The fire extinguishing manager is called the official who organizes actions in emergency situations. For work, special tools and equipment are used. Employees must have permission to perform this activity obtained after training. The orders of such a leader are not canceled, and all subordinates must comply with orders. Briefly, the post is called RTP. Her duties and rights are approved by law.
The head performs fire extinguishing work. The official assesses the situation at the scene of the emergency. Based on the information received, he orders the organization of the operational headquarters, which will carry out the suppression.
Forms the obligations of the RTP order 156 of 03/31/2011 issued by the Ministry of Emergencies. The document spells out fire fighting regulations. The head limits the territory, affirms the rank of the emergency, and selects the direction of the work. All actions depend on the RTP. His responsibilities include the distribution of forces to properly extinguish the fire. The head can apply gas fumes. When performing rescue operations, the risks of life threatening people and property damage are assessed.
Has RTP rights, responsibilities, which allows you to competently perform the work. If the operational headquarters is not organized, then the head carries out his activities. He monitors the implementation of labor protection rules for all employees. It determines the causes of the appearance of fire.
When extinguishing a fire, you need to:
- notify employees;
- organize their work;
- perform it qualitatively.
The responsibilities of an RTF in a fire include informing employees about the rules of conduct and the measures necessary to successfully remove the fire. It is necessary to correctly convey relevant information. The fire act is drawn up in 2 copies. In case of unusual situations, additional forces must be prepared.
Features of appointment and leadership
The instruction is given by a senior official who visited the scene of the fire. From this moment on, the main person is RTG. His responsibilities are to monitor compliance with orders, which allows you to properly organize the work.
If the circumstances of the situation have changed, then an authorized person, dispatcher must be notified about this. Often this is due to the appearance of high-ranking fire. The leader needs to arrive where control over the combat operation is needed. Functions may be transferred to another person, but only with an official designation.
The functions of all employees are approved by the RTP. His duties consist in the appointment of superiors, deputies and other persons. He may also be relieved of work for specific reasons. The head attracts reserve forces, if required.
When solving professional problems, the head wears a sleeve bandage. They are created from cloth red cloth, and the inscriptions on them are white.
Since quenching is a complex job, some managerial functions are transferred to others. According to the law, ranking is required, according to which each participant has his own number, depending on his duties.
Principles of training and tolerances
The Ministry of Emergencies has qualification levels for employees. There are requirements in every employee. It is mandatory to have a special education or military ID with a mark of service. The fire extinguishing manager is not considered a permanent position, he only distributes responsibilities.
Admission to work occurs after passing the test. Most attention is paid to tactical exercises.In addition to general information, a knowledge test involves the inclusion of questions on the structure of the department and on tasks. For admission to the calculation, management and organization of fire fighting requires confirmation of skills.
Requirements approved by guidelines. Employees need to have a secondary education or work experience of 5 years. If there is no experience, then the candidate needs to take special courses. The head must have access to work for an independent exit to the scene of the fire. Competent authorities may carry out checks on the conformity of the position. In case of violations, liability is provided.