Buying at any of the online stores is fraught with constant risk: the goods may be of poor quality, the seller may confuse something with the order, and the parcel may be lost on the way.
After placing the order, buyers can only wait for the long-awaited notification of the arrival of the parcel to drop into the mailbox. However, customers who have been using these services more than once know that it is possible, for example, to track a parcel to Ibei. Let’s and we will figure it out.
How to find out the parcel track number
Touching on the topic of how to track goods on eBay, one cannot but mention such a feature of mailings as a track number. To find the parcel tracking number on the Ibei website, the user needs to go to the "Personal Account" on the website. Then, the buyer who clicks on the “Purchases” section opens a complete list of all his purchases.
Purchases made and sent on eBay will be marked with a tracking number. It usually looks like a random set of numbers and letters. But it is worth noting separately that the site administration does not oblige sellers to upload track numbers.
That is why not every product sent may be accompanied by the coveted number. In such cases, you can contact the seller and specify the number. But if the package was sent in the cheapest way, then the tracking number will not be. Then the buyer can only wait for the due date and hope that the purchase is not lost in the sorting departments.
Where can I find information on the track number on the site?
After it has found a track number, the user usually starts looking for information on how to track the goods on eBay. Directly on the site, you can track the parcel and its transit status both from a personal computer and from a mobile application. After revealing additional information about the perfect purchase, the user will be faced with a whole list of product states.
Chinese post offices provide detailed information on the progress of the dispatch. So, the first status will show that the parcel has arrived at the sorting center. She may be there for several days before getting on a plane.
However, it is worth noting that sometimes on "Ibei" status updates are delayed. Therefore, buyers should not raise a panic if delivery with eBay has not yet been made, and the transit state has stopped at one point. In such cases, you can turn to other package tracking services.
How to track goods on eBay on official sites
In cases where the location information of the parcel has not been updated for a long time on the Ibei website, buyers have another way to take advantage of the availability of a track number. You can find out where the package is located on other resources. But if it’s clear how to track a product on eBay, then how to search for it on the Web?
Finding a package is pretty simple. On the Ibei website, it’s enough to find out the track number and the postal service that deals with sending. After that, you must enter the name of the postal company in the search engine. Then on the official website you will have to indicate the tracking number in the appropriate window and wait for the results.
After a few seconds, the user will see a list indicating the movement of goods around the world. The top line is the current location.
Third Party Resources
For those who do not want to understand the intricacies of the official websites of postal companies, look for advising windows, and so on, resources have been created that specialize in tracking parcels. Developers and moderators personally collect data and provide it to users.In such cases, you just need to enter the tracking number without specifying the postal company.
Undoubtedly, this method of tracking is much more convenient. But there are also disadvantages. On many sites, in order to find out the location of a parcel, it is necessary to register, and only then receive data. Although then the buyer will not need to enter the track number over and over again, the system will remember it.
Another drawback is that all the data on such sites is collected from official sources. Therefore, updating the transit status may occur with a delay.
You can also find your package from the Ibei website using mobile applications. However, it is worth considering that not all of them are translated, and sometimes you will have to deal with Chinese characters.
What to do if the parcel does not have a tracking number
It is impossible to find out the location of a parcel to which a track number has not been assigned. In such cases, buyers can only wait for the due period, and after it expires, open a dispute and hope for a refund.
However, if a tracking number is not provided, at the time of placing the order, you can contact the seller and resolve this issue. As a rule, they go towards the customers. But there are times when adding a track number costs money.
So, for parcels shipped from the USA, the cost of the tracking number can reach $ 30. But China has very cheap postal services, so there the price varies around two dollars.