It is impossible to imagine our society without the enterprises on which the economic component is based. In addition, doing business is the most effective way of economic development, which is also an indicator of the level of public life. A complex classification system was developed that takes into account the types of activities of the enterprise and applies to all existing companies and organizations. It is necessary to streamline the world in which money is produced and exchanged.
About terminology
Under the enterprise it is customary to understand such an entity that has independence, which has broad rights inherent in a legal entity. The organization has a charter and operates in accordance with the provisions made to it. The company may conduct production activities or some other. The main objective of the business is to ensure profit.
Each modern enterprise is characterized by:
- balance;
- checking account;
- other bank accounts;
- print;
- name.
What about the workflow?
The types of activities of the enterprise are classified based on a number of factors. First of all, division taking into account the form of ownership is widespread. Allocate:
- individual, that is, those where the key concepts are physical work and personal property;
- private when an individual hires workers;
- collective, when the company works due to the activities of some team that organized it;
- state owned by the country's authorities;
- joint, when the activity is ensured by the fact that for the sake of its conduct several persons combine their efforts and resources.
The type of activity allows us to talk about the company's affiliation with the industrial or commercial. It is the main activities of the enterprise that allow us to distinguish groups of chemical, construction, coal mining and other organizations working in the state.
Scale is complicated
Enterprises engaged in various types of entrepreneurial activity are quite different in size. While some are considered small, and they can not work more than the number of people prescribed by the laws, others develop to huge ones. They speak of a small form when no more than 15 people serve in a trading company, and up to two hundred employees are employed by a construction or industrial company. Limits allowing classifying an organization as small are established by state laws and legal norms.
As for the scale of the workflow, here we can distinguish:
- large;
- medium;
- small ones.
The specifics of economic development today is such that large organizations have maximum stability, since they own an impressive share of the world market. But small ones are easier to adapt to the situation and consumer requirements, therefore, they are considered flexible. Small enterprises that carry out various types of entrepreneurial activity can be easily opened, closed as many times as necessary, thereby achieving financial success sooner or later.
When classifying, you also need to remember that the type of economic activity of an enterprise is affected by the organization's membership in a transnational corporation. Such firms are allocated in a special category. They are characterized by an abundance of branches in various states. The organization has the right to make a profit by producing, selling goods and services at those points where the benefit from this is maximum in a specific time period.
Examples of enterprises engaged in entrepreneurial activities within the framework of transnational corporations:
- Ford
- Reebok
- Kodak.
Many different, temporary and permanent
Analyzing examples of enterprises engaged in various types of entrepreneurial activity, it becomes clear that they all have the opportunity to cooperate. In practice, this mechanism is resorted to very often, and not surprisingly, because the benefits of working together, especially on a large project, are greater, and the time frame for implementing the task is significantly reduced.
It is customary to talk about:
- associations, when joint work is aimed at coordinating business activities;
- corporations in which certain powers from the central government are delegated to the field;
- consortia that are created for a short period of time in order to solve a problem or implement a project;
- Concerns that have unified financial control over all participants in the new legal entity.
Classification is not an easy task
Studying examples of enterprises engaged in various types of entrepreneurial activity, four large groups can be distinguished:
- regular organizations;
- licensed;
- closed to IP;
- requiring permissions, approvals, notifications.
When planning the creation of a company, an entrepreneur must know from the very beginning exactly what group he wants to belong to. It is necessary to take into account if the right to create a company in this area when taking into account the resources at its disposal. You will also have to analyze whether you need to obtain permission to conduct activities from special authorities, and find out exactly where to go.
Regular - these are enterprises whose work is not associated with a threat to life and human health. As a rule, having registered, you can immediately start working.
