A huge role for conscripts is played by the categories of fitness in the army. They determine how suitable a person is for staying in the armed forces of the Russian Federation. The category also reflects the general health status of the conscript: whether he was seriously ill or not. What features should be considered? How is a citizen's eligibility for a call determined? About all this further!
Medical board
If you came summons to the army don't be scared. The first appearance in the draft board is necessary in order to establish your category. That is, determine how fit you are for service. This will help send you to the appropriate troops to repay the debt to the homeland.
The fitness categories for the army are established during the passage of the medical commission at the military commissariat. Just for this, all adult men in the country are called upon to appear at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence. There, each conscript undergoes the following doctors:
- oculist;
- surgeon;
- therapist;
- ENT;
- neuropathologist;
- dentist;
- psychiatrist.
As a rule, therapists are the most recent. They will need to talk about their diseases (how and when they were sick, are there any diseases now). Based on the conclusions received from the other "narrow" specialists, a decision is made on how fit you are to service. In the end, according to the data received about your health, it will be possible to identify you to certain troops of the armed forces of the Russian Federation.
What are
The Federal Law "On Military Service" (dated March 28, 1998) establishes an accurate classification of the suitability of draftees. They play an important role in the distribution of men in military units. What are the categories of fitness for military service in Russia? At the moment, there are:
- A (A1-A3);
- B (B1-B4);
- AT;
- G;
- D.
Such a classification takes place. What does each of these items mean? They should be considered in more detail. Especially if you want to find out on your own where they can determine for the service with one or another "assessment" of the health of the conscript.
Category "A"
So, the first option is full validity. It is marked with the letter “A.” Such people have perfect health, do not get sick, have no problems at all. An extremely rare phenomenon in the modern world, but it does occur. This category has subcategories. They make some clarifications regarding the conscript and the characteristics of his body.
Mark A1 indicates simply excellent health. That is, when the conscript never had any serious illnesses at all. It is fully serviceable. Such people are usually sent everywhere, even to elite troops (presidential regiment, marines, airborne assault forces, ships and submarines).
What other fitness categories are there? The Russian army is formed of people with different health. Sometimes they are assigned A2 suitability. Such an assessment is assigned to a conscript if he has had any serious illness or injury (concussion, fractures). We can say that such citizens are suitable, but with restrictions on the load.
A3 - the person in general has perfect health, but he has found some vision problems. The load is limited. The indicator "3" allows you to send a draftee to the special and special forces.
Category B
Categories of fitness for the army do not end there. After passing the medical board, you can see the “B” health assessment mark. Under such circumstances, a citizen is fit for military service, but with minor restrictions.Usually, such a category is assigned to those who have revealed on the commission minor, health deviations that do not interfere with military service. For example, flat feet or myopia is less than 6 diopters.
B1 - with a similar assessment, you can serve in the Air Force, air assault and special units, border troops.
B2 - allowed to be drivers of tanks and crews, to serve on submarines and ships, to be engineers on the basis of tractors and tank devices.
B3 - usually assigned if you have flat feet. The army (we already know general categories of suitability) calls on citizens with certain diseases at the discretion of doctors as drivers and crew of combat vehicles, armored personnel carriers, and launchers. Also allowed to stay in the interior of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, guard, chemical and anti-aircraft missile "departments". Airborne assault and marine corps are some of the other possible definitions of a conscript.
B4 - citizens with this category of fitness are called up for service in radio engineering and “connected” units. They can also be specialists in the protection and defense of missile systems and are sent to special facilities.
Category "B"
Perhaps many want this particular health rating. Once a conscription has been made into the army, fitness categories will play a huge role in the distribution of potential soldiers in parts. When you assign you a grade B on the medical commission, you can not be afraid of service. Why?
The thing is that this criterion indicates limited shelf life. In peacetime, the conscript will not serve. He receives a military ticket in his hands, is drafted into the armed forces only in wartime. To get this category, you need to have a number of special diseases. Their full list should be clarified by doctors, and it is also set out in the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 "On Military Service".
Category "G"
What else is worth paying attention to? The fitness categories for the army may reflect the deferment of the draftee for one reason or another. In this case, you will receive a grade of "G". It is called "temporarily unfit."
In this case, the delay is granted from 6 months to 1 year. After this period, you will have to undergo a medical commission again. As a rule, such a mark is issued in the presence of any diseases that can be cured. In any case, if there is even the slightest probability of such a favorable outcome.
As already mentioned, the category "G" is assigned for a maximum of one year. But it has one small feature - this is confirmation. It can occur until the conscript reaches an age at which he no longer needs to serve. More precisely, then up to 27 years. If instead of category "G" you are trying to assign a "health rating" to "B", you should go to court.
Category "D"
And now the last category of validity remains. It is indicated by the letter "D". This is a complete unsuitability for military appeal. And lifelong. As a rule, issued in the presence of serious diseases. A military card will be issued to a citizen, but the corresponding note will appear in it.
In the case of category “D”, the recruit also mentions in the passport that he is unfit for conscription. True, for a citizen in some cases this indicator can be deplorable. After all, if there are some restrictions on military service, a person will be deprived of the opportunity to find jobs in certain areas of activity. For example, related to authorities.
Now it’s clear by what principles citizens are drafted into the armed forces. The highest category of army suitability is "A". In practice, they try to appropriate it to many. But most still want to get a rating of "B" or "D".
Please note - if you suspect a misappropriation of the expiration category, you must appear in court with a statement of claim. In practice, many draftees try to assign a higher “health rating” to attract them to military duty. Carefully study the list of diseases specific to a particular category, and then complain if you notice a violation.