A person can be truly happy only when he has the opportunity to do what he loves. But at the same time, hobbies as work are not taken seriously by many. The life attitude of an ordinary person is that it is necessary to separate business and hobbies.
This is wrong, combining both, you can achieve great success. A very good example of this postulate is the sale of author's dolls. Such a business brings its creator both profit and satisfaction of creative needs.
Where to begin?
Many, having learned about the existence of author's dolls, begin to be actively interested in the technology of their manufacture. In fact, special education in this case is welcome, but not particularly required. Of course, successfully completed art courses will not become an obstacle, even, on the contrary, will help you choose the direction in which you need to move. But this is far from the main thing!
Much more important is the desire to create and develop. It is not necessary to expect that the first, second and even tenth dolls will turn out to be a standard example of art. But they will have their own soul and character.
The question of how to sell an author’s doll also takes place, but it cannot exist independently. It is necessary that this be a single endless process of creativity and the exchange of their works with the outside world. Only then will everything work out and the business will flourish.
Frivolous attitude
You can understand those people who start to laugh when they learn about the puppet business. Indeed, at first glance, all this seems more like fun than a profitable business. The grin begins to disappear with the realization of the value that some original products achieve.
Author dolls can be sold at specialized exhibitions, at home, and even at large auctions. Collectors are ready to give literally everything for some rare items and creations of talented contemporary authors.
Thus, only people who do not know how to make money can be frivolous with such a promising business. In addition, they begin to do this business more at the behest of the soul, and only then their favorite hobby brings income. Therefore, connoisseurs and craftsmen for making dolls do not pay absolutely any attention to stupid ridicule and reproaches for childishness.
The story of the appearance of author's dolls
Author's doll today is one of the sought-after forms of art, but this has not always been the case. This genre appeared only in the 50s of the XX century. Creative people at that time wanted to find a way out of the chaos and aggressiveness that flourished in the spiritual life of society.
It is very difficult for an uninformed person to understand why an author's doll is needed. After all, it does not apply to a children's toy, and its difference from the animation and theatrical versions can be seen even with the naked eye. All its value lies in the possibility of contemplation of such a work of art, filled with deep meaning. Looking at the doll, everyone sees something of their own, some secret hidden from others.
The progenitor of modern figures collected by collectors around the world should be sought in France. According to one version, it was there that Edgar Degas first made an art doll. He called his wax creation “Little Dancer”. It is very difficult to look away from this miniature girl, before that it turned out to be lively and natural.
Doll collecting
In the modern world, the sale of designer dolls is in full swing, and it is very difficult for a novice collector to figure out what is worth buying and what is not. The question is especially acute because of the high cost of such pleasure.
There are even their own criteria and rules by which knowledgeable people determine the value of author's dolls. Unique dolls are valued more than others. They are created by the hands of famous masters in a single copy. For such a work of art will have to pay from 1 to 50 thousand dollars. The most valuable and rare copies are completely impossible to buy. They, as a rule, are family value and are passed from generation to generation.
The more common version is the release of a limited edition of the same type of dolls. In this case, the cost will be much more affordable. A guarantee of the further appearance of copies in the world is the fact that the form in which the figures were cast is broken by witnesses.
Least of all will hit the pocket purchase of a doll replicated in an amount of 500 copies. Small firms are engaged in this, who order the original version from the master, and then simply make copies. For what the author’s desired doll is placed in silicone, and the mold is made.
Initial capital
A true artist does not need a lot of money to do what he loves. The main thing is the availability of materials from which it would be possible to create your masterpieces. This is fully true for the puppet business.
In the calculation of the initial capital, first of all, the cost of the mass for modeling should be included, which is 500-1000 rubles. Auxiliary materials from which eyes, hair and clothes will be made will cost another 500 rubles. Thus, for the first test of your strength you need to have only 1,500 rubles, and then everything will depend only on the abilities and demand for the products.
If the sale of author's dolls is successful, a beginner and an unknown master can earn up to 50 thousand rubles a month. This is taking into account the fact that one copy takes up to 20 days.
What to do in case of failure?
It is difficult to be misunderstood, especially if it concerns a matter in which the soul is invested. If the sales of the dolls did not work out, you should not despair. The reason may lie not so much in craftsmanship as inability to realize the results of their work.
There are 2 ways out of this situation:
- Find a person willing to help with the sale.
- Change the scope of your business.
Moreover, the second option does not necessarily provide for a complete rejection of your favorite pastime. It is possible, for example, to organize training courses for the production of author's dolls. Undoubtedly, they will be very popular among both children and adults.