
How to borrow on "Tele2"? detailed instructions

So, now we will try to figure out with you how to borrow on "Tele2". This question is of interest to many subscribers. Especially those who prefer not to worry about their balance, and even want to be constantly in touch. Situations in life are different, and you can’t say exactly when you may need a loan from a mobile operator. How to borrow on the Tele2 phone? What is needed for this? What options are there?how to borrow on body2

"Promised payment"

The first method is perhaps familiar to everyone. It is called a promised payment. It is a similar variant of the development of events that is customarily characterized as "borrowing from the operator." You can ask for a certain amount of money for a given period, after which a small subscription fee for the service, as well as the full figures of the specified debt, will be written off from you.

But how to activate the "Promised payment" ("Tele2")? What is needed for this? You will only need to introduce the so-called USSD command. Dial * 122 # on your mobile phone. After that, you will receive an SMS message in which all the information about the connected service will be set out. There you will see a confirmation code. If everything suits you, type it according to the instructions. Not? Just ignore it.

Now you know how to borrow on Tele2.

Slight minus

Most often, you need to stay in touch and take out “loans” when you have a negative balance. Unfortunately, not every telecom operator has such an opportunity. Consider this fact.

Thinking about how you can quickly take the "Promised payment" ("Tele2")? If you are in the red from 10 to 30 rubles, you have a similar opportunity. At the same time, no additional SMS messages or any third-party manipulations will be required from you. It is worth considering the second option proposed by the mobile operator.promised payment tele2

How to replenish an account on "Tele2" on credit? You can get about 50 rubles immediately and without any special problems. Just dial * 122 * 1 #. Then make a “ringing” command and wait for an answer. You will receive money on your mobile phone. But remember - the commission will be 10% of the payment amount (in our case - 5 rubles), and the duration of the service is limited. For only 3 days you will be allowed to use the borrowed debt. Not too long, but this option can save when you need to quickly and urgently call with a negative balance on the SIM card.

Call operator

Well, we almost figured out self-service. Only now, if you are interested in how to borrow on Tele2 without unnecessary trouble, you can try to use several more methods. They are also responsible for the "Promised Payment", the only difference is in the approach to solving the issue posed to us.

The thing is that you have every right to connect this or that option to yourself without the so-called USSD commands. After all, not everyone likes them. So, if you are interested in how to borrow on a Tele2 phone, you can try to solve this problem by calling your mobile operator.

Just call 611 and wait for an answer. The main advantage of this method is that the call is completely free. So, you can use it even with a negative balance on the SIM card. After answering, inform the operator that you would like to activate the "Promised payment". After announce the amount and wait a while. A call center employee will fill out a connection request. In addition, he previously tells you all the details of the plug-in option. Very convenient, to be honest. As soon as the application is completed, you can just wait for the result.It will come to your phone in the form of an SMS alert: either with approval and an indication of the end date of the service, or with a refusal and writing of the reason why the option cannot be connected.how to borrow on phone tele2


There is one more modern version of the solution of the question posed before us. Thinking about how to borrow on "Tele2"? Then it's time to look at the official page of this mobile operator. It is she who is able to help you.

How? You will need to go through authorization in the "My Account". There, go to the "Services" section, and then find "Mobile transfer" or "Promised payment". Choose the option that you prefer, and then click on "Connect." Confirm your actions and then wait for the results.

This approach is convenient in that you can read all the details and conditions for providing this or that option. In addition, there are USSD-commands for self-connection. The real choice!

To the office

There is also the last way to connect the "Promised payment" at "Tele2". Only he is not too swept by subscribers. It is about a personal visit to the office of a mobile operator company.how to fund your account on tel2 on credit

It is enough to approach the employee, and then inform that you would like to use the "Promised payment". You will be offered help. Do not refuse, just hand over the mobile device to the office worker, he will make the connection himself. A few minutes of waiting - and you're done. They will also send you an SMS with details of connecting the option.

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