In this article, we will introduce you to the result of a study by HSBC in a number of countries. Experts examined Toyota Camry’s operating data by comparing fuel and fuel costs in each country with taxi fares and average incomes.
Research Results for Russia
In the magazine Kommersant, the calculations of experts were published, which determined what should be the mileage of a car if it has been used for 10 years. More than 5400 km must be driven in a year to justify the cost of the car. For those who use personal vehicles a little less, it is more profitable to travel by taxi. It should be said that these are the highest mileage. In other countries, a personal car pays off at lower loads.
Survey Results for Other Countries
Russia turned out to be the leader, but among the states that also have high indicators, we should mention India (2731 km) and Great Britain (1184 km). The most economical way to use your car is in the United States (1,102 km) and Germany (811 km). A European country is the most profitable for the operation of personal vehicles. Why is this situation? HSBC experts explain the reasons for saving the Russians, if they begin to travel by taxi.
Analysis of the situation
You will be surprised, but the annual car ownership in Russia is not the highest. It is 30% lower than in the United States. Why is having a private car overseas much more profitable? It's all about the cost of taxi rides. In Russia, this service is 75% cheaper. Experts considered the following indicators: for Moscow - 350 rubles, for the rest of the territories - 150 (based on one trip).
Comparing with household incomes, experts note: taxi travel corresponds to the income level of the population, and the acquisition and maintenance of a car does not correspond, being prohibitive.
The expert opinion can be confirmed by the availability of taxi call applications in mobile phones. In China, it was downloaded from 51%, in second place Mexico - 46%. 45% of Russians also use apps, ranking third in the world for this indicator.
In my opinion, parking in the center of megacities and the lack of parking and parking near the house are also a problem in Russia. Car owners store them directly at the entrance, blocking the passage for firefighters and ambulances, which leads to conflicts with neighbors. Today, illegally installed garages are being actively demolished, but soon it will come to putting things in order in the parking of personal vehicles in yards. This will lead to even greater popularity of taxi.