessels;
- educated rescue organizations;
- search and rescue units;
- educational institutions;
- research organizations;
- medical, health resort facilities and others.
So, now we will examine in more detail the following question: what tasks does the Russian Emergencies Ministry solve? The main ones include:
- development and implementation of state civil defense policy;
- organization, preparation and approval of legal acts related to civil defense;
- civil defense management and oversight of the actions of executive bodies;
- normative regulation necessary to prevent, forecast and mitigate the consequences of emergencies;
- organization and conduct of civil defense;
- emergency response in case of emergency;
- protection against emergencies and fires of both people and territories;
- humanitarian response both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.
You in the previous section found out what main tasks the EMERCOM of Russia solves, now we turn to the main functions of this body.
So, here we can distinguish:
- development and submission to the President of the Russian Federation of draft regulatory legal acts relating to the competence of this body;
- provision of a draft civil defense plan;
- providing an annual report on the state of protection against emergencies of various nature;
- development and approval of regulatory legal acts (regulatory legal acts) on the Ministry of Emergencies;
- approval of NAPs related to emergency monitoring and forecasting;
- development of methods for assessing damage from emergencies;
- organization of work related to emergency prevention and response;
- planning actions to accomplish tasks;
- training troops for the defense of the Russian Federation;
- transfer of information to the public about emergencies or possible emergencies;
- informing the public about emergency protection methods;
- overseeing the implementation of civil defense requirements;
- coordination and management of the actions of all types of fire protection;
- emergency prevention and response in inland waters and the territorial sea of the Russian Federation.
After considering the tasks of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the powers of this body. This is what we will do now. So, the powers of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation include:
- publishing of various legal acts related to civil defense issues;
- monitoring the implementation of the adopted normative acts;
- creation, reorganization and liquidation of institutions under the authority of this body;
- creation of interdepartmental, coordination and advisory bodies (commissions or groups), in addition, it is possible to create other bodies - scientific, scientific, technical, methodological, which are necessary during the discussion of urgent issues related to the activities of the Ministry of Emergencies;
- conducting inspections that show the readiness of the federal authorities to carry out activities related to civil defense;
- verification of the readiness of the authorities for the implementation of civil defense measures;
- the ability to communicate with aircraft and ships, specialized vehicles through special equipment;
- carrying out activities outside the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure;
- supervising compliance with requirements in the manner prescribed by law;
- conducting inspections, as a result of which it becomes clear how the federal targeted programs are implemented in the prescribed manner;
- the implementation of the functions of managing state property in the prescribed manner;
- EMERCOM of Russia is the main manager of the entire federal budget;
- request and receipt of necessary materials and information that are within the competence of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation, assistance is provided by various bodies: the executive branch, local self-government and other organizations;
- conclusion of agreements with organizations (we are talking about international and non-governmental structures) in the prescribed manner to eliminate the consequences of emergencies and help foreign states.
Organization of Activities
We examined in detail the tasks of the Russian Emergencies Ministry. Now we turn to the organizational issue. It is very important to say that the head of the Ministry of Emergencies is the Minister of the Russian Federation, who is relieved of his presidency. As with all authorities, the Minister has deputies who are also dismissed from the post of president of the Russian Federation. Their number may be different, it all depends on the order of the President of the Russian Federation.
All personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation have special service certificates that confirm their authority. It is also very important that the procedure for obtaining these certificates is determined by the Minister.
The board, which is formed in the Ministry of Emergencies, has a minister (that is, a chairman), his deputies and heads of other organizations of the Ministry of Emergencies. At the same time, the size of this very college is established by the President of the Russian Federation and the Minister.
Creating tips
The implementation of the main tasks of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia is impossible without the creation of advice. What you are talking about, you can find out in this section of the article.
If it is necessary to consider and develop recommendations regarding important issues of competence of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation, a special scientific and technical council is created. Who is its member? This includes representatives of executive bodies, scientific and public organizations. Moreover, the provision must be approved by the Minister.
If it is necessary to develop areas of international cooperation, then under the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation a council is created that addresses important issues:
- assessment of international performance;
- strategic planning of activities.
As in the previous case, the position must be approved by the Minister.
In conclusion of this section, I would like to note that the EMERCOM of Russia is a legal entity that has a seal that depicts the state emblem of Russia and its name. In addition, there are other seals, stamps, letterheads and so on, which must strictly comply with the established model. EMERCOM of Russia has an emblem and a flag.
Rescue Work
The main tasks of the EMERCOM of Russia would be impossible without many of its constituent bodies.In this section, we briefly cover the issue of rescue operations.
So, emergency service is a collection of elements, such as:
- governing bodies;
- forces and means that are necessary to eliminate or prevent emergencies.
Among themselves, all the elements are interconnected and combined into one system. And what is emergency rescue? These include:
- search and rescue;
- mine rescue;
- gas rescue;
- fire fighting;
- emergency response.
Principles of emergency services
In solving the problems of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia attracts many other services. In this section you can find out the basic principles of the emergency services. Among them:
- humanism and mercy (priority is the preservation of life and the environment);
- unity of command of the emergency rescue service;
- justified risk during the rescue operation;
- constant readiness.
Thus, in the event of an emergency, you will be warned, they will do everything possible to save your life. The service EMERCOM of Russia never slumbers, and is always ready to help.