The main goals of personnel management include employee training, training, creating opportunities for development, stimulating labor through remuneration. Corporate culture is necessarily formed during the daily work with subordinates. Labor efficiency is based on moral support so that there is no feeling of alienation. After all, dissatisfaction from the invested efforts can nullify the enthusiasm, and, accordingly, the profit of the organization.
Main tasks
The goals of personnel management are to establish the production process so that each participant receives an incentive to development. To implement such a difficult task, various motivational packages are used. They may vary in content, depending on the area of work of the staff.
The goals of personnel management are to create interdependent relationships between separate structures for introducing a team spirit, because only people who perceive the team as a whole can work ideally. Separation is not useful in all areas, but in some professions it is simply necessary.
The goals of personnel management - more often it is the extraction of additional profit of the organization due to the investment of efforts by the management. As practice has shown, trying to get the most out of it without worrying about the well-being and self-awareness of employees, it is impossible to bring the organization to the lead in its field. It is necessary to apply a set of measures to establish a positive atmosphere in the company and create conditions for the development of subordinates.
Systematic approach
The main goals of the personnel management system are achieved only by performing lengthy and systematic work with subordinates. It is required to help each player in the company to overcome a feeling of uncertainty in their abilities and instill confidence in him that everything depends on him. The quality of the duties will be much higher through a positive attitude.
The opposite effect is unreasonably high demands from subordinates, reproaches, anger of the authorities. The goals of the personnel management system are to manage people unnoticed by themselves, to seek agreement with management by encouraging them for their actions. However, each step of the leader should be calculated so as not to spoil his wards with excessive tenderness.
To this end, concepts such as encourage and pamper, aim and force to move, give praise and flatter should be divided. The employee must earn a reward, he must clearly understand why and when he can achieve the task required of him. After all, the main goals of personnel management are to create an internally conscious motivation, and not to make the “monkeys” jump, waving a “banana”.
General mood
The goals and methods of personnel management are being developed to unite the team in order to achieve the objectives. Each company should have a hierarchy of posts, but ideally, the idea of the importance of the contribution of everyone’s efforts is introduced to employees. To understand the principles of management are defined with the objects and subjects of the company:
- The team is manageable, and by manipulating its composition, you can achieve your goals thanks to the initiative of authorities.
- Working groups have a separate territory of existence in the company. Each cell can have its own orders and mood that needs to be supported.
- Individuals often choose their own path of development and are separated from other groups. These people are provided with certain conditions.
- Directly the managers themselves, performing administrative functions.
Structure of the regulatory department
The goal of personnel management is to work continuously with subordinates, which means that a whole staff of additionally trained people is required. They will be engaged in the functions of development, training, identifying the internal needs of the team and groups. This department creates training methods, exams are held, and periodic certifications are held in the form of competitions and games.
The goals of the organization’s personnel management system are not only the development of already hired employees, a program for the recruitment of qualified external employees is being implemented. To improve the literacy of their subordinates, they can be sent to neighboring organizations for an internship. Joint projects of several companies have a positive effect.
Types of department tasks
The goals and functions of personnel management immediately affect several areas of the organization: improving the living conditions of workers and their families, caring for their safety, material condition, creating conditions for professional growth. They are determined by the following criteria:
- Nature of activity.
- Volumes of services or products.
- Company development strategy.
- State size.
- The importance of social policy in an organization.
- The level of starting qualification of employees.
There are many more criteria, the amount of which depends on the type of enterprise, its income and size.
The goals and objectives of personnel management can be classified into the following areas of application:
- The economic interest of the administration in the development of employees may be due to the desire to earn more on qualified subordinates.
- Scientific and technical equipment of all processes in the company can speed up the processes and increase the volume of manufactured goods and services.
- The commercial and production criterion is important for the normal functioning of any organization. It lays down the requirement to achieve profit distributed by company departments.
- Raising the social status of workers is an important deterrent to maintaining the incentive to be a member of an organization.
