
How to pick up a car from a parking lot after evacuation and accident: procedure, documents

You briefly left the car on business, and then you did not find it where you left it. If you have never encountered a similar problem before, then know that your car was stolen or a tow truck took it. Now your main task is to figure out what happened and get your vehicle back.

Your actions

It is a violation parking rules is the most common cause of evacuation. The tow truck on duty is able to pick up the incorrectly parked car within 15 minutes. If the car is sent to a parking lot, in comparison with the theft, this is even a favorable option for you. Now the urgent question arises of how to pick up a car from a parking lot.

Act quickly. If your car is really in the parking lot, having shown speed, you can return it at the lowest cost, and if the car was taken illegally, you may even return the amount spent.how to pick up a car from a parking lot

How to pick up a car from the parking lot: documents for the traffic police

First of all, you should contact the traffic police department, where you need to take a certificate of absence of debts. If there are any, then you should immediately pay for them without delaying the time. After that, you will be given an agreement that you can now pick up the car at your disposal. Upon receipt of the machine you will need to sign an act of issuance. Remember, before signing, you need to inspect the car. This is important, because during the evacuation process, it happens that the car is damaged in various ways or things are lost from the passenger compartment.

Documents you need: a passport, a copy of the protocol, a certificate of the absence of fines and a data sheet for the car. In the protocol, indicate the characteristics of your car and describe any malfunctions and damage. This is necessary so that you can get compensation if your car was nevertheless damaged due to inaccurate transportation of the tow truck to the parking lot.car evacuation

How to pick up a car from a parking lot without a host

Not only the owner of the vehicle can pick up the vehicle from the parking lot, but also the person for whom the power of attorney was issued. The law on this was adopted and entered into force in 2014. So what does it take to pick up a car from a parking lot even in the absence of its owner? When the owner of the car is not able to pick it up on his own, he can entrust this to a person whom he knows well, for example, a relative, friend or colleague. The most important condition is that this person has the right category.

In addition to the power of attorney issued for this person, there should be an extract in the insurance policy. As for the individual who agreed to pick up the car, he must have with him an insurance policy, a driver's license and car keys. If all of the above requirements are met, he will pick up the car without any problems. These rules are relevant for citizens of the Russian Federation.

How much will it cost

Many owners who are faced with the problem of evacuating a car are interested in the question of how much it costs to pick up a car from a parking lot. You should know that the first day (24 hours) the car is in the parking lot absolutely free.

The average price for using the area for the second and third days is already calculated at 40 rubles per hour, per day it will cost 960 rubles.Further, starting from the 4th day and for all subsequent days, the price for finding a car at the parking lot is calculated at the rate of 60 rubles / hour.

 how to pick up a car from a parking lot without a host

In what cases is evacuation legal?

Vehicle Detention and the evacuation of cars with the right to a fine parking lot is carried out in the following cases:

  1. If the driver does not have the documents required by the SDA.
  2. When traveling by car with a defective coupling device, steering, or brake system.
  3. If the driver is drunk and at the same time refuses to undergo a drunkenness test.
  4. In the case when the driver is deprived of the right to drive a car.
  5. In case of violation of the parking or stopping rules, due to which obstacles were created for other vehicles.
  6. When the driver involved in an accident, alcohol or narcotic substances after the accident.

Also, the traffic police inspector can evacuate the car in the absence of a driver, but at the same time he will draw up a protocol on the detention of a car in the presence of 2 witnesses.

Car evacuation after a traffic accident

Unfortunately, road accidents happen on a daily basis, and they happen in different degrees of severity. If some turn only stress for the driver and minor damage to the car, then others have much more serious consequences, after which the car is so damaged that it needs to be evacuated. The causes of accidents are different: from adverse weather conditions and violations of the rules to drunk driving and ordinary carelessness. Representatives of the State traffic inspectorate are engaged in establishing the reasons, but along with this there is such a problem as the evacuation of cars.pick up the car from the parking lot documents

Difficulties in evacuation after an accident

It is much more difficult to evacuate cars after an accident, due to significant damage to the vehicle. Locked wheels, a deformed body, damage to the pipeline and much more exclude the possibility of transporting a car on a regular platform. In a similar situation, as a rule, a tow truck with a crane is called. Some types of these machines are equipped with a crane and a winch, this is enough to load a lightweight compact car. If the steering system of the machine and its braking system are not affected, then this vehicle can be towed using a cable on a soft or rigid hitch.

Qualified specialists of the evacuation service must carefully load the car onto the platform and secure it with straps so that the upcoming transportation does not cause even more damage. If you were not the culprit in the accident, the price of ordering a tow truck and other evacuation services will be included in the insurance. And remember that you do not have difficulties with obtaining compensation, be sure to save the evacuation protocol.how much does it cost to pick up a car from a parking lot

Why do not give the car from the parking lot?

Suppose your car was evacuated for some reason. You found out how to pick up the car from the parking lot, came to return it, but they will not give it to you. Sometimes this is really not as simple as it seems at first glance, because the employees of the penal parking lot have many different requirements, which are often not always regular.do not give the car from the parking lot

For this reason, many owners of vehicles need to know how to pick up a car from a parking lot, if employees prevent this, how to deal with bureaucratic delays. How quickly you can return your car, first of all, depends on the reason for which it was taken. The return rules are determined by the authorities of state entities.

There is a general rule for everyone: no one has the right not to give you the car from the parking lot if you came to pick it up the next day. In addition, there is a nuance in which you are not even obliged to pay money for finding a car on the site of a parking lot.It consists in the fact that only an individual whose fault has been proved must pay for finding a car in a parking lot. And this fact will happen not earlier than 10 days after the violation.what you need to pick up the car from the parking lot

Always be careful

If you don’t give the car away from the parking lot, you still have to pay for finding a car on the site even for those whose car was illegally taken. At a minimum, you yourself can check whether the documentation of the parking lot itself is in order, that is, whether its existence and functioning is lawful. There are quite frequent cases when the work of the penal parking is organized with violations. But, on the other hand, turning a hive with a stick, most likely, will not only not help the case, but will also set up employees of this service against you. The most important thing is the time: the faster you get started, the less costly it will turn out. And, of course, henceforth try not to violate parking rules. Before you put a car somewhere, look around to see if it will interfere with others, what signs are in this place, do not rely on chance. Then the question of how to pick up a car from a parking lot will never arise before you.

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