
Main reasons for visa denial

The document giving the right of free movement in most European countries is a Schengen visa. It does not apply to the UK. And EU countries such as Ireland, Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria and Cyprus will soon sign the Schengen agreement.

Regardless of the reasons for going abroad, in order to obtain a visa you must submit an impressive package of documents and observe a number of conditions. However, any consulate has the right to reject the application for the issuance of the desired permit. What are the main reasons for refusing a visa? Let's look at them in order.

reasons for visa denial

Incomplete package of documents

A very important stage at which many people make mistakes is the collection of necessary documents. The absence of at least one of them is the reason for the denial of a visa. The following must be submitted to the consulate of the country of interest:

  1. A completed application form signed by the applicant.
  2. Copies of pages of a civil passport containing the following data: biographical information, notes on previously issued documents, marital status, place of registration.
  3. Photos no more than 6 months old. They must be made with the fulfillment of all conditions. To simplify the process, it is enough to contact a professional photo studio.
  4. International passport.
  5. A receipt for a non-refundable visa fee. This operation can be performed directly at the consulate. Other payment methods: at a bank branch, via the Internet, or at a travel agency.
  6. Health insurance. Applicants often miss this point, and its absence is one of the main reasons for the denial of a visa. The document must be distributed for the entire period of the planned trip, valid in all countries of the Schengen zone. In the event of an insured event, all expenses must be covered. The document is drawn up in the relevant organizations. The insurance amount should not be less than 30 thousand euros.

Reasons for the denial of a Schengen visa

In the case of a trip with children to the consulate you need to submit:

  • a copy of the birth certificate of the child;
  • information on the valid visa of the mother and father (if there is a document).

If the trip is planned with only one parent, you must obtain the consent of the second.

This is the main list of documents, which is expanding depending on the purpose of obtaining a visa.

So, tourists must present:

  1. An invitation from a person permanently residing in the Schengen area, or proof of booking a hotel room, renting an apartment, etc. The lack of these documents is one of the most common reasons for refusing to issue a visa. To date, many hotels do not charge for accommodation in advance. After obtaining a visa, the reservation can also be canceled without penalty (if the applicant has a place to stay, but for some reason the invitation cannot be issued, but this is not the most honest way).
  2. Description of the planned route of travel or tickets for a plane, train, ticket for a sea cruise, etc.
  3. A certificate of employment confirming its continued nature. It should contain salary information. You can confirm the availability of funds by extracting from a bank account at least 3 months prior to the date of application. Low income is one of the main reasons for the denial of a Schengen visa.

For a working trip, additionally required:

  1. Request from a company interested in the applicant as an employee.
  2. If you plan to simply participate in negotiations, conferences, symposia, etc., you need to provide evidence of participation in these events.

So that the absence of these documents does not cause a refusal of a work visa, you can send a copy of business correspondence confirming the applicant's intentions to the consulate.

If you plan to study abroad, the host institution must send a certificate of admission or student ID.

Reasons for visa denial to Italy

Providing False Data

False data is the main reason for a visa denial. If the missing documents can be collected and filed anew, then the provision of deliberately false information may result in a long ban on traveling abroad.

Consulate employees have the right to thoroughly check all documents, but more often than not they pay attention to the authenticity of the following points:

  • data specified in the application form;
  • hotel reservation information;
  • state and foreign passports, their validity;
  • certificate confirming income.

Reasons for refusing a visa

Doubts about the purpose of the trip

Even if everything is in order with the package of documents, the consulate may refuse a visa. The reason is the insufficiently confirmed purpose of the trip. For example, the applicant wishes to obtain a tourist visa, but at the same time he plans to live in a remote place that is not attractive to travelers in any way. Or the booking dates do not match the vacation dates provided by the employer.

Suspicion also causes too much rest. This happens if a person plans to take some training courses, but decides to simplify the task so as not to attach additional documents.

If the applicant has previously been issued a visa, but he used it for other purposes or shortly after receiving it canceled the reservation of tickets confirming the route, the consulate may also have doubts about the purpose of the planned trip.

Over the past 180 days, a person has already been in the Schengen area for 90 days in total

There are several types of visas, each of which has its own conditions and advantages. The longest are multiple. But even with such visas, the maximum stay in the country is 90 days in the last six months.

reason for denial of work visa

Suspicion of failure to return to their homeland

Suspicion that a person will not return to their homeland is also a common reason for a visa denial. By examining the documents submitted, the consulate may conclude that the applicant is not sufficiently motivated to return.

The likelihood of a positive response increases if you additionally transmit to specialists information about the property owned.

Other reasons

Before planning a trip, you need to make sure that there are no fines and debts, close all legal issues that may interfere with border crossing. A visa may also be denied due to problems with law enforcement agencies that have occurred in previous travels.

Permission has an essential condition called the first entry rule. That is, the applicant must initially cross the border only of the country whose consulate issued a visa. If it is a one-time trip, a person should also spend most of the travel period there. Visits to other countries are, of course, not prohibited. If the applicant stays in them for a total of up to 5 days, this will be considered a transit. Compliance with this rule in the past increases the chances of obtaining a visa.

reasons for refusing a visa

What to do in case of failure?

If you are refused, first of all, calm down and understand the reason. Earlier, consulates had the right to refuse to issue a visa without explanation. Now a paper is issued indicating the failure code. True, in most cases it is difficult to understand what is hidden behind the official wording.

It is important to double-check all documents so that the likelihood of even the slightest typo is excluded. If everything is in order with them, and the applicant has not been previously noticed in violation of law and order, and he has no debts left at home, you can safely submit the application again, voicing the reasons for the refusal of a visa.

In Italy, for example, you can safely go if there was a negative answer in the UK. Consulates have little interest in why permission is not issued in a country outside the Schengen area. But even if there was a refusal in the country included in the agreement, the decision can be challenged.

main reasons for the denial of a Schengen visa


A visa is a travel permit within most of Europe. Before applying, you need to collect a full package of documents that contain only reliable information. In case of failure, the decision can and must be challenged. If the applicant is a respectable person who has never violated the rules of staying in a foreign country, re-submission of documents can be successful.

There is no need to be afraid to speak openly about the refusal to obtain a visa - the reason is to find out what the consulate experts will help in and tell you what needs to be fixed in order to cross the border of the country of interest.

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