
How to make money on groups in VK? How to make money in VK on your group?

Social networks from a tool for quick communication with friends have grown into something much more. This is a part of our life, a separate area to which each of us devotes a certain amount of our time daily. Thanks to this, any of the popular social networking sites has become a real platform not only for entertainment, but also for work.

Many people use, for example, the VK social network, popular in Russia, in order to earn income. This can be achieved in different ways: there are thousands of techniques with which this site has the opportunity to offer their services, sell products or find a business partner. One of the most interesting methods of earning is creating and maintaining communities (groups).

In this article we will talk in more detail about how to make money on groups in VK. In addition, the requirements for the community with which you can work and the ways that can lead you to the desired result will be indicated.

how to make money on groups in VK

What is a community?

So, let's start with the basics. If you use the social network that we mentioned above, you should know that groups and so-called publics are very popular with visitors here. These are varieties of one tool that have some differences. In particular, a group is a community of equal members who “unite”, while a public is a page that they subscribe to in order to get the latest news and some interesting information. In this article, we are talking about how to make money on groups in VK, so we will postpone the public for the future.

In groups, people have a certain common interest, something for which they visited the page of this community and what they can learn on it. This can be, in particular, a common hobby (for example, the work of one musical group), some joint purchases on one online store. Groups are created on a million occasions - here they post interesting quotes, mention biographies of great people, films of the same genre, and so on. Simply put, with the help of communities, you can attract members of a social network to your page and at the same time convey any information.

how to make money in VK on a group

Who is in the community?

As you know, for a group to function, it needs to have some members in it. For example, it can be fans of one or another musician, film; people interested in motivation, training, proper nutrition - and anything else. All of them are the audience of each particular community. Knowing this, you can choose the methodology of how to make money on groups in VK. After all, as you know, the main thing in any marketing campaign is to reach out to your target audience, attract it and interest in your service. Having, say, a community of 10 thousand people who have a common interest, you can easily pick up a product that will be useful to them, and, accordingly, find your customers.

Main plus

This is one of the advantages of groups and what makes a positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to earn money in "VK" on groups. Of course, you can earn income on groups! Given the experience of many community owners, it is safe to say that this is a great source of income. Moreover, this earnings can apply both to those who are the administration of groups, and to any person who has some idea of ​​marketing on social networks.

Own community

We will start, perhaps, with how to make money on our group in VK.After all, this question is surely asked by every administrator who leads a community on a social network. Such a question may come to mind for various reasons. Someone, for example, has a more or less well-developed group in which a permanent audience has already formed. It may include those who are regular visitors to your community, who are interested in it, who will be potential buyers of the goods and services that you advertise.

Another option is when the community you created (based on your interests and preferences) suddenly began to gain popularity. This also happens, because, as you know, if something is created by a person who is sincerely interested in it, the quality of the product will be high. For example, your group will turn from a small hobby and hobby into a real profitable business if it has subscribers.

Is it possible to earn in VK on groups

Why your own is better

The advantage of your group is that it is your permanent product, which can be easily monetized at any time. Working on it, developing in all respects (both in qualitative and quantitative terms), you can really learn how to make money in VK on a group, using your own example. A practical approach, as you know, gives the most useful results.

So, let's not move away from the topic. Having a group, you can make a profit. It is easiest to do this by selling advertising to each interested person. The more popular your community is, the more people can become your potential advertisers. It may be more effective to sell advertising not to everyone, but only to individuals selected according to a number of criteria. For example, if you have a repair community, it’s best to advertise the services and products of companies involved in the field. Otherwise, you can push your users away.

Another option (in the context of how to make money in VK on a group) is to advertise your own projects. Of course, it is the most effective. We’ll talk more about each next.

Advertising of goods and services

Paid placement of announcements in groups is a primitive, but effective way to let your customers know about themselves. Many services resort to this method, so there is nothing new here. Again, simply by placing the company name and contact details, the customer will achieve little, so even such “simple” advertising should be done wisely.

Your job as a community owner is not to abuse the advertising material. We will talk about this a bit later.

