
How much can you make noise in an apartment? The time when you can make noise in an apartment by law

“My house is my fortress,” as some tenants of apartments think and do everything they want in their fortress, while often violating the rights of their neighbors. Noise is the most common cause of quarrels between neighbors. According to the law, it is possible to make noise in an apartment only during the day, and then within the limits of the reasonable.how much can you make noise in the apartment

Repair, music, crying for children, fun or everyday scandals - this is what surrounds us, and it is impossible to hide it. Everyone should try to show respect and understand the other in order to maintain a good neighborly relationship.

Are neighbors friends or foes?

Today, in apartment buildings, many residents do not even know their neighbors on the landing. Everyone lives in his own world, is closed from everyone in his apartment. Is it good? Everyone decides with whom and how to be friends. But everyone knows that man is a social being. This does not mean that you must know everything about people living nearby, but you still need to know about them at least something, at least for your safety.

Good relations with neighbors will come in handy when you have to ask them for a favor. Your help may be needed by a neighbor. If you can do it, do not refuse.

Minor favors, a common vestibule, the cleanliness of the stairwells, the housing office, friendly smiles and small concessions - this is what can bring together educated people living in the same house.

If you are unlucky with your neighbors, and the sounds from their apartment caused a headache for your household, you should inform the noisy neighbors how much you can make noise in the apartment and for how long. There is a legislatively approved time.

The law says: "Hush!"

One of the sections of the law No. 52-ФЗ “On sanitary and epidemiological welfare of citizens” that has entered into force regulates silence in the apartments of citizens. According to the law, the permissible noise in the apartment should not go beyond the 40 dB mark during the day (from 07:00 to 23:00). And at night (from 23:00 to 07:00) the permissible noise level is reduced to 30 dB. For clarity, a few examples:

  • speaking level - from 45 dB to 60 dB;
  • baby crying - 80 dB;
  • car beep - 120 dB;
  • music in a night club - 110 dB;
  • a deadly level for humans of 200 dB is an explosion.

To ensure the peace of the inhabitants, the bill establishes bans on:

  • performance of noisy night repair work;
  • unloading and loading operations;
  • use of pyrotechnic means after the set time;
  • the use of sound amplifiers at night (in apartments, shops, cars);
  • screaming, whistling or singing at night.

Violators of the law are fined.

application to the district sample

The law paces the country

Some regions have amended the law "On Silence", set their restrictions on how much you can make noise in the apartment, and fines for violations. For individuals, the amount of fines is more likely symbolic (500 rubles), but a call to the court makes many think and change their behavior. And for legal entities, administrative responsibility is much more serious and may even lead to a suspension of activities that create noise for 3 months.

For example, Moscow authorities have limited the noise of construction work on weekdays (from 9:00 to 19:00). In St. Petersburg, when silence is not observed from 22:00 to 07:00, noisy neighbors pay a fine of up to 4,000 rubles, and organizations - up to 50,000 rubles. Subsequent similar violations increase the amount of fines.

Reason for the noise

Before reproaching the neighbors and waving a printed law in front of their nose, it is worthwhile to find out the reason for the disorder.

noisy neighbors

If before this noisy night, the neighbors never made noise, led a law-abiding lifestyle and were friendly, it might be worth making a concession and tolerating it. Suddenly, they have a good reason for fun, but there is no opportunity to celebrate the celebration in a cafe? Someday you will have a similar situation, fortunately, no one is safe from weddings, births of heirs and anniversaries. If the fun does not stop for more than one day, they don’t know how much you can make noise in the apartment and when to calm down a bit, take action.

Repair is another protracted event that causes a lot of inconvenience. But no matter how annoying your neighbor's repair is, you cannot “turn it off”. You need to understand the neighbors and remind them that there is a specially allotted time (day) for noisy repairs. If you have a child, you will have to agree on a “day silence” for sleep breaks. To quarrel is unprofitable for either side, since in the future they will live side by side.

When the neighbors are the source of noise, it’s very difficult to compromise. Explain to the child when you can not make noise in the apartment, it is possible only if it is not a baby. When parents spend their nights lulling and soothing a baby who has a stomachache or teeth are being cut, the neighbors only have to sympathize and be quietly angry. In other cases, you have the right to require parents to use all the power of their authority and education to ensure silence in night time.

allowable noise in the apartment

Peaceful solution to the problem

Of course, if the noise behind the wall comes with every nightfall or occurs often enough, then there is no time for ceremonies and good neighborly relations. But it is important to remember that any remark to a person is unpleasant and causes retaliatory irritation (albeit latent), and if it comes to court, it’s not enough to make the enemy on the landing. Therefore, first try to solve the problem peacefully.

how much noise in the apartment

Call your neighbors or go to them in person. Perhaps they just forgot to look at the clock. If loud sounds behind the wall are heard in the morning, you can immediately or during the day go to your neighbor and remind you how much you can make noise in the apartment. In different regions, this time is different, usually six or seven in the morning.

Legislative Noise War

If the noise in the neighboring apartment does not calm down, and the owners do not respond to requests and comments, you can contact the authorities for help. You can call the police at number 02. When calling an outfit, you need to remember that they may not arrive immediately. Therefore, for the police to witness the noise, it is better to call them in advance, when everything is just beginning. They will talk with the trespassers and tell them how much noise you can make in an apartment, if they, of course, open the door.

If the night noise in the neighboring apartment has become regular, you can contact the local inspector with a complaint. He is a representative of local authorities, his duty is to maintain order in the area entrusted to him.

when you can not make noise in the apartment

The precinct to help

The complaint can be filed in a written form or orally. In the latter case, the precinct records all of the above. All applications are registered by the duty officer at the department. If you decide at home to prepare a statement to the district police officer, the sample presented in this article will help you cope with the task.

Step-by-step instructions for applying to the district police officer:

  1. In the upper right corner indicates the name and position of the inspector. You can check these data by phone in the office.
  2. After this data, indicate your name, address and telephone number.
  3. From the new line in the middle, write the word “statement”. And below you describe the essence of the complaint: who is noisy, how noisy, how much and for how long it lasts; why does it bother you; what measures have been taken, what has changed. If there are witnesses or other victims, be sure to include their details.
  4. After the description of the complaint, a date and a signature with a transcript are put below.
  5. Send the application by registered mail or take it personally to the department and request the incoming number.

The district police officer must review your complaint within three days.

The whole house is not up to sleep

If noisy neighbors interfere not only with you, but with other residents of the house, you can prepare a collective complaint. Such complaints are usually more effective. A collective application to the district police officer, the sample of which practically does not differ from the above, must be drawn up so that the name of all applicants is indicated in the heading, and the signatures of each person with a decoding are indicated below.

Some houses have a bulletin board. Often, the front door replaces it. You can print a memo in which there will be a link to the law and explanations as to how much you can make noise in the apartment and what time it is.

And finally, think: is not your apartment a source of noise? Perhaps the neighbors are embarrassed to tell you ...

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