
How much is a genetic examination for paternity. The cost of a DNA paternity test

In many contentious issues between a pair of people who for some reason doubt or, on the contrary, want to confirm the origin of the child, the establishment of paternity is required. DNA tests in this case are the best option for determining the truth.

Men need such an examination in case of doubt, unwillingness to pay child support. Women require such an analysis only if they wish to encourage a good-for-nothing father to participate in the upbringing and financing of expenses for the child. "How much does a genetic examination for paternity cost?" - a rather complicated question, since the amount may vary depending on the situation.

How is paternity material collected

How much is a genetic examination for paternity

Ideally, the establishment of paternity requires the genetic material of the child, mother and man, whose involvement is established.

The main source of DNA is blood, saliva, as well as scraping from the mucous membrane of the cheek (buccal). However, at certain prices, the analytical laboratory accepts a woman without a man and vice versa.

In this case, it is enough to provide hair, nails and even any objects, in particular chewing gum. The participation of the mother is also optional, but in this case the need arises for a more detailed study of different sections of the genetic material. At the same time, the cost of DNA for paternity will be higher. Other children and several prospective fathers may be involved in the studies.

What determines the cost of the examination for paternity

The specific answer to the question of how much the genetic examination for paternity costs depends on the needs and desires of the customer, additional conditions for analysis. In addition, the price depends on the region of the study. For example, if you consider the cost of analysis in Moscow, then it can range from 11,000 to 65,000 rubles.

For what reasons does such a gap in total arise? Surcharge for urgency is one of the main criteria that increase the cost. The most inexpensive option is to analyze the second child, that is, when the parents have already conducted one study. You will also have to pay extra if you want to conduct an analysis without a second parent.

In addition, in the process of determining how much the genetic examination of establishing paternity costs, some analytical laboratories take into account voluntary analysis or in court. In the latter case, usually the final amount will be on average 5,000 rubles higher.

Terms of genetic examination of paternity

Genetic examinations cost, terms

Depending on the financial capabilities of the person who wants to conduct genetic examinations, the cost, timing of the analyzes can vary widely. Some analytical laboratories offer three tariffs on time, that is, the usual, expedited and urgent option. In the first case, the analysis period can reach 22 working days. At a more expensive tariff, the examination time is less than 2 or 1 weeks, respectively.

Some biomedical centers specialize exclusively in conducting forensic genetic examinations. For example, in Veliky Novgorod, depending on the urgency, such analyzes are carried out within 1 day to 1 month. Moreover, prices, depending on the number of children or participation instead of the alleged father of his relatives, vary from 16,000 to 22,000 rubles.

The procedure for the examination of paternity

If it is necessary to conduct a DNA examination in a court of law, it is first necessary to petition the relevant authorities with this matter and only after making a decision to file an application for analysis. As a rule, the study is paid by the plaintiff, however, you can additionally apply for reimbursement of legal costs on the other hand. By mutual agreement, it is necessary to find out how much the genetic examination for paternity costs, choose the appropriate option and order an analysis.


How much is the genetic examination of establishing paternity

In court, the procedure for the removal of samples is as follows. Usually a cotton swab is used, which is taken from the whole package sterile. This process is being carried out by a medical professional called to court. Everyone who will be examined should rinse their mouths, take a cotton swab and hold it about 20 times with a light touch. Usually this procedure is done twice. Samples of different people fit in separate envelopes. Do not use a plastic bag. Before this, the other, unused end of the stick is cut off. Next, the samples are sent for analysis to the laboratory.

How much does it take to do a DNA test to establish paternity in court and when to pay for the service, that is, before or after the meeting. As a rule, many examination services allow you to pay for the examination after taking the material. In this case, the initiators of the process issued a receipt with which you need to go to any bank and there to carry out the procedure for transferring money to the organization’s account. In the Rostov region, the cost of this service can be more than 30,000 rubles, which is approximately 10,000 rubles. more expensive when conducting an out-of-court analysis.

Discounts on analysis and application submission

Like all commercial organizations providing various types of services, analytical laboratories organize promotions. For example, they may offer to conduct a more accurate analysis at a price equal to an examination with fewer markers. Therefore, in the absence of the need to conduct an analysis in court, you can get some savings in your money.

In addition, on many sites of companies engaged in such activities, you can leave a request. Managers will contact the client and finalize how much the genetic examination for paternity costs. Some companies offer a 10% discount when filling out the form online. Moreover, the price of expertise sometimes amounts to no more than 11,000 rubles, that is, significant savings are obtained.

What documents are issued at the end of the analysis

How much does a DNA paternity test cost?

At the end of the analysis, an examination certificate is issued. This document is sufficient for confirmation in court. If only two people participated in the analysis, the court may order a re-examination.

If a determination of paternity is necessary to resolve contentious issues, then you must first go to court to order an examination.

Otherwise, it will not have legal force. In addition to the cost of genetic analysis, you will have to pay legal fees. It is better to do everything according to the rules, otherwise you will have to go through the examination again, which will come out much more expensive.

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