
What are the responsibilities of an administrator in a beauty salon?

The administrator of a beauty salon is an important and responsible profession. It is he who meets clients, eliminates conflict situations, solves labor discipline issues, creates a comfortable atmosphere. From our article you will find out what is the responsibility of the administrator of a beauty salon, and we will also tell you how to write a resume correctly when applying for a job.duties of the administrator of a beauty salon

Company face

Every successful businessman knows that the beauty industry is not as simple as you might think. Fashionable design of the premises, high-level specialists, new technologies, modern equipment - all these advantages cannot be successful if an amateur takes the position of administrator. Unfortunately, in our country there are no educational institutions that train such specialists, therefore, many salon owners try to train employees on the spot or, which also happens sometimes, to lure them from competitors. How mistaken those who believe that the administrator should have a pleasant appearance, a beautiful figure and be able to dress beautifully! Of course, all these characteristics are important, but we must not forget about the other side of his work. So, consider the main responsibilities of the administrator in a beauty salon. Responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator

What a specialist should know

When the applicant gets a job, he will have a conversation with the CEO. It is the head of the company that issues the order to appoint the employee as the administrator of the salon, and only he can relieve him of this position. Most often, a person with an education not lower than secondary or secondary vocational is accepted for this position. In the future, the administrator will report to the manager and (or) the general director. Before embarking on his duties, a specialist should study:

  • Laws and regulations that relate to services provided by a beauty salon.
  • The structure of the organization in which he will work, as well as the duties of employees and the mode of their work.
  • What rules must be observed when serving visitors.
  • The types of services provided by the salon.

In his activities, the administrator should be guided by the laws of the Russian Federation and the charter of the company in which he will work. In particular, he must know the rules of the internal labor schedule and regulations.

The duties of the administrator of a beauty salon

What exactly should the hired specialist do? You can read about it below:

  • First of all, the administrator must work with clients - meet them, respond to questions kindly and create comfortable conditions for them.
  • The next item is consulting on the services, bonus programs and promotions that are currently available to customers.
  • The administrator accepts applications, conducts reception, informs about the records of employees, keeps records of the client database.
  • The duties of the administrator in the beauty salon include ensuring cleanliness and order. He must monitor the work of the cleaners and all staff.
  • If necessary, the specialist should be able to eliminate the conflict situation. If there are complaints about the work of salon employees, then he must consider and decide on the claim.
  • The duties of the administrator in the beauty salon include the control of employees to ensure compliance with labor and production discipline. They also include a check of safety at the workplace, the requirements of industrial hygiene and sanitation.
  • The administrator must timely inform management about the presence of deficiencies in customer service and take all measures to eliminate them.
  • The specialist must carry out individual tasks of his immediate superior.

The functional responsibilities of the administrator of a beauty salon, as you can see, are quite complex. Therefore, a person with a strong character and extraordinary thinking can cope with them. Team leadership requires not only the ability to be flexible in a conflict situation, but also the ability to make a tough decision.what is the responsibility of the administrator of a beauty salon

The rights

After we examined the main responsibilities of the administrator of a beauty salon, we will analyze his rights:

  • A specialist may require management to create an acceptable working environment.
  • The administrator has the right to know what decisions the management makes if they directly relate to its activities.
  • He can inform the head of the shortcomings in the organization’s activities and take part in their elimination.
  • A specialist can make independent decisions if they fall within his competence.
  • The administrator at any time has the right to make suggestions on improving his work or the work of the company.

In addition to duties and rights, the specialist must observe labor discipline, setting an example to other employees. job administrator beauty salon duties

A responsibility

A specialist may be reprimanded, lose a bonus or a job if he systematically will:

  • Neglect your duties.
  • Will not follow the instructions of the management and orders for maintaining trade secrets.
  • Violate the internal work schedule, discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.

Next, we will tell you how to find a job in the beauty industry, if, of course, you are satisfied with all the conditions and you are ready to fulfill the duties of a beauty salon administrator.functional duties of the administrator of a beauty salon

Job Applicant Resume

Before you go looking for work, you should prepare all the necessary documentation and, first of all, write a resume. It should be remembered that this document is your business card, the main purpose of which is to force the manager to invite you for an interview. Therefore, the resume should describe your strengths, introduce yourself as a highly qualified specialist in the selected field. Consider in detail how to properly draw up a document:

  • Contact details - this is your last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, phone numbers by which you can be contacted (indicate at what time this can be done), home and email address.
  • The purpose of the resume is to write the title of the position you are applying for in this section.
  • Education - indicate the institution you graduated from, the name of the faculty, specialty and period of study. If you have additional education, then do not forget to specify it. If you are still studying, but write the year of graduation. Here you can list your achievements and achievements (diplomas, diplomas, participation in seminars and trainings).
  • Work experience - remember that this item will be considered by your future leader most carefully. Therefore, indicate the place of previous work, describe your professional duties and the reason for dismissal.
  • Additions - here you can write data that can play a positive role in your employment. For example, this may be a knowledge of a foreign language, the ability to work with a computer and office equipment, as well as the presence of a personal car and rights.


Since the main duties and functions of the administrator of a beauty salon include communication with clients, the employer will pay attention to personal qualities. Therefore, the applicant should fully reflect in the resume precisely these data. If possible, attach to the document. letters of recommendation from previous places of work in which your positive professional qualities will be noted.main responsibilities of the administrator of a beauty salon


A good leader knows that saving training for his employees is unacceptable. A specialist must not only know and act as an administrator in a beauty salon, but also have communication skills. Therefore, many companies pay for their wards refresher courses, in which they learn to get out of difficult situations, resolve conflicts and improve their telephone conversation skills.


Any organization needs a good leader who can effectively solve current problems. Therefore, the work of the administrator of a beauty salon is extremely important. The duties of a specialist include many areas of activity, which means that the requirements for him must be special. If you decide to master this profession, then consider all its pros and cons. Remember that additional training, personal qualities and a desire to work will increase your chances of finding a job.

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