
What conditions determine the citizenship of children? Opinions of specialists on this issue

Recently, the issue of people's affiliation with a particular state has become more and more topical. He gets up especially sharply in young families. Perplexed parents are increasingly interested in what conditions determine citizenship of children. Only specialists can deal with such a problem.

Standard Solutions

Today, mixed marriages when spouses are citizens of different countries are no longer surprising anyone. Family relationships have long crossed territorial boundaries. Young couples marry, and after some time they have children. This is where the problems begin. The question arises: what country will the newborn baby be?

what conditions determine the citizenship of children

Many do not understand what conditions determine the citizenship of children? After all, their future may depend on this. It all depends on the country in which the family is located at the time of the birth of the child. Each state has its own attitudes that decide what conditions determine the citizenship of children. For this, special laws and regulations have been developed. Interesting, but what about this issue in our country? What conditions determine the citizenship of children in Russia? A comprehensive answer to this question is provided by article 14. Citizenship Act RF ". It says that a child can receive such a status if:

  1. A citizen is at least one of his parents. The second only requires consent. And it is only necessary if you live outside of Russia.
  2. This is requested by his only parent, already having Russian citizenship.

Everything is logical and extremely clear.

Generally accepted standards

What do other countries think about this? How is this issue resolved there, and what conditions determine the citizenship of children in some of them? In general, there are three main principles for determining citizenship, which are most often used in world practice:

  1. By blood relationship. That is, a baby born from both Russians may already know their affiliation in advance. If one of the parents is a citizen of another country, then additional documents will be required. Without them, the solution to the question will pause. It will be necessary to confirm that the child at the moment does not already have the citizenship of that same state.
  2. At the place of birth. For example, Americans do not see a problem at all in this matter. There it is enough for the baby to be born in any corner of the USA, and he automatically becomes a citizen of this country. And it doesn’t matter at all who his parents are and how long they have been here. A pregnant woman can just come with her husband for a couple of weeks to rest. If at this time she has a baby, then he will immediately become an American citizen. So simple.
  3. According to the special rules of the state. For example, only the baby whose ancestors lived until July 17, 1940 in this territory will become a citizen of Latvia. Of course, a tight framework, but as the adopted law says.

Proof of Rights

Being in the territory of his country, any citizen can exercise their rights. He has every reason for this. A person is free to receive an education or seek help from a healthcare institution.

how to determine the citizenship of the child

What to do with the baby in this situation? How to determine the citizenship of a child so that he also has such opportunities? Not so long ago, the Russian president signed a decree that lists all the documents necessary to confirm the legitimate rights of children:

  1. Girls and boys under the age of fourteen can prove their citizenship with the help of their passport. Recently, even one-year-olds have such a document. Otherwise, the basis may be the parent's passport, in which a special mark is made.
  2. The most common document for a minor is a birth certificate, on the reverse side of which is usually stamped on citizenship. If there is none, then no one has the right to demand that it be delivered.
  3. An extract from the registration document made at birth in the appropriate institution. Such paper must necessarily be translated into Russian.

If forced to provide other documents, such actions can be considered unlawful and violating human rights.

Citizenship without parents

Nowadays, situations when children are alone are not uncommon. This can happen for a variety of reasons: deprivation of parental rights, denial of birth, accidents, losses. How to determine the citizenship of children in this case?

determine the citizenship of children

What do the laws of different countries provide for, and what should be done in such an unusual situation? Of course, a child left without parents becomes partly unprotected. At this moment, he is deprived of care, attention and all that his peers have. But in every state there are special institutions that take the responsibility of solving such problems. It happens that negligent mothers intentionally leave babies in the street, forgetting about their existence. Once in an orphanage, such a child cannot confirm his citizenship. What happens in this case? How to live for children in a similar situation? The laws of most countries of the world, including Russia, solve this issue very humanely and fairly. Children whose parents are currently unknown are considered citizens of the country in which they are located. In addition, the search for possible relatives continues for six months.

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