Credit history is very important information for each credit institution, and specifically for the bank. Thanks to these data, the organization decides whether to issue cash loans to the client. All this customer information is collected in one place. It is necessary to find out what is called credit history. If the credit history is damaged, is there a way to fix it? The answers to these simple questions, in principle, should be known to almost everyone. As well as the answer to the question of how to find out your credit history for free.
Main aspects
A credit history is a financial relationship of any credit institution (bank) and its customers. This document has certain data about the borrower: full name, date of birth, passport details, place of work, what kind of loan and under what conditions was taken, all information about payment and delinquency.
The bank begins to collect this information from the moment of the first meeting with the client and the conclusion of an agreement with him. So, if there is no such document, then there will be no history. Currently, to get a loan, a person just needs to have a positive credit history. So, for example, before it was necessary to collect a bunch of references and bring a guarantor. But this also has its drawbacks: if you violate the terms of the contract at least once, then after that it will be impossible to get even the smallest amount. And many are starting to wonder which banks do not check their credit history. But to answer this question with accuracy is very difficult. It's also hard enough to change your credit history.
How is credit history created?
There is a credit history bureau where all information from banking institutions and other financial organizations flocks. All information about the client is used only with documented consent. All banks are required to provide information about their customers to this bureau. All this data is stored for fifteen years and then simply destroyed. The main information that is recorded in the credit history is how the client fulfills the terms of the contract, namely payments. But, in addition to these data, it is also important whether the guarantor, if any, copes with the terms of the loan.
Ways to Correct Credit History
Many are interested in which bank does not check the credit history, but you can not worry about this if there is an opportunity to correct the disadvantages in this information. If the client believes that the information about his credit history is not true, he can write a statement to the BKI (credit bureau), which, in turn, should understand the situation, request all the data about the person in financial institutions and decide on whether it is necessary to edit the information. If, nevertheless, the result of the audit does not satisfy the person who submitted the application, then he can go to court.
Which bank does not check credit history
It is clear that all banks have access to BKI, the only difference is how the credit institution relates to this information and whether it is of great importance. Banks that do not attach particular importance to negative credit history are those that opened not so long ago, and which also have the goal of attracting more customers.
So, which bank does not check the credit history is a young one that has recently opened. It will be necessary to pay for a bad credit history, that is, they will give money, but with an increased interest rate.Specifically, which bank does not check credit history? This is the Russian Standard, as well as Home Credit banks, Avangard bank. And this list is growing and constantly changing. But do not despair, the bank is not the last hope, there are many other places and ways of a loan.
Finding out your credit history for free is very easy. All information on obtaining loans is accumulated, stored, and it can be requested. You can use the information yourself, you just need to know the access code that is assigned when a loan agreement is concluded. Thanks to this indicator, you can control your story.
So, in order to form a credit history, it is necessary to draw up a loan agreement with the bank. But since 2015 there have been changes - if the loan is not received, for example, the client was not satisfied with the interest, then a credit history will still be created. Some BCIs generated statistics in which they explained that if the borrower has friends who have loan delays, it is likely that this client will also violate the terms of the contract.
As a result, banks began to check social networks. And a very important aspect: the credit history, which formed once, will be updated and maintained for fifteen years. That is, all negative indicators will affect the conditions for concluding loan agreements. Banks in which more acceptable and good credit conditions are always scrupulous in their client’s past and carefully study the data of BKI. So it is necessary to responsibly approach all loans and weigh your opportunities.