Many Russians try to choose exotic countries for relaxation. India has been enjoying great popularity recently, and more specifically one of its many states. By issuing documents, tourists often ask themselves whether a visa is required for Goa.
Primary issues
Going on vacation, people first of all choose a place to relax, and only then decide the remaining organizational issues. These days it’s easy to do. Hundreds of agencies and companies offer their services to tourists. If earlier the place of “pilgrimage” was the Black and Mediterranean Seas, now many are turning their eyes to the oceans. One of the most attractive places in recent years is Goa. Of course, an area with a subequatorial climate, abundant vegetation and picturesque nature can interest anyone. But the question arises: "Does a tourist need a visa to Goa?" The solution will prompt knowledge of history and geography. The fact is that Goa is not an island or a separate state. Until 1974, this territory was a colony of Portugal, and only after it officially abandoned its claims did it become part of India. Now this is one of her states. And vacationers do not need a visa to Goa - they require the right to enter precisely India.
Visit Features
Before proceeding with paperwork, you need to understand what kind of visa is required. It depends on the purpose of visiting another country. The migration service distinguishes between several categories of visas:
- Working. It is issued to those who conclude labor contracts with local companies to perform a certain type of work.
- Business (or special student). This is a permit to visit citizens on an official visit.
- Tourist or transit.
The latter category is the most common. It is received by those who plan:
- Holidays in India
- visit friends or relatives
- to get to the resort of another state if you can do this only by moving through the territory of this country.
In any case, the document will be the goal, not the place of visit. So, going to one of the hotels on the coast of the Arabian Sea, you will need not a special visa to Goa, but a pre-issued permission to enter India.
Rules for paperwork
Before planning your trip, you need to learn how to get a visa. If the question is about tourism, then there are three different types of permits.
Visas are:
- Single, or Single, which allow you to cross the state border only once. They clearly limit the beginning and end of the visit. This term is called the “corridor”. It should be strictly observed if in the future you plan to use this service again.
- Double, or Double. They provide an opportunity to visit the country twice within the permitted “corridor”.
- Multivisa, or Multiple. In fact, they give the right to free entry into the country without any restrictions for a certain time period (from 6 months to 5 years).
Having made a choice, you need to understand for yourself the sequence of how to get a visa. First you need to collect all the necessary documents. Then transfer them to the embassy or a special visa center. After that, it remains only to pay for the services and pick up the issued permit after a while.
List of documents
As a rule, those who come to a foreign country need a visa. Goa people travel from all over the world. Different states have their own rules and features of the visit. For example, residents of Russia have the opportunity to issue their entry in three ways:
- To instruct the travel agency to do everything in parallel with the design of the tour.
- Use the services of an embassy, consulate or visa center.
- necessary papers in electronic form.
Everyone chooses the most suitable option. In general, for a tourist trip you need to collect the following package of documents:
- passport of a citizen of Russia (copy),
- passport + copy of its first page, containing personal data,
- voucher issued by a travel company (or booking a specific hotel),
- flights
- 2 color photos measuring 35x40 millimeters,
- Application form filled out on the website of the country's representative office and printed on paper,
- for minors, a copy of the birth certificate must be made and translated into English.
If a person goes on vacation to a friend, the latter must send him an invitation certified by a notary in advance and attach a copy of his passport to him.
Issue price
As a rule, paperwork takes some time. This must be taken into account when planning a trip. Residents of Moscow and the Northern capital will need no more than five days, and the rest will have to wait about three weeks. Naturally, the question arises of how much a visa costs. You can come to Goa or any other state of India by paying 1600 rubles in advance for a visa (in case of self-registration).
Moreover, this amount is the same for adult citizens, as well as for those who are not yet eighteen years old. Cash costs may become slightly higher if these issues are addressed by outside organizations. Based on one person, you may need about 70-75 US dollars. But this is not so much, considering that the trip itself costs the tourist many times more. The main funds go to pay for flights, hotel accommodations and meals. Here you can add the fuel fee and transfer payment.
Convenient option
Modern technologies provide unlimited possibilities in solving many pressing problems. With their help, any tourist visa upon arrival can be easily issued. Goa in this case may be listed as the final destination. All operations are carried out at home computer. In this case, a certain sequence of actions must be observed:
- Go to the special website and register no later than one month, and no earlier than 4 days before departure.
- Fill out the form, providing reliable information when answering all questions.
- Attach two photographs in electronic form (face image on a white background and a copy of the first page of the passport).
- Pay visa fee.
- Within 72 hours, an e-mail must be issued permission to depart.
- Print the received document and fly in accordance with the purchased tickets.
- Present the document at the airport and get the visa itself.
This option is more convenient than trips to various authorities, and the cost of a visa is only $ 60 per person.