An extremely important event was the adoption of the Land Decree, the date of which is October 26, 1917. He became the factor that began the agrarian revolution in Russia. This document played a crucial role in preparing a list of conditions under which the working peasants, led by the Bolshevik party, switched to a socialist form of economic structure and agriculture.
Step to a new government
The adoption of the Land Decree was a significant event, because thanks to it, the union of the peasantry and workers was strengthened and developed. In Russia, the newest form of government and agricultural policy has established itself. Their birth occurred when the Great October Socialist Revolution gained strength.
Russia had its own characteristics, with which the economy and politics developed. The reasons for the adoption of the Land Decree lay on the surface. They were studied by the Bolsheviks and Lenin himself. When the plans of the October Revolution were still brewing, the concept that the Land Decree of 1917 then incorporated was already put forward as the main provision that the Marxists planned to adhere to in their agricultural policy.
It was planned that the property will be nationalized. The leader put ideas into his works that stated that only the adoption of the Land Decree would help the working peasantry feel comfortable in the realities of modern society.
Disagreements in documents
Each stage of the formation of the revolution was characterized by different forms of the question raised around personal property and giving it national status. The adoption of the Land Decree (1917) preceded its subsequent distribution to the Petrograd editorial office. The law was published in newspapers. Only articles remained in the press, for the original, which Lenin himself wrote, was not preserved.
Historians compared the first publications and found a lack of identity. Different editions present different options to the reader. The main discrepancy is the provision on confiscation of the territories of possession of peasants and Cossacks.
The adoption of the Land Decree legalized the provision that the property of landowners should be taken immediately, there was no possibility of redemption. Lenin emphasized this point, because then it was especially important to eliminate landowner ownership of territories. Private property was taken away on the area, forest, water. The adoption of decrees on peace and on land was of particular importance because now on an ongoing basis the area could not be sold or bought, leased or mortgaged, or alienated.
The whole territory was alienated free of charge and became a public property, passed into the service of the needs of working workers. Now only the state had the exclusive right to own and use.
National Territory Rights
The adoption of the Land Decree was the starting point for the confiscation of landowners. Possession was carried out on an unearned basis. Nationalization has occurred. The Soviet Union had the exclusive right of ownership in the country and everything that was on it. Only the state could own them. Citizens could use and apply these objects for specific tasks.
Something unique to the then society was the adoption of the Land Decree. The year when it happened radically changed society.Property arose that was owned by the whole people on the rights of socialism; it was imposed on all areas of work in agriculture that had an agricultural purpose.
The role of the bill was truly universal, now the view by which property values were evaluated was completely different. They proclaimed the nationalization of the land and all the buildings that were there. This is a broad step towards creating state ownership.
Equal rights
Land ownership and forms of ownership were mentioned in the Peasant Order. The opportunity to use territorial allotments was provided to all citizens who wanted to put their work to them. Under strict prohibition was hired work. The land was distributed among those who were busy with a socially important business. The conditions then were to equalize everyone. In what form to use the land, people themselves decided.
At the request of the peasants, hired labor is prohibited. The Bolsheviks advocated the abolition of sole management. Otherwise, it was not possible to destroy wage labor. There was a risk of hidden forms of hard labor if the transition was incomplete. So, thorough reforms were needed so that the state really changed for the better. The land had to be cultivated by the whole society, then the exploitation of some people by others would have disappeared.
freedom of choice
The Bolsheviks also did not welcome leveling land use, but Lenin considered it necessary to introduce it, for such was the will that the peasants expressed in the vast majority. It was emphasized that if people were not given the opportunity to get rid of their own false idea, they would not be able to remove it from their minds as incompetent.
If admission were refused, then the people would continue to advocate precisely for this scenario, but it would be much easier to allow the population to hit the same rake on them, because otherwise there would be no school of life for citizens. The state, in turn, will support the people on the path from the petty-bourgeois to the socialist system.
Rapid development
The principle that advocates equalizing land use was not an obstacle to agrarian reforms when the proletariat got real power. Moreover, in this way it was possible to overcome the kulaks, which was also considered a big plus.
New, socialist territories arose. The emergence of land law took place, after which the Soviet socialist legal institute arose. Developed state, civil and criminal law institutes.
New opportunities
For the peasantry engaged in labor, the possibilities of creating collective forms of managing the economy and agriculture were open. The processing of allotments by society began. It was possible to freely choose the form of use of the territory.
In the future, thanks to this, a transition to a process took place, during which the agrarian economy and those enterprises that were created in a friendly form of land use were socialized. The Bolsheviks were subjected to embittered attacks, which were carried out by both Russians and "well-wishers" from abroad. Arrogance and disdain pierced their reviews. They ridiculed the probability of organizing a collective economy for the peasant people. They considered this a pipe dream that the Bolsheviks had.
Approval of the people
Socialization regarding agriculture was voluntary. It was possible to build a clear scheme, devoid of operation, in production. The decree on the land was popularly supported by workers and the working peasant people.
This bill is notable for the rapid destruction of private dominion over property, as well as the creation of state ownership of socialist values and the nationalization of territories. The collective form of land use was designed to save people from poverty.
Even at the time when the October Revolution was taking place, many representatives of the people advocated the development and promotion of these ideas, as they greatly impressed them. From the legal side of the issue, they immediately turned to the practical and began to implement everything that they planned, instantly. Conducted the creation of land committees. Their actions were guided by democratic principles. They allocated cultural estates, protected them from depreciation, were engaged in the organization of the economy. All these processes were of great importance for the state.