
General and special work experience: definition, features and accrual procedure

Today, labor activity is recorded in all civilized countries. Citizens receive the so-called experience that will be useful to them in the future. It is sometimes called work experience. Today, a special work experience will be presented to our attention. In addition, we have to get acquainted with the general experience. What features do these components of the life of a modern person have? What to look for first? Why, in principle, will one or another type of work experience be needed? The answers to all these questions will be discovered later. In fact, sorting out everything is easier than it sounds. Especially if you know the basics of Russian labor legislation.

Experience is ...

The first step is to understand what we are talking about in principle. What is called seniority in Russia? Why is it needed?special work experience

Experience is an analogue of experience. Work experience is the time a citizen conducts a particular labor activity. In other words, these are the periods in which a person was officially registered as an employee of the company or as an entrepreneur.

Experience in Russia is different. For example:

  • common;
  • special;
  • continuous
  • insurance.

A feature of this period is the making of contributions to the Pension Fund. The employer or the citizen himself must make contributions to the FIU to his individual account. If the state carries out a similar procedure, the period is considered insurance.

Total length of service

Now a little about what is the total experience. This term is extremely important. Especially for future retirees.

What is this about? Under the general experience mean the total duration of the work of a person. In the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the exact wording of this term is missing. People often mean by the experience of work its general appearance.

In addition, insurance periods that are accepted for work are counted in the total length of service. It is this system in modern Russia that is recommended for all citizens to use. The insurance periods will help to obtain the necessary length of service for the labor / insurance pension. A similar technique was actively spread throughout the country.the importance of special work experience

About unearned periods

Now a little about what goes into unearned periods, which will be regarded as seniority. What periods of time allow not to work officially, but at the same time apply for a retirement pension?

Among these features distinguish:

  • military service (mainly men);
  • care for a disabled person of 1 or 2 groups, a person after 80 years;
  • raising a child up to 1.5 years;
  • time of receipt of unemployment benefits;
  • employment in public works;
  • being in prison or in custody illegally.

It follows that it is far from always necessary to officially work in order to be able to receive a pension. It is the care of the elderly and children that is often used in practice. It is important to note that after the end of these periods, labor activity should follow. Otherwise, there will be no offset.

Specialty experience

One cannot but pay attention to such a concept as a special work experience. It takes place in Russia. It is not used in official documents. Nevertheless, when assigning a pension, this kind of length of work is still used.

The definition of "special work experience" indicates that this term characterizes the period of work in a particular industry, in any position established by the state. The list of possible works is strictly limited. Therefore, special experience is not found among all citizens.general and special work experience

Who is accrued special experience

And who has the right to it? As already mentioned, only limited activity falls under the special characteristic. Therefore, not everyone has a similar experience. It is not so common in practice.

To date, special work experience will be awarded to the following citizens:

  • people working in special working conditions (including disability groups 1 or 2, obtained due to the conduct of a particular activity);
  • workers in hot shops;
  • those who are engaged in underground work;
  • people with benefits in connection with the length of service (members of the armed forces, teachers, doctors and so on).

No one else has the right to this type of work experience. It is not difficult to guess that pensioners with seniority most often meet in practice.

What is it needed for

What is the significance of special work experience? With the wording of this term, we figured out. But it is not entirely clear why people are interested in this type of work. Why is it needed?

It’s no secret that seniority is required:

  • when calculating benefits;
  • for holidays and sick leave;
  • during the determination of the right to certain privileges;
  • when assigning a pension.

It is the latter scenario that interests the population most often. Special work experience allows the population:

  • receive an increased pension;
  • acquire the right to a well-deserved rest before the rest.

However, in practice, this scenario is not very common. The bulk of able-bodied citizens does not deal with special experience. This is quite normal.types of special work experience


And how exactly are the studied periods calculated? General and special work experience is almost the same thing. Only the first term more fully characterizes the work of a citizen. Despite this, the calculation of experience in both cases is the same.