Information under reliable protection
When classifying a potential organization as a licensed entrepreneur, it is first necessary to submit a package of documents to the licensing authority, wait for a positive response, and obtain a work permit. The main activities of the enterprise requiring a license:
- distribution of encryption tools, cryptography;
- maintenance of cryptography, encryption;
- data encryption services;
- non-disclosure technical data protection services;
- creation, manufacture of means that keep data undisclosed;
- work in the field of identifying devices that can secretly receive data within the premises served (in this case, there is an exception: situations where activities are associated with the needs of the company and organized by it independently);
- design, manufacture of encryption tools, cryptography so that the result is protected by the use of information systems or telecommunication, also encrypted;
- manufacturing, implementation of technology to secretly receive data;
- production of printing, protected from counterfeiting (the types of activities of enterprises and organizations working in this industry include the production of letterhead securities and their sale).
And if it lights up?
The types of activity of the enterprise, associated with increased danger and obliging the company to have a license to work:
- operation of facilities at which the probability of explosion, fire, chemical hazard is increased;
- fire fighting;
- manufacturing and installation of fire extinguishing means.
This topic has not been exhausted!
The need for a licensing document is in the following activities:
- geodesy;
- Pharmaceuticals
- mine surveying;
- restoration;
- hydrometeorological;
- cartography;
- production, maintenance of medical equipment, as well as orthopedic products;
- associated with the use of pathogens of infections;
- transportation of goods, passengers (by sea, rivers, lakes, inland transport, road, rail);
- loading and unloading of dangerous goods at railway stations, in ports of sea and river;
- ship towing;
- work with hazardous wastes, including their collection and disposal, recycling and handling, storage;
- manufacture, sale of commercial equipment, as well as the organization of gambling;
- audit;
- the medicine;
- design of objects;
- engineering survey.
Also remember that licensing requires the types of activities of the enterprise, coupled with:
- with non-ferrous scrap;
- reproduction and copying of phonograms, audio, video works;
- repair, production of metrological equipment.
When you need a notification
If the types of economic activities of the enterprise are required to provide a notice, then this is submitted to the local representative office of Rospotrebnadzor after the company is registered, but before the actual start of work. You will have to go through this procedure when the workflow is associated with:
- hotel business;
- places of temporary stay of citizens;
- footwear, products made of fur, leather (manufacturing, painting, repair);
- household machines, radio electronics (repair, maintenance);
- furniture (production, repair);
- dry cleaning, painting, washing products;
- transport (repair, maintenance).
Other types of financial activities of the enterprise, requiring the submission of notifications:
- baths, showers;
- shop;
- hairdressing salons;
- public catering;
- wholesale and retail trade in products, cosmetics, other goods at specialized and non-specialized points of sale;
- transportation of luggage, passengers in the city and suburbs, on intercity routes;
- weaving, as well as sewing textile;
- production of knitted fabric and sewing products from it;
- tanning, leather finishing, making clothes, accessories from it;
- production of bags, shoes.
No one will go unnoticed
It is necessary to write a statement to Rospotrebnadzor if a company has been registered that intends to operate as:
- carrier on motor vehicles (special and non-special);
- producer of wood (including its impregnation), veneer, panels and other similar building materials, wooden structures for construction;
- printing;
- serving office machines, cash registers, computers.
And what not?
In the event that an individual entrepreneur wants to make a good business, he must remember that some areas are closed to him by law. What kind of enterprise is this? Example: alcohol and everything related to it. Under current law, in the status of individual entrepreneurs it is impossible to produce, sell alcohol (neither wholesale nor retail).
In addition, an individual entrepreneur will not be able to open his own company, which would be engaged in:
- aircraft manufacturing, aircraft testing, as well as safety issues in this regard;
- military equipment;
- weapons;
- exhibiting, collecting weapons, components, cartridges;
- disposal of ammunition, components;
- the provision of services for the storage, transportation, disposal of chemical weapons;
- industrial safety expertise;
- pyrotechnics;
- private security activities;
- employment of citizens of the country abroad;
- investments;
- pensions and insurance;
- space
- the manufacture of drugs;
- narcotic, psychotropic substances, including the cultivation of plants necessary for their production;
- by air transport, freight.
