Self-government is a specific type of administration. It differs in that the object and subject of the relationship coincide. In other words, people independently manage their own affairs. Consider this institution in more detail.
Local government
It is elected by the population on the territory of the municipality. If we consider citizens in the political and sociological aspect, then they act as a community. Its presence acts as an indicator of a certain structure within society. The value of this community is expressed in beneficial effects on the municipal administrative apparatus. At the same time, state self-government has a significant influence on the institute. The community of citizens participates in relations with the administration of the Moscow Region, the region and the federal center on the basis of the provisions of the law.
Self-government is the organization and implementation of citizens' activities, providing the population with a solution to problems of territorial significance, including those related to the use of municipal property, in accordance with the interests of the inhabitants of this municipal district. This definition characterizes the institution in a narrow sense. In a more general consideration of the issue, it is assumed that local governments are endowed with the capabilities and real ability to regulate most of the public relations within the framework of the law, on their own responsibility and in accordance with the interests of citizens.
Theoretical aspect
Self-government is one way of expressing the will of the people. This form is decentralized and involves a certain autonomy, independence. The theoretical foundations of the institute were formed at the beginning of the 19th century by Alexis Tocqueville, Lorenz Stein, Rudolf Gneits, Paul Laband and several other figures. In the Russian Federation, self-government is a public system that is not associated with civil society.
Fundamentals of Organization and Activities
The legislation provides for conditions in accordance with which the nature of the institution in question, its position and significance in the system are determined. The following principles of self-management are distinguished:
- Independence. This condition is enshrined in the Constitution. Independence extends to all spheres of influence of the institution: financial, economic, legal, organizational.
- State guarantees and support.
- The independence of one MO from another within its competence.
- Mandatory presence of a legislative body or the exercise of its functions by an assembly of citizens.
- Priority of representative institutions.
- Publicity of activities aimed at the implementation of self-government.
- Subsidiarity, interaction and cooperation with regional and federal institutions in matters of ensuring the life of citizens.
What are local government powers?
They represent certain opportunities and responsibilities established in federal, regional and municipal laws. The powers of local self-government relate to the implementation of the functions and tasks assigned to it, the solution of issues of territorial significance. They can be implemented in two ways. The population can express their will directly and directly or through local authorities.
Budget work
There are several groups of powers of local self-government, depending on a particular area of activity. So, in the public sector, territorial structures:
- Draw up, approve and implement the budget.
- Form funds for lending to events and targeted programs aimed at resolving issues of a territorial nature.
- Create extra-budgetary reserves, determine their status and directions of spending.
- Establish territorial fees and taxes.
Property Issues
In the area of property management, local authorities:
- Establish the conditions for the creation, acquisition, transformation of objects.
- According to the legislation, they approve the procedure in accordance with which the appointment and removal of the heads of municipal organizations, institutions and enterprises is carried out.
- A list of municipal property objects is determined for the acquisition, formation and transformation of which the consent of the local government is necessary.
- Establish advantages and benefits, in the tax sphere, including to stimulate the work of entrepreneurs.
- Form the conditions for the placement of enterprises not owned by the municipality in the territory under the jurisdiction of local authorities.
Land relations
In this area, local authorities:
- Determine the procedure for the withdrawal and provision of land in accordance with the law.
- Establish rules for the use of natural resources.
- Decide on the suspension of construction work in case of violations of sanitary and environmental standards.
- Prohibit activities that may have an adverse effect on the environment, in accordance with the conclusion of Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.
Housing and communal services, domestic, commercial services
In these areas, local government:
- Approves the rules and plans for the development of the territory.
- They determine the procedure for the sale and transfer of housing into the ownership of enterprises and citizens, and their leasing.
- Issues a building permit, suspends construction, which is carried out in violation of approved projects and rules.
- Attracts organizations and enterprises on a contractual basis to participate in increasing industrial capacities.
Transport sphere
Local authority:
- Manages organizations and enterprises engaged in transportation owned by the municipality.
- Supervises the work of other transport institutions providing services to the population.
- Defines and approves schedules and driving directions.
- Involves enterprises located on the territory under its jurisdiction for transport services on a contractual basis.
- Provides accounting of cars and other vehicles.
- Organizes and controls the work with passengers at train stations, airports, marinas.
- Provides the activities of communications enterprises, the development of television and radio.
Local authorities take various measures to improve the social, material, housing conditions of people in need of help at home, the disabled, elderly citizens, families who have lost the bread-winner. At the expense of the budget, benefits can be established for medical services and spa treatment, for the payment of utilities and transportation services, etc.