
A woman came to work! Changes needed for employee comfort and company success

Not every woman is ready to sit at home and deal only with household issues and raising children. Some women try to realize themselves in other fields and they often succeed. But there are other circumstances that force them to go to work. Regardless of the reasons, the employer should think about whether he can provide optimal conditions for the normal work of the employee, perhaps some adjustments should be made.

Job interview

Often during an interview you can encounter overt discrimination and a certain violation of the law. Naturally, if this happens at the stage of selection for a position, then a woman is recommended to think about whether she needs such an employer.

The administration of the enterprise is recommended not to ask provocative questions, for example, when a woman plans to become pregnant or get married. It is better to learn more about professional qualities, about work experience, because the employer accepts in the team, first of all, a specialist, and not a woman.

Jokes and team attitude

Many women, especially those working in the men's team, often encounter jokes of a sexual nature, gossip, and even flirting can be observed. The employer has the right to prevent such behavior by introducing restrictions in the corporate code.

The power of any employer to create such conditions at workplaces that will be comfortable for both sexes. After all, the friendly atmosphere at the enterprise stimulates teamwork.

Women's needs and childcare

It is no secret that women have menstruation on a regular basis. Indeed, in such periods, the hormonal background in women changes, they become nervous, they can even be disturbed by pain. Some companies have resolved this issue - they provide paid leave for the period of menstruation. Why don't our employers make such a change?

Women who have children are also often forced to leave their jobs. This is due to the fact that there is no way to have a child somewhere when the kindergarten is closed or there are no lessons at school. But you can go the other way - to make a flexible work schedule. This is indeed the right direction for the employer, which will save the specialist, and the woman to fully fulfill her maternal responsibilities.

The most important question

Even if you introduce all the innovations and give more rights to a woman at work, you still never need to forget about the financial side of the issue. According to statistics, all over the world, women receive about 20% less wages than men, even if they have similar positions.

Every employer must remember that work for a woman is an opportunity to be realized, but she always remembers her family and her psyche is more fragile than that of men. Employers who have managed to eliminate any manifestations of sexism in their enterprise can boast a close-knit team and high results of their activities.

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