
What are the benefits at the birth of a third child?

Almost every family has children. Someone decides on only one, and someone on several. And therefore, many are interested in payments at the birth of a third child. After all, as a rule, often with regard to support from the state, we are talking only about two children. And the third and subsequent is not mentioned. Nevertheless, support is still provided. Which one and in what sizes? All this is not so difficult to understand. Especially if you were already familiar with the design and receipt of material support from the state when you have a baby.payments at the birth of a third child

Early accounting

First of all, it is worth noting that the required payments (the birth of a third child) are not much different from those in relation to the first and second. That is, it can be said that all monetary compensation that was relied on earlier will take place. What exactly is it about?

Say, the first scenario is the money that you are entitled to for early registration. The allowance is paid for each baby. And it doesn’t matter whether he is the first or fifth. The main thing is to contact the antenatal clinic as soon as possible. You will have 12 weeks from conception.

After you have a baby, you can arrange the appropriate payment. In what sizes is it installed? In the same as with the appearance of previous babies. And for 2016, the lump-sum allowance for an early appeal to the antenatal clinic is 581 rubles 73 kopecks.

Pregnancy and childbirth

What are the state benefits for the birth of a third child? Do not forget that working or university students are entitled to the so-called maternity allowance. It is issued to everyone who worked before the birth of the baby for at least 2 years, or to those who receive education.

How much will you have to pay? A lump-sum maternity allowance is calculated depending on your earnings on average over the past two years (100% of it is taken). If it is less than the cost of living, then the minimum wage will be taken into account, or you will receive a payment in the amount of a scholarship.what are the payments at the birth of a third child

Also, the number of days you will be on maternity leave will be taken into account. More specifically, in connection with pregnancy and childbirth. For example, if we take the lows, we get the following payments for the child (it does not matter which one - the first or third):

  • Mom will get 2,714 rubles and 74 kopecks for 140 days of vacation;
  • 3 025 rubles - for 156 days;
  • 3 716 rubles 95 kopecks - for a 196-day vacation.

Attention, childbirth!

But the conversation does not end there. To receive what payments are due (to the birth of the third child) of the mother? Do not forget that after this the family will be recognized as having many children. And she will be given certain benefits. What about lump sum and monthly payments?

It's no secret that all women (even unemployed) can apply for benefits that are paid at birth. Every year, the amount payable increases. The main advantage of this payment is that it relies on every child. And no matter how many children you have. You can still get compensation. True, only in certain, fixed sizes. At the moment, payments at the birth of the third child, expressed as a lump sum for the appearance of the baby, are 15 512 rubles 65 kopecks. That is how much you will receive after giving birth.

due payments for the birth of a third child

Care at work

What is the monthly cash payment (birth of a third child)? In this sense, more opportunities are opening up for working women than for housewives or “eternal maternity wards”. The thing is that there is a so-called childcare allowance. It is prescribed up to 1.5 years old baby.

In the case of previously employed women, the amount is set as 40% of your earnings for 2 years of work. It takes into account its average indicator. But with all this, some restrictions still apply. The minimum payment is 7,000 rubles for women who worked earlier. That is how much you will receive (if you take only the minimum) for caring for a baby up to 1.5 years old, if he is not the first-born. These are the payments at the time of the birth of the third child. But that is not all!


Indeed, unemployed citizens also rely on monetary support from the state for improving demographics in the country. Only the size will be significantly smaller than that of workers.

Monthly payments (birth of a third child) up to 1.5 years are also reimbursed to those who have not worked before. Or if your employment lasted less than 2 years (just got settled). In this case, you can count on social assistance.

You will be assigned a minimum payment as a child care allowance for children under 1.5 years of age. And she is currently 5 768 rubles 31 kopecks. As you can see, a pretty decent amount. But it is paid not so long. So hope for a lot of money is not worth it.what payments are due for the birth of a third child

Up to 3 years

What payments are due at the birth of a third child? It is noted that after 1.5 years the baby does not end support. And you, regardless of whether you worked earlier or not, is assigned a small monetary compensation. It does not depend on how many children are in the family. That is, for all cases, its size is the same.

True, families, as a rule, do not particularly rely on her. Why? All because of the size of the allowance. It, as many say, is ridiculous. Mocking families straight! In our case, only 50 rubles compose our monetary compensation for parents. You cannot even buy fruit with this money. But if any penny is important to you, then you can fully rely on this monetary compensation.

By region

Among other things, the so-called governor's payment is also provided. More precisely, the allowance. It will be paid to you for the birth of each baby. But only now the size and conditions of receipt in each city have their own.what payments are due at the birth of a third child

That is, you can receive governor support on an individual basis and in the sizes that are set for a specific account of the baby in your city. For example, in Moscow it is 14,500 rubles. It turns out this amount for the second and subsequent children. The exact information about these payments must be found in your region and in the administration of your governor. Usually compensation is lump sum. And again she is not paid for the same baby.


After the second child appears in the family, the family is entitled to the so-called maternal capital. If you did not receive it earlier, but decided to give birth to a third child, then you can now bring the idea to life. True, don’t hope for too big payments. After all, the state constantly questions maternal capital. So, sooner or later, you can completely lose this type of support.

In general, it was rumored that at the birth of the third baby, state support in 2016 would amount to 1.5 million rubles. But only this bill was rejected. Although in fact it was considered in the government of the country. So, if someone told you that a third child relies on financial support in the amount of 1,500,000 rubles, do not believe this is a hoax.cash payment for the birth of a third child

The amount that you are required by law is much less. And at the moment it is exactly the same as in 2015. More precisely, you can get 453,026 rubles at a time. That is how much relies in the form of maternal capital to large families. And no matter how many children you had, 2 or more. The amount of capital does not change. Such rules apply on the territory of the Russian Federation in 2016. In general, they want to cancel maternity capital. But at the moment, the state support program has been extended until 2020.Only in times of crisis can it be urgently abolished.


So, we have already learned about the possible payments. Now it’s worth considering what you need to get benefits. For each option you will need your own paper. But in general, in order to immediately prepare for the design of all benefits, you will need:

  • certificate from the women's consultation on registration;
  • disability certificate (issued at 30 weeks of gestation);
  • passport (preferably both parents with copies);
  • birth certificate (of all children, in particular the third);
  • employment history;

monthly payments for the birth of a third child

  • certificate of lack of unemployment benefits;
  • student certificate (for students);
  • bank account details (where to transfer the allowance);
  • SNILS of the child (third);
  • marriage / divorce certificate (if any);
  • applications for the issuance of a particular allowance or maternity capital.

Now it’s clear what the payment is supposed to be in a particular case (the birth of a third child). As you can see, not everything is so complicated. The main thing is to collect the above list of documents in order to make your life easier in the future.

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Hello, I have a single mother. I just gave birth to 3 children. What are my state payments?


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