From early childhood, parents explain to us that washing hands before eating is good, and smoking is bad. As a result, we grow up and often cannot answer the question of what are good habits and which are bad. And indeed: washing your hands regularly is, of course, good. But does such a habit help to become successful and, most importantly, a happy person?
How does action become a habit?
A person who runs in the mornings daily for some time is a matter of respect, and one who has run once and boasts of his sporting achievements is rather surprising. It is appropriate to call a habit an action that is repeated with a certain regularity. Moreover, it can be beneficial or harmful to its owner. But how to get rid of all the settings and dies that spoil life, and to instill new, useful ones?
Forming good habits is a complex and lengthy process that requires constant work on yourself. Any change in the schedule of life should be conscious and desirable. You must comprehensively evaluate the chosen new habit, understand how it will be useful specifically for you. Think about what's stopping you from easily letting your changes into your life? If you want to lose weight, but are used to eating a lot in the evenings, you need to choose one thing. It is important to correctly calculate and formulate a bad habit and find the strength in yourself to consciously abandon it.
Want a change for the better? Leave everything bad in the past
Good and bad habits are not mutually exclusive. If you decide to improve your life and begin to introduce new positive programs into the life schedule, this does not mean that all negative and worsening quality of life will disappear by themselves. It turns out, before you engage in the development of good habits, you should abandon the bad ones. Make a list of all regularly performed activities that ruin your life. First of all, “classic” bad habits can be attributed here: alcohol abuse, smoking, overeating. An intelligent person will never consciously harm his health; on the contrary, he will strive in every way to support him and strengthen his own body. This simple truth can be a great motivator to help you succeed.
Consider more than health habits. Perhaps you are doing something that does not create the most pleasant impression on others around you: picking your nose, interrupting your interlocutor or making a mess in the workplace. Try to evaluate your behavior from the outside for at least one day, and even better - ask someone close to give a detailed description. So what are good habits? We offer you a list of categories:
- Good health habits.
- Actions to help you become happy.
- Habits to achieve success within the chosen profession.
- Planning is useful for all walks of life.
- The habit of setting goals and achieving them.
Of course, in fact, there are many more good habits, and in this article we will consider in detail only the basic ones that will be useful to everyone.
Health is First
A person cannot be happy and successful if he suffers from chronic diseases and feels physical weakness. It is necessary to take care of your health from childhood.How can good habits help in this? A list of regularly performed activities that improve well-being should begin with general hygiene rules and regular physical activity. It is, of course, very useful to engage in a certain kind of sport systematically.
But if there is no desire or opportunity, just try to move more. Walk and try to walk every day. And the morning is best to start with a simple charge. Good habits should concern your diet. Drink enough water daily; try not to overeat and eat varied. Taking care of your own health also includes regular visits to specialist doctors and routine examinations.
Being happy is easy!
If you develop good habits, you will certainly feel better. You can be truly happy by changing your own thinking and developing certain reactions to events. Try not to be upset about minor issues. Remember that all difficulties are temporary, and if the resolution of the situation is up to you, you must act.
In situations where you personally cannot influence what is happening in any way, you just have to look for something positive in the incident. Find time for yourself daily. Regularly do what you really like, just relax. Rejoice at each passing day, fix your attention on pleasant events, you can also start keeping a "Diary of Joy" and write down all the good things that are happening in your life.
Success in work
Each profession has its own nuances and features. But at the same time, there are some general rules and useful habits that allow you to succeed in any field. Try to concentrate fully on work during your work day. All personal problems and household chores should be “left” at home. Set specific tasks for yourself every day - what you need to do during the day, if the project is long-term - determine the completion date and try to follow this.
One interesting rule of the business sphere of life: start each day with a not very pleasant, but at the same time simple enough business. And most importantly - if you suffer from the habit of putting off everything at the last moment and a lot of distraction, quickly get rid of it. If you have any kind of idol in the professional field, do not hesitate to watch him and try to understand how he does it. Copying the useful habits of a successful person is very useful, because you should learn from the very best.
Secrets of Effective Planning
Making lists is useful for anyone who wants to become more organized. Such reminders will help with shopping, day planning, and travel arrangements. If you want to instill good habits, a list of tasks and events for each day will help you achieve success. Planning can be done before bedtime or in the morning as soon as you wake up. It is important to understand that writing tasks for yourself for the day is only half the work, it’s really more difficult to do everything and follow the plan. Do not try to do it all in one day or a limited amount of time.
If possible, try to plan different things for one day. It is unlikely that you will be able to clear up the blockage at work for a day, but it is quite possible to complete 1-2 tasks that were previously postponed, it is quite possible to find time to perform some household duties and go to the store. Be sure to write yourself reminders about new good habits. If you decide to start doing exercises or keep a diary of personal achievements / pleasant moments, write these things in your plan.
You can achieve any goal.
Goal setting is one of the habits of many successful people. Develop your sense of purpose, as well as the ability to clearly articulate your desires and achieve their fulfillment.All of these are very good habits that will help you improve your quality of life. So, you need to formulate your desire-goal as specifically as possible. If you want to accumulate a certain amount of money, then indicate it in numbers with a description of the planned purchase. Those wishing to find a new job should at the planning stage choose a position, approximate working conditions and salary. Does your goal seem unrealistic? If you are not seeking to see a real dragon or move to live on Mars, you can most likely achieve it. You only need to instill the most useful habits for achieving goals.
Remember, every victory is the result of hard work. Break a large target into many intermediate ones. For those who save money, this may be the search for additional sources of income or regular contributions of a certain amount to the savings account. Think about what you can do today to achieve your goal in a month, and write it all down. Then you just have to follow the plan, and you will certainly succeed.
Work on yourself
Suppose you have already decided what good and bad habits remain in your life, even made a list of them. But remember, in order for everything to work out, you need to work on yourself daily. Accustom yourself to take stock of each day, evaluate all events, your own reaction to them and overall productivity. Draw conclusions, but try not to focus on one thing at the same time. It is not necessary to once again survive the daily failure, but to understand its cause and remember for yourself will be useful. So relate to success - if you were praised today, or you really did something good, this is a reason for joy, but do not rush to celebrate too fast - there are still many things to do, and new achievements await you. Daily introspection is also an occasion to talk heart to heart with yourself. Try to develop an adequate self-esteem, remind yourself of your own importance if you often feel insecure about your own abilities.
A couple of good habits for every day
Get a small notebook that is convenient to take with you everywhere. In it, write down any ideas and interesting thoughts that will come to your mind. Believe me, each of us carries in our head an incredible potential for creativity, and many of the fleeting thoughts are incredibly valuable. You will certainly understand this by reading your own notes after a while.
Another good habit that will help you become happy and successful is to smile more. Scientists have proven that even a "forced" squeezed smile sends a special signal to the brain, thanks to which a person calms down and feels happier. In addition, smiling people attract others, unlike those who frown a lot.