
Same-sex marriage in Russia. Where are gay marriage permitted?

Love is a universal concept and there are many people who experience this feeling not for the opposite sex, but for a representative of their gender. At the same time, it is quite natural that they want to legitimize their relationship. Another thing is that same-sex marriage is a concept alien enough for a modern person, and people who choose this path often have to struggle with public censure.same-sex marriage

Attitude to same-sex unions in antiquity

Oddly enough, the concept of same-sex love did not arise in recent years. Most of all, such relationships flourished in ancient Rome, where feelings between people of the same sex did not surprise anyone. Nevertheless, even with such a loyal attitude towards this manifestation of love, same-sex marriage was impossible there. Despite the fact that society looked through these fingers at such people, a marriage between them and, moreover, the general education of children were not allowed. It is noteworthy that this was not even officially prohibited by the authorities, this was not even supposed.

Modern attitudes towards same-sex marriage

Over time, years and centuries, same-sex couples fought for recognition of their right to conclude an alliance with each other. However, society continued to condemn such a manifestation of feelings, and moreover, same-sex marriage was impossible. Attitudes towards such partners began to change only in recent decades. where gay marriage is permittedToday, society is more loyal to same-sex couples, believing that the choice of their partner is a personal human right. In some countries, the state even gives permission to marry this category of people. At the same time, this attitude does not apply to the whole world, however, the number of countries where gay marriage is permitted may increase over time.

Where in the world marriages between same-sex partners are allowed

Today, in 24 countries of the world, official marriage of representatives of sexual minorities is allowed. The first number on the list is the Netherlands, which at all times has been distinguished by more than a loyal attitude to same-sex unions. It was Holland that became the first country where representatives of non-traditional orientation got the opportunity to officially legitimize their relations. The law was adopted in 2001.gay marriage in Russia

From that moment, large-scale protests began to be held in the world, insisting on the violation of the rights of sexual minorities. This was the impetus for the fact that the number of countries where gay marriage is allowed began to increase rapidly. Now on this list are countries such as Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina, Denmark, Brazil, Uruguay, New Zealand, Malta, Luxembourg, Slovenia, USA, Greenland. Also, there are countries where the legalization of same-sex marriage is only partially possible in certain areas. These are states such as:

  • France;
  • Great Britain;
  • Japan;
  • Mexico.

Separately, it is worth mentioning Finland, where the law on same-sex marriage was adopted by the government and will enter into force in 2017. At the moment, civil partnership is allowed in this country.

Civil Union. Where is it allowed and what is the difference from marriage

There is another alliance of partners belonging to sexual minorities, besides such as same-sex marriage. In which countries such relations are permitted, in addition to Finland, not many know. Meanwhile, this list includes 18 countries with a completely different mentality and ethnic composition.These are countries such as Germany, Andorra, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Liechtenstein, Croatia, Ecuador, Chile, Cyprus, Greece, Estonia, Italy and other countries.gay marriage countries

The difference between a civil union and marriage is that in this case, the legal rights of the couple are limited. To a greater extent, this relates to the possibility of adopting and raising children.

At the same time, countries that allow same-sex marriage do not prohibit such partners from bringing up children, as well as resorting to methods such as surrogate motherhood or artificial insemination.

The attitude of the world community towards same-sex unions

Like any medal, an excessive degree of human freedom and the inviolability of his rights have two sides. In this case, this has led to the fact that the denial of same-sex unions is perceived as violation of an individual's rights. It is this attitude that the world community is positioning. For better or worse, everyone decides for himself. However, the fact that most countries of the world allows the conclusion of same-sex marriages at the state level, has led to the fact that moral freedom has reached its peak right now.legalization of same-sex marriage

Same-Sex Marriages in Russia

Despite such pressure to protect their rights from representatives of sexual minorities, there are still countries where the conclusion of an alliance of such partners is not provided for by law. Among such countries, Russia stands out, where the question of whether gay marriage is permitted on its territory is even hard to imagine. The state’s attitude to this issue is absolutely categorical and does not provide for any exemptions. However, the main difference from other countries is not the ban itself on the conclusion of same-sex unions.

All countries that do not allow the legalization of relations between members of sexual minorities legally recognize marriage concluded in another state. Thus, having registered in another country, a couple can return home and live a quiet family life without violating any laws. This order is valid in countries such as Israel, Taiwan, Mongolia, North and South Korea. The position of the Russian Federation on this issue is unambiguous, same-sex marriages in Russia are prohibited in the same way as relations registered in any other country are illegal. Moreover, the country has a law prohibiting any propaganda of homosexuality, the violation of which leads to a very large fine. For individuals, it amounts to 100 thousand rubles, and for legal entities it can reach up to 1 million rubles.same-sex marriage in which countries

The attitude of Russians to same-sex unions

Most Russian citizens strongly condemn any manifestations of homosexuality. In this regard, the position of people is similar to the position of the state, and they both believe that the promotion of such unions is a sure way to the extinction of the nation. At the same time, there is not even a neutral attitude of people towards same-sex partners. Any manifestation of feelings between two men or two women is perceived sharply negatively.

Predictions for same-sex marriage in Russia

Given this attitude of citizens of the country, such a thing as gay marriage is unlikely to take root in Russia. Recent opinion polls show that, despite the improvement in the attitude of the world community to this issue, the Russians remained in the same position. This is also explained by the Soviet legacy, when any signs of homosexuality were persecuted by law and the influence of the church and simply by the human attitude to this issue. In any case, it is difficult to imagine that the situation in Russia for representatives of sexual minorities will somehow change in the near future.

Maintaining a healthy nation or violation of rights

If we exclude the emotional side of the issue, rational points arise regarding the legalization of same-sex marriage. Most members of sexual minorities require the adoption of this law, mostly wanting to protect their property and non-property interests as spouses.Indeed, given the fact that same-sex marriages are banned in Russia in the same way as there is no official recognition of civil partnerships, such couples face many legal problems. They cannot inherit each other’s fortunes or exercise their right to refuse to testify in court as heterosexual partners. There are also questions regarding children. If something happens to one of the partners, the other cannot automatically become the guardian of a minor child. Moreover, his sexual orientation will become an obstacle that will be impossible to overcome.Are gay marriage permitted?

Therefore, it is difficult to come to an unambiguous solution to this issue. On the one hand, each person has the right to associate his life with whoever he wants, provided that this is a mutual decision. But on the other hand, this is a clear violation of both the moral principles of society, in general, and the institution of marriage, in particular. In addition, the decision of two adults to live together may only concern them. But if such unions are legalized, then this will already be reflected in children who will be raised in same-sex families, and who will grow initially with a different worldview. That is why an absolute ban on such marriages in our country is probably the only right decision, although everyone has their own opinion on this matter.

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To Each His Own
Good day! Other countries are NOT interested. I am curious. IN WHICH CITIES OF RUSSIA same-sex marriages / relationships are legalized. Or are there NO such cities in Russia?
It is also important to note countries where two citizens of Russia or another CIS country can enter into same-sex marriage. In Europe, this is easy to do in Portugal, Iceland and Denmark, a little more difficult in Norway. With great difficulties, but theoretically possible - in Belgium and Spain. Other countries: Canada, USA, Argentina, South Africa, presumably Uruguay. Other countries require that at least one of the spouses be from a country with recognized same-sex marriages (unions).


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