Different positions
Considering the goal of personnel management of the organization, it is important to approach from different points of view to determine the conditions and social level of subordinates. Even if the administration is satisfied with everything and a feeling of the optimal climate in the team is created, subordinates are not always completely satisfied with their social status and the result of the efforts made. To see the real picture, you will need to enter a situation based on the point of view of the staff.
The administration always tries to look at subordinates as consonants by default with the management policy. Any objection often causes resentment and a desire to oppose, rather than understand the current problem and find out the cause of what is happening. The goals and functions of the personnel management system are aimed at aligning the self-awareness of all employees of the company, without exception.
An effective system is one whose result is felt by both the administration and subordinates. Proper self-awareness of employees can change the principle of work and increase productivity several times. An important criterion for personnel management is to achieve an atmosphere of complete trust and the absence of contradictions.
For the development of personnel, several methods are used:
- Primary employment training. Adaptation period.
- Conducting exams, tests. Assignment of qualifications.
- Periodic retraining of employees with the subsequent increase in material incentives for exams.
- Identification of those wishing to change their position and professional activity.
- Help in relocation for a change of scenery. The goal is to prevent employees from staying in one place.
The personnel policy is aimed at making a forecast for the development of the organization and the timely selection of personnel for newly opened facilities. An important component of the management system is the desire of management to identify the hidden talents of employees and realize them in the production process. So they attract each employee to social activities, try to give the opportunity for temporary replacement of parallel posts.
Social Security
An important component for the team is the creation of a favorable and safe atmosphere, conditions at the workplace. The rules of labor protection are observed, and mass vacations of employees are organized. Many organizations play free trips to sanatoriums, trips abroad.
Corporate evenings, sporting events are organized. Companies are trying to provide employees with additional free insurance, protect their families from accidents, and help train the younger generation. An important criterion for the development of an organization is the simultaneous increase in the material status of its wards.
Many organizations are involved in charity work. Landscaping of the yards where workers live is being carried out, cultural institutions are being built. A useful feature is to attract young people during training to practice.
Number optimization
Too inflated staff does not allow employees to develop and have a decent level of wages. The personnel management department calculates the most successful combination of the number of personnel and the results of the total productivity in the groups. Not encouraged "nepotism", the cover of their own and others' mistakes. All failures in the work are recommended to be discussed collectively and to find a positive outcome. People learn from mistakes, and you should not give them the opportunity to engage in self-flagellation.
Leaders try to identify gaps in the experience of employees and help them fill them through training, courses, and additional internships. For the normal performance of the functions of each unit, specialists in their field are required. If some find a lack of desire to develop, then such an employee is relieved of his post.
The desire to give all the best to work arises for various reasons for each individual. The main reason for satisfied work is material incentives. Each employee wants to get what he can feel with his hands or bring to his family: buy a car, housing, furniture or appliances.
Intrinsic motivation is stimulated by professional growth. Successfully completed projects add confidence, and the task of the management department is to evaluate the success of the subordinate and put his experience as an example to the rest. Cash incentives must be accompanied by documentary evidence of the qualifications of the employee.
Providing a subordinate with the necessary tools also affects his desire to work effectively. In order to find out what exactly is missing at the workplace, a survey is conducted. It may be anonymous to identify hidden problems.
Additional criteria
Increase labor efficiency is obtained by optimizing working time. People can not get tired physically during sedentary work by periodic physical exercise. And with hard work, they use time to rest during the working day.
Most organizations prohibit processing. They worsen labor efficiency and lead to stressful conditions of the body. The daily routine is implemented at the expense of technical means. For example, equipment is locked strictly during breaks, lunches and at the end of the working day.So the staff does not have the opportunity to expend more energy than is required by the task.
Maintaining employee health is an important component of personnel management. Incentives for non-smoking employees are introduced, determinants of alcohol vapors are established in order not to punish, but not to allow people with intoxication to work. Similar measures are carried out to attract employees for lunch in the dining room by distributing free coupons.
Proper planning of staff development will prepare for changes in the business. When opening new departments, it will not turn out that there are not enough specialists and you will have to look for them in emergency mode. Long work in one place adversely affects the morale of individual individuals, which translates into incitement, escalation of the situation due to envy of colleagues. Work with subordinates helps to influence the level of psychological state.