It is believed that wages are one of the factors affecting the level of labor productivity of an employee or employee. Not so long ago, economists conducted research at the University of Warwick. Their results confirmed that hormones of happiness have a positive effect on the success of the company.
About 700 people took part in the experiment. Some (they were randomly chosen) were shown a comedy clip, given free snacks and drinks. Time for a clip, snacks, drinks - 10 minutes. After that, the subjects were asked several questions to determine if the hormones of happiness were activated.
How was this done
After that, the participants were given the scheduled tasks. Experimenters then measured performance levels. It turned out that workers (workers), whose body began to produce hormones of happiness, on average increased labor productivity by 12 - 20 percent (it is important to note that these workers (workers) reported production).
Unhappy workers (female employees)
Those workers (female workers), whose body did not begin to produce hormones of happiness, reduced productivity by 10 percent. Workers (employees) who did not report hormone production could not improve their level of productivity.
Other reasons
Those studies mentioned that loss or illness of family members worsens performance by 10 percent (sample taken over the past two years).
Monetary assessment of labor
The monetary assessment of labor resources in certain cases is not a factor that affects the level of labor productivity of an employee or employee. The management company Gallup Poll conducted a survey. Its results showed that 70 percent of working professionals work without converting true potential into achievements. They also showed that raising wages is a temporary solution related to employee productivity.
What brings happiness?
The interviewers came to the conclusion that freedom of action in decision making makes workers happy (this is without waiting for approval for every little thing through e-mail, as well as without the permission of the elder to perform everyday tasks).
Employers, are you listening?
Results matter. An employee will always remain motivated to work if the company in which he works takes care of his happiness. Modern managers of enterprises, heads of human resources departments should look for methods that will help increase employee happiness. What for? To increase the profit of "corporations".
The best ways to make a team happy
Some employers have already realized that happy workers bring considerable profit. Here are their tips:
- Long vacation. One company offered unlimited vacation + $ 1000 monthly. Employees decide when to stay at home. And most importantly, no one is abusing. It is on trust that relationships are built.
- Fan manager. Large corporations hire a person who amuses employees so that they have the mood to work.
- Siesta. The idea that workers needed peace of mind was promoted by the former chief sanitary doctor of Russia for many years. He repeatedly said that Rospotrebnadzor supports the leadership of private firms lengthening the lunch break in the summer.
- Lunches And not only them. Any employee can get what he wants out of the refrigerator. And while all at the expense of the corporation. Also, in some companies, bartenders make cocktails and coffee.
- Contact Zoo.In addition to the fact that cats and dogs live in the office, employees are allowed to hire their own. They can calmly distract from the task and take the time for the pet.