The thing is that the duration of work in years, months, weeks and days is considered. More often than not, the total experience has been “year, month”. But by the day it is always calculated.

For calculations, a work book is used. It records all the periods of labor activity of a person. With the help of this document, the calculation of the special length of service, continuous and general, takes place. But not insurance periods are not indicated on paper. For their confirmation, it is necessary to provide a variety of documents to the FIU - certificates, birth certificates, military ID.

Insurance type of employment

In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. We have already become acquainted with the main terms important for retirement. But that is not all. Often you can hear the term "length of service". What it is?

He is called all the periods in which the FIU in a particular case made deductions for a citizen. It follows that the length of service is an analogue of the general. Similar terminology appeared in Russia in 2002. Since then, there is no general type of work.special work experience is included


The types of special work experience are exactly the same as those of the insurance. Today in Russia there are the following interpretations of it:

  • continuous;
  • intermittent.

The first scenario used to play a huge role. The longer a citizen worked in the same company, the more various benefits he received. For example, benefits and benefits with continuous work experience increased. Also, the citizen was entitled to pension benefits.

But now in Russia everything is different. In 2007, a special working experience (and general one) of a continuous type lost its legal significance.From now on, he is needed only in order to accelerate the length of service. In other words, the longer a citizen works in one of the previously listed areas, the faster he will receive the right to early retirement. And nothing more.

It follows that striving for continuous work experience is not worth too much. There will be no additional bonuses from the state laid earlier. All periods of special work experience are now summarized (they are detected using the work book), after which the figure obtained is taken into account and added to the total duration of the work activity of a person.

About retirement

Now a little about how much you have to work out in one area or another to obtain the right to a retirement pension. This issue in Russia plays an important role. Recent reforms in the pension system have been aimed at increasing the retirement age and on the removal of the right to access to well-deserved rest.

To date, to receive a pension, you must have an insurance experience of at least 7 years. In addition, a citizen must have at least 30 pension points. They are accrued for each worked year or used non-insurance period.

Nevertheless, after the reforms have been carried out, in order to receive a pension by 2020, you will have to have 15 years of experience. In addition, men will have to retire by the age of 65, and women by 60.calculation of special work experience

At the same time, special labor (insurance) experience is calculated according to generally accepted rules. In order to be eligible for early retirement, a citizen must work out a certain amount of time in a particular area. For example, women have to have a length of service of 20 years, men - 25. If these levels are reached before the retirement age, you can apply for a pension. Such a right is granted only in respect of special work experience.

What you need for retirement

And what is required in order to receive pension payments. This procedure is closely associated with labor activity. It is for her sake that people are gaining special work experience.

In fact, everything is extremely simple. In order to receive pension payments upon reaching a certain age or length of service, citizens must contact the FIU at the place of registration with a statement of the established form. It necessarily indicates which pension will be assigned to a person. It is noteworthy that a pensioner can receive only one type of payment. That is, labor or insurance. That is what needs to be indicated.

For pension payments, you will need to attach to the application:

  • passport;
  • TIN (if any);
  • SNILS (required);
  • details of the account to which the money is to be transferred;
  • work book;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • marriage certificate (if any);
  • military ID (if any);
  • certificates indicating unearned periods, which are counted in the length of service;
  • documents proving benefits;
  • certificate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (if any).

In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems. Special seniority is included in the insurance (general). Therefore, this type of labor is not given sufficient attention in Russia. The significance of such an experience is small if a citizen has not devoted his life to work in a particular field, which allows him to obtain special work experience.periods of special work experience


Now it’s clear what constitutes a special work experience. The value of this type of labor has lost its special significance in Russia. Only under certain circumstances does such work help to receive bonuses from the state. In other cases, a special experience is called part of the total duration of a person. The difference lies only in the fact that a citizen in such circumstances is engaged in a certain field of activity.

To gain overall experience, it is recommended to actively use unearned periods. In addition, for the appointment of a retirement pension will have to work officially. All unofficial work will not be counted in the FIU.

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