In Russia in the past decade, the problem of orphans was very acute. All kinds of orphanages and shelters were filled with kids and adolescents who were left without parents because of the death of the latter, or because of the deprivation of their parental rights. The state bears full responsibility for young citizens all the time they are in institutions. But any child grows up. And once they say to an orphan that he can be free and free to choose his own path in life.
It is really hard when there is nobody behind you: neither parents, nor relatives who will turn up your shoulder and support if you stumbled. The state cannot provide all orphans without exception with such support or give them to families willing to help them. But then it can provide housing for such a category of citizens.
Who is considered an orphan?
Who are orphans? The state undertakes to provide housing for children and children who are left without parental care or other guardians. The provision of housing is guaranteed social support. Orphans include children whose parents have died.
A child is considered to be without care if:
- deprivation of parental rights was made for reasons of the parents or guardians of the child in places of deprivation of liberty, if they were recognized as incompetent and other reasons;
- parents are recognized as missing;
- are in medical institutions.
Thus, within the framework of social support, the provision of housing for orphans is guaranteed. The law says that this rule applies to all orphans who have lost parental care before adulthood.
What needs to be done to get in line?
All summary information is stored in the Ministry of Education and Science of the region. How to stand in line for an apartment for an orphan child? By law, lists of persons who must be provided with housing are compiled guardianship authorities at the place of residence of the child. Provision of housing is carried out by the executive authority of the subject.
Orphans who have reached the age of 14 are queued automatically for the apartment. If the child has already reached the age of majority, but is not on the list for receiving an apartment, then the following steps must be performed.
What to do adult orphans?
How to queue for housing for orphans when they reach adulthood? In order for such children to be included in the lists for receiving an apartment from the state, they will need to fill out a special application. It is necessary to attach to it:
- photocopy of birth certificate;
- photocopy of passport;
- photocopies of documents that can confirm the absence of parental care (parents death certificate, custody order, court decision on deprivation of parental rights, etc.).
The application form is approved by the regional Ministry of Education and Science. A similar application is considered less than 10 days (calendar).
If an orphan has an apartment, but he cannot live in it, then this statement must be accompanied by documents confirming this fact:
- a photocopy of the court decision;
- the conclusion of the commission on the impossibility of living in this apartment (due to non-compliance of the housing with sanitary standards and rules, or due to the presence of severe chronic diseases among others living in this apartment);
- a document (technical or cadastral passport, state registration certificate) containing information on the number of people living in this room.
Such an application shall be considered for at least 40 days (calendar).
How is the legal apartment obtained?
Not so long ago there was a change in the law securing the right of orphans to housing as part of a social program. Previously, it was provided under a social contract with the right to instant privatization and registration of the apartment as a property. But this led to unpleasant consequences when an orphan decided to sell this apartment, and, due to inexperience, lost it.
The law was amended in such a way that after receiving an apartment issued under a special rental agreement for a period of 5 years, an orphan cannot privatize it during this period, which means that it will not be able to sell this housing or rent it out.
Why can’t an orphan live in the apartment provided to him?
There are a number of circumstances in which it is impossible to live in a seemingly already issued apartment for an orphaned child. In the presence of such circumstances, the provision of housing for orphans is realized again and in full.
These circumstances include:
- parents deprived of parental rights live in this apartment;
- people with severe chronic illness live in this apartment;
- This apartment is unsuitable for living due to non-compliance with sanitary and technical standards;
- the apartment has a small living space insufficient for accommodation (the area of the apartment, which is due to each resident, is less than the normal value of this indicator);
- the presence of a severe form of a chronic disease in an orphan child, in which it is impossible to live with him.
If at least one of the items is available, you must contact the guardianship authority in order to write a statement about the fact of non-compliance of the housing. A similar application is considered up to 30 days (calendar). In the case of a positive decision, it is concluded that it is necessary to re-place the orphaned child in the queue for new housing.
When does the state provide housing?
At what age are orphans receiving housing? When an orphan child turns 18, the keys to the living quarters are transferred to him from the state under the social rental agreement described above. In the event of full legal capacity before adulthood, property is likely to be issued even earlier. If an orphan leaves the orphanage before the age of 18, he will also receive the apartment due to him by law immediately.
If, after reaching eighteen years of age, immediately after the orphanage, the young man joined the army, then he can receive the apartment upon application after the end of his service life.
In what region can an orphaned apartment be located?
In practice, apartments are issued in the same region of the Russian Federation where the orphanage is located, to which an orphan was assigned. But according to the statement, the provision of housing for orphans is possible in another area. If an orphan served for a long time in Arkhangelsk and was brought up in the Tula region, then, at his request, the authorities can first consider his application and eventually provide an apartment.
Housing Requirements
Far from always, orphans turn out to be secured apartments. Often, under this program, they get homes in the private sector. All residential premises must be suitable for housing, provided with electricity, gas, water supply. Heating should be only centralized, no AGV or furnaces.
If we consider a wooden private house, then it should be no older than 15 years. The number of square meters must satisfy the living conditions of an orphan in this area.
It is strictly forbidden under the program to instill orphans in a dilapidated and intended for demolition residential premises.
Are there any additional benefits?
Which else exist social benefits orphans Each month they receive a survivor's pension from the state. It is credited to the child’s own light, opened in the bank, but he can dispose of money without restrictions only upon reaching adulthood.From 14 to 18 years old, if the child wishes to withdraw part of the amount due to him, he needs to get permission from the guardianship authorities.
Thus, the provision of housing for orphans is one of the highest priority areas of work on social security of the state. Every year, for this purpose, apartments in new buildings are purchased, in which there is already a complete renovation, and these living quarters are transferred to orphans. The provision of housing for orphans in the framework of the social program has been implemented for a long time and is being improved every year. Therefore, pupils of institutions can not worry that after 18 years they will remain on the street. But you need to be prepared for the fact that housing will take some time.