The concepts of "local government" and "municipal authorities" are considered identical. The emergence of these institutions is due to the changing needs of society. Let us further consider what municipal authorities are.
General information
As you know, in Russia there is a separation of powers into the judicial, legislative and executive branches. At the same time, the Constitution establishes several levels of realization of the powers of institutions that form each direction. So, there are regional, state and municipal authorities. Legislation defines the competence of structures at each level. Municipal authorities act as relatively independent institutions. Their names, the order of creation, terms of office, competence are established by the Charter of the Ministry of Defense.
The modern model of local government
It is significantly different from the Soviet one. Municipal authorities have financial, economic independence in accordance with issues related to their jurisdiction. The existing model of organization of institutions is implemented through:
- Resolving issues on administrative-territorial division.
- The presence of powers in the economic and financial fields.
- Solutions to problems related to social, cultural development.
The feasibility and effectiveness of territorial self-government requires the development of local democracy, the creation of optimal conditions for citizen participation in resolving pressing issues.
In accordance with the Constitution and other laws, the population is the bearer of power in the country. Citizens can exercise their will in various ways. So, the population has the right to participate in referenda, meetings on issues resolved at the federal level. Within a specific MO, municipal bodies are created. Their tasks include resolving issues of territorial importance. Local self-government is expressed in the activity of citizens, their awareness of their responsibility for organizing life activities within the community. Of key importance here is the provision of real guarantees of the rights of the population to participate in the life of the Moscow Region, improvement of methods and forms of organization of municipal authority. The current model, in contrast to the previously existing centralized system, contributes to the formation of a flexible democratic mechanism of administration.
Prerequisites for the creation
Municipal authorities, as mentioned above, were formed under the influence of the changing needs of society. Of particular relevance to the issue at present is given by such circumstances as:
- The need to overcome political tensions. As a rule, it arises on the basis of contradictions between the interests of the regions and the center. Strong municipalities are the guarantor of social upheaval in the foreseeable future. They contribute to the formation of a stable democratic socio-political situation. A system in which the importance of municipal authority is underestimated has been shown to be ineffective.
- The need for regional policy development. It is due to the rapid growth of economic influence of the subjects, the need to solve pressing problems and establish effective interregional relations. The implementation of these tasks is possible only if the municipal authorities are vested with broad powers.
- The need to strengthen the country's federal structure.Its key component is the creation of a new structure of municipal authority, provided by law. Such a complex federal structure, which Russia has, can be preserved only if it is based on territorial institutions close to the people.
The body of municipal self-government is endowed with sufficiently broad powers, allowing it to resolve issues of territorial significance. The legislation defines a range of problems that are related to the jurisdiction of the territorial structure. Among them:
- Municipal property management.
- Preparation, approval and execution of the budget of the MO.
- Establishing local fees and taxes.
- Law enforcement within the Moscow Region.
The competence of the territorial authority may include the solution of other issues.
Interaction with government agencies
The country has a special system of institutions whose tasks include ensuring the rule of law and rule of law throughout Russia. It includes such structures as the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the legal profession, the Ministry of National Security, etc. A local municipal authority vested with powers in the field of law enforcement within the MoD implements them in close cooperation with federal and regional institutions. The task of the territorial structure is to prevent violations of freedoms and rights of citizens, infringement of their interests. The legal opportunities that the population is endowed with in accordance with the Constitution should become the key institution that determines the content and meaning of the application of legislative provisions. Municipal authority exercises its authority within a specific territory under its jurisdiction. Recently, competent territorial structures, as practical experience has been accumulated in protecting freedoms and rights of citizens, use integrated planning of measures aimed at combating crime. In the exercise of authority, the efforts of the Department of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, and special commissions created under the head of the administration of the Moscow Region are combined. Equally important is the participation of members of the public. As a result, territorial centers are being formed whose functioning is aimed at ensuring the rule of law, legality, and protecting the freedoms and interests of the population.
Municipal authorities are one of the key links in the power system. They are as close as possible to the population, they know the real needs of citizens. These institutions bear a great responsibility, since they are endowed with sufficiently broad powers and have independence. The constitution and federal law stipulate that state power cannot interfere in the affairs of the municipal administration. Territorial structures, in turn, are obliged to comply with regulatory provisions in their activities, not to go beyond their competence. The presence in the system of power of municipal bodies testifies to the democratic nature of the state system. At the same time, the question of improving the organization of their activities remains relevant.