How it works

It’s normal when advertising posts flash among informational messages in a group. People get used to it very quickly if such “paid” messages are published with an optimal interval. Therefore, the scheme is very simple: the supplier of goods or services contacts the owners of the group and asks to write a message about it. Next is the payment for this post (many communities have their own tariffs and prices), after which the placement begins. In some cases, recordings can be published once, sometimes in the form of material fixed for a while. So, it would seem, the owners of groups seem to earn elementary.

how to make money on promotion of groups in VK

Paid promotion

There is a slightly different model. Suppose you want to create your own group that will focus on cooking. This is not difficult: you need to register it in VK, add some descriptions, photos, texts. After that, you need to start filling the group - for some period of time regularly add texts of interest to your audience (in our case, these may be recipes of dishes).

Imagine that we were engaged in such activities, after which we got a ready-made group. But another important question arises: where to get people who want to join it? How to attract them from scratch?

Let's face it - this is a more complicated task than how to make money on a group in VK, and it arises in front of all community owners without exception. It can be solved by ordering paid advertising in other groups.how can I earn on groups in vk

Everything is very simple: we turn to the owner of similar publics and groups with a request to place an advertising post about our project. Next, we pay for their services, after which we write something like interesting news with a link “Continued at source”. As a result, a person interested in the recipe can follow it and join your group.

Here is another answer to the question of how to make money on promoting groups in VK. If you have a community, it’s enough to publish paid messages from other administrators, helping to get additional users. Your visitors, in turn, will be more loyal to posts of this nature - you post relevant content related to the topic of your group.

Exchange “VKontakte”

You can work with advertising in groups through a special platform that operates on the basis of a social network. With its help, all possible difficulties are simplified regarding how to create a group ("VK") and make money on it. These actions are reduced to elementary, which makes such earnings even more affordable.

It is called the “advertising exchange”, and how it works, you can understand directly by the name itself. Here, communities put up for sale places on their pages, after which any user can purchase them for a certain amount. This process can be automated at all by accepting applications all in a row. The quality of advertising materials and how much they will match the theme of your group can also be customized here.

An alternative is direct work with advertisers. Everything is simple here - leave your contact details in a subscription to the group, wait for applications from those interested in purchasing advertising, and, in case of agreeing on the cost and various conditions, agree on cooperation.

How to work - without the intermediary of the exchange or in two ways at once - is up to you. Each of the methods has its pros and cons.

how to create a VK group and earn

Earnings on other people's groups

We talked a bit about how to make money on our group at VK. In the end, it’s not so difficult - just connect the exchange and place your contacts asking them to write to them about the placement of paid material. It is much more difficult to promote a group, make it interesting and popular among users, and focus on it.

If you do not want or do not know how to do this, you can use a different approach. It consists in working with alien communities that already have some authority. And now we are not talking about comment spam and other illegal actions. There are much more useful and effective techniques.

Promotion of goods and services through the news

For example, you can advertise products among those who are interested in them. It is enough to create interesting news with an indirect (or direct, it depends on you) mention of your product and offer it to different communities. The likelihood that they will approve of it is quite high - groups need content to “keep” people. You can benefit from this in the form of visitors to your site.

how to make money on your group in VK

Purchase advertising

If you don’t know how to agree on free publication in groups, you can go the simpler way - purchase advertising in the communities you are interested in. As you know, those who own them are in most cases also interested in selling space on their pages. Buying ads in groups, you can profitably convert it into visitors to your site, in the future - into sales. This is called traffic arbitrage, and such an activity can become your source of income and another way of earning money on groups in VK.

Target audience search

Finally, even if it’s not a publication, then just the ability to “reach out” to the people you need is already a great way to make money. The example is simple: you have a car parts store, and in the group about cars people complain about certain breakdowns that they encountered. The solution is simple: consult them - and a new client is provided.

Creativity is the key to success

About how to make money with the help of a group ("VK"), you can write endlessly. In fact, there are only two guaranteed profitable ways to earn money - this is to be creative and to show perseverance. An extraordinary approach to possible ways of generating income will really help you identify some interesting mechanisms that generate profit; the pressure in the work is guaranteed to bring a positive result. If you don’t believe and don’t know how to make money on VK groups, take a look at the fruits of the work of the creators of popular publics and groups. Now these people receive passive income, having the opportunity to launch new projects in the same way.

Combine creativity and diligence - and you can earn more at VK with less time!

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