
How to choose a LED lamp? Electrician Tips

LED lamp today is one of the most environmentally friendly light sources on earth. Such lamps do not contain mercury-containing chemicals, and therefore they do not pose a particular danger for use as a home light source. Today we will talk about how to choose an LED lamp, what nuances you need to pay attention to, and also about which manufacturer to choose.

Light for home: why a LED lamp?

LED lamps which to choose

In times of rising tariff prices for electricity, everyone is looking for more and more ways to save their money. And one of these ways, especially recently, was the LED lamp.

This lamp practically does not contain hazardous chemicals - this is one of its main advantages.

The second advantage is their energy level, which is 10 times less than conventional incandescent lamps. It is for these reasons that we buy LED lamps.

When buying such light sources, many questions arise about how to buy LED lamps: which forms to choose, which manufacturer, how to determine the power? Due to so many questions and ignorance, people are afraid to buy something new and unknown. Therefore, let us analyze these basic questions and make sure that there is nothing to worry about. And that this light source is the best these days.

LED Bulb Design: Safety Above All

The design of any LED lamp has three main elements, on which the quality of the glow and its life depends. Knowing about its design will give us an understanding of how to choose the right LED lamp. It includes:

  • LED - as a light source;
  • mini transformer;
  • cooling radiator.

choose led lamps for homeLet's start with the first one. The LEDs in the lamps have a different layout - I just want to say that you should not buy lamps consisting of several white LEDs.

They are ineffective and break quickly. It is best to take with one heavy duty or several blue LEDs, and always covered with phosphorus. Such a mixture of the latter allows you to get a bright white light.

We all know that a regular home network has a voltage of 220 V, for the LED to glow, 12 V DC is needed. The transformer is exactly that part of the bulb that deals with voltage conversion. This is the most vulnerable part and is quite expensive in value. If the transformer is of poor quality, the light bulb will not be able to work for a long time, and you simply throw money away.

The radiator is designed to cool a constantly heating transformer. This element is auxiliary. It is imperative that it has good ventilation. Having examined the three main elements, we now roughly understand how to choose an LED lamp.

Lamp power selection

Lamp power is of particular importance. For LED lamps, this indicator differs significantly from that of conventional bulbs. Their power starts from 5.5 watts and ends with 25 watts. where the value of 2.5 W is equal to 25 W of a conventional incandescent lamp, and the value of 25 W is equal to 150 W. Thus, when choosing power, you need to understand what level of brightness you need in the room - low or higher. As a rule, several such lamps are installed on a large room at once. Choosing LED lamps for the home is very simple. We will proceed from the fact that 3 square meters. m. only one lamp is needed, which will give a cozy and even light.

Does the shape of the lamp matter?

The shape of the LED lamp is of great importance.When choosing a form, you should not be guided by the number of LEDs in one lamp. As a rule, a large number of them indicate that the light bulb is cheap and will become unusable very quickly. There are several forms of LED lamps, these include:

  • open type lamps;
  • lamps of the closed type.

It should be said right away that the open type speaks of the quality of the lamps. They are not worth buying. They deteriorate very quickly. As for the closed type, there are also pitfalls here. Before buying, you need to learn more about the LED itself, as ordinary white ones, the cheapest elements, can be installed inside. The most high-quality are heavy-duty LEDs and blue-spectrum LEDs coated with phosphorus. The last combination is the most high-quality and durable in service life. Now we know how to choose an LED lamp based on its shape and type.

LED lamp manufacturers

There are many different manufacturers, both little-known and very famous, for example, Phillips. Now we will figure out which LED lamp manufacturer to choose. As a rule, it is best to choose those manufacturers that are profiled in the production of electrical and lighting equipment. This approach will allow you to be confident in the company itself, producing not so cheap product. These firms are:

  • Philips
  • Nichia.
  • LedEngin and so on.

Choosing the products of these manufacturers, you can be sure of its quality. It will definitely not be a waste of money, since they guarantee the quality of their lamps. Having examined the main nuances of LED sources, it turned out that the question: “How to choose an LED lamp?” Is not so complicated. Now we can buy a high-quality, reliable, and most importantly, economical light source.

LED lamp cost

how to choose a led lamp

The price of an LED lamp depends on the quality of the lamp itself and the manufacturer that produces it. Most often, expensive lamps contain high-quality components - a good phosphorus-coated LED, a high-quality and durable transformer, and good cooling. The price of such a light bulb can vary from 5 to 15 dollars.

You will say that it is very expensive for one light bulb. However, a light source such as a LED bulb is 10 times more economical, works about 20 times longer than a conventional incandescent lamp, and finally, it illuminates the room better and more pleasantly, making it more comfortable.

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Reason for complaint
LED lamps are not cheap, of course, but they last longer.
Since 2011, I have been interested in and using LED lamps and see that the main reasons for failure are: lack of cooling and poor quality of electronic components in the driver. You can find out a normal lamp or not only after purchase and long-term use.


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