It is common for all people to analyze their lives from time to time, rejoicing in success and upset by failure, looking for ways to correct them. For some, success is a quick climb up the career ladder and earning high salaries.
But often it turns out that people who have achieved material well-being begin to think about other values. It happened with Bill Gates. In his blog, the billionaire said that at 63 years old thoughts began to come to him that are very different from those that were 20 years old.
And not only about work
Bill Gates said that throughout his adult life, he mainly thought about Microsoft. Summing up the year, the billionaire assessed how much the software created in it fulfills the dream of personal computers.
However, today his thought process is qualitatively different from the previous one. Although in fairness it is worth noting that today he is very busy with his work. But now he is interested in many other issues. Which of them did Bill Gates ask himself at the end of the past, 2018?
"Do I devote enough time to my family?"
With the help of money you can buy most of the things, but not healthy relationships and a happy life. If a person has achieved very great success in the professional field, without close people he will not be able to become truly happy. Bill Gates, despite his busy schedule, is struggling to spend time with his family and do it fully. He does not allow work to rob him of his personal life.
"Do I learn enough new?"
Once, someone rightly remarked that knowledge is a treasure that will accompany its owner everywhere. Bill Gates is an avid book reader. In his interviews, he says that he reads about fifty books in a year. In addition, increasing the level of knowledge, he visits interesting places, attends online lectures, talks with scientists.
"Do I make new friends and keep old contacts?"
As studies show, making new acquaintances and maintaining healthy and happy relationships is a support for our physical health and mental balance. The famous billionaire fully shares this statement. In his opinion, the love of loved ones helps him better experience stress, and good relationships bring satisfaction, calmness and a sense of happiness.
"Does my friend support me?"
He is another famous billionaire, Warren Buffett. He also believes that good relationships with people are one indicator of success in life. According to him, success is indicated by the fact that the people you care about answer you with love.
At 63, values have changed
Thus, asking himself at the age of 63, in addition to workers, completely different questions, Bill Gates realized that his life values had changed a lot. Now he understands that prestigious work, a good salary and high productivity of the company are by no means the only parameters that determine success in life.
Therefore, he invites Internet users to think about whether they have become a hostage to the material side of existence, devoting their lives exclusively to professional aspects, which, in his opinion, is a big mistake.