An individual entrepreneur does not have the right to work in the field of:
- influence on hydrometeorological processes, geophysical;
- manufacturing, distribution, storage, use of industrial explosives.
And what will the story tell?
Industrial entrepreneurship is rightfully considered to be leading, since it is it that provides society with the goods and services necessary for normal functioning and evolution. Surprisingly, the types of economic activity of the enterprise lead to the development of spiritual values, which proves the close interconnection of all social processes. When society was rebuilding into the realities of a market economy, industrial entrepreneurship turned out to be the most affected area, as there was a breakdown in economic ties, provision of money and resources, sales opportunities decreased, and the financial condition as a whole went into decline.
In the first years after the perestroika in Russia, enterprises engaged in various types of activities, with the exception of commercial ones, experienced a recession: it was this sphere that went into growth and is still considered one of the most firmly on its feet. Key area concepts:
- purchase;
- sale;
- deal;
- quick return.
Commerce was previously limited, which was an additional impetus for rapid development. There is also a negative point: soon a "shadow economy" appeared, promoted by people interested in maximum profit. Nowadays, production activity becomes the key to success in 10-12%, while commerce can lead to a positive result in 30% of cases, and even more often.
What does it look like in practice?
In order to better understand which company does what, it is worth considering examples of enterprises engaged in various types of activities. The most typical are companies that are known throughout the country, as they operate on its territory, covering every corner:
- Russian Railways - a company operating in the field of rail transportation of goods and passengers;
- Aeroflot provides services for the transportation of passengers and goods by air;
- “GasProm” produces gas, oil and sells them to the population and legal entities.
Of course, there are smaller examples. It:
- "Loaf" - a company that produces bread;
- Fashion Continent sews and sells clothes and accessories;
- "Europe Management" provides restaurant services.
What about the money?
It so happened that financial activity stands out in a special group of entrepreneurship. Those companies that are interested in working with loans are also included here. This area covers the exchange of values and the circulation of currencies. The work of such firms is closely associated with other areas: production, sales of goods and services. However, independent conduct of only financial activities is not excluded. That is what banks, insurers do. In the event of a transaction, the company can count on higher profitability than that characteristic of other areas. In comparison with production and commerce, financiers are more profitable by 5%, or even by 10%.
Another area of work that is closely related to money is advisory production. The sphere is characterized by several directions. Despite the popularity of this species in the past few years, which led to its rapid rise and growing interest from both consumers of services and the private population, a comparative analysis with Western countries makes it clear that there is still room for improvement. Market trends suggest that advisory business will be able to catch up with the western sphere in the next 5-10 years, unless, of course, the situation changes under the influence of the crisis.
Manufacturing enterprise
Despite independence, the growth of entrepreneurship is closely related. Production is rightfully considered a priority, since it is characterized by increased complexity and defines other varieties.
Production enterprise includes:
- innovation;
- scientific and technical work;
- manufacturing of goods, services;
- production consumption of manufactured products;
- information activity.
How it works?
An entrepreneur who is interested in opening such a company first of all formulates what goods will have to be manufactured and what services to provide. The next stage is marketing, which involves developing a strategy and translating it into reality. At this step, it is necessary to study the needs of the potential buyer and assess the demand, as well as market competition. In addition, it is important to conclude profitable contracts with suppliers, to find opportunities for the wholesale implementation of what is supposed to be produced. The ideal final stage is the signing of an agreement that guarantees financial success in the future. After this, you can begin to manufacture what is found in demand.
Please note: if it is impossible to conclude a contract, some entrepreneurs find interested parties who are willing to verbally agree that in the future they will buy a service or product. This business practice is widespread in Western countries. The business ethics of these states are such that the violation of oral agreements practically does not occur. But this cannot be said about Russia so far, which is largely due to both the mentality and the rules of doing business, as well as to the difficult economic situation.