
How to choose a spinning novice? Which fishing line to choose for spinning? Spinning Rating

Many citizens will agree that fishing is a wonderful thing. This is an activity that attracts a significant number of people, regardless of gender, age, faith or profession.

On the one hand, it is a wonderful outdoor recreation, far from the bustle of the city. On the other - sports and gambling in the hope of catching the elusive big fish. Also, this process allows you to diversify the menu. But this is not so easy to do as it seems at first glance. Indeed, inexperienced fishermen make many mistakes already at the preparatory stage. For a great bite and the ability to catch big fish, one suitable place is not enough. You must also choose the right gear.

how to choose spinning

There are a lot of varieties of rods and additional accessories for fishing. Each of them is endowed with its own characteristics. For example, on a small lake you can fish on an ordinary bamboo fishing rod. However, in the blue sea you will need a powerful trolling rod. There is also spinning fishing. At the same time, many may ask: “How to choose a spinning?” We’ll talk about this.


Spinning is not a very large fishing rod with a reel. It is intended for long casting of natural or artificial bait, as well as for fishing by "wiring." I immediately want to note that there are no universal spinning rods. Yes, there are models suitable for many amateur anglers. But if fishing is carried out on a specific fish and in certain conditions, then it is necessary to select the gear that is most acceptable for this. An effective option is several different spinning rods.

Rod length

In this case, initially it is necessary to determine where the fishing will take place. This is an important fact in deciding how to choose spinning. It's one thing to catch from a boat. It is quite another to cast heavy baits from the shore. From the boat it is more convenient and easier to catch with a small spinning rod. Its size should be 2.1-2.4 m. Long rods (from 2.5 to 3.3 m) are allowed to cast bait from the coast over considerable distances and fish very large. I would like to note that if the coast is planted with trees, then it is better to use short spinning from time to time. So you will avoid unwanted clues.


When deciding on how to choose a spinning rod, it is necessary to pay attention to its design. These devices are divided into three types: telescopic, solid and plug. Each of them has its own characteristic features. First of all, we consider telescopic and plug-in ones, since they are in demand on the market and are endowed with the best characteristics.

1. Telescopic spinning rods are cheap. Mostly they are used by newcomers in this business. They are not very reliable, but if used correctly, they can last a long time. Their main and undeniable quality is compactness. This tackle fits easily in your bag. As a result, you can go fishing in public transport, while not disturbing anyone.

2. Spinning plugs among fishermen are one of the most popular. They consist of 2 or 3 composite knees. Known for their reliability and high sensitivity. Such rods are endowed with an optimal and well-adjusted placement of forest-carrying rings, which allow keeping the system perfectly.The cost of these devices is usually more expensive than telescopic, and varies widely. But basically the price of this spinning rod depends on its components and the quality of the material. It is important to know.

how to choose the right spinning

Material of this device

This is another criterion that must be considered when deciding how to choose spinning. Modern models of this equipment are made of 3 types of materials. Namely from:

- carbon fiber

- composite

- fiberglass.

To determine how to choose a fishing rod for spinning, we will consider each of these types in more detail.


These devices are distinguished by their low cost, relatively high resistance to wear and ease of operation. However, in addition to the advantages, such rods are endowed with one obvious drawback, which is significant weight. It follows that it is advisable to use them in cases where you do not need to often throw bait.

Carbon Fiber Spinning

Rods made of this material have high operational characteristics: strength, wear resistance, elasticity and flexibility. This is due to the fact that carbon fiber is made from a special carbon thread. The disadvantages of such spinning rods are their high price and electrostaticity. Therefore, it is advisable not to use this device in stormy weather.

Composite spinning rods

They are a universal option, as they combine the capabilities of carbon and fiberglass. Such spinning rods are made of composite material. It is made from fiberglass with the addition of coal components in the prescribed proportions.

Types of spinning rods depending on the recommended weight of the bait

According to this criterion, the rods are divided into 6 classes (according to American terminology):

- Ultralight (UL) - from 0 to 7 g;

- Light (L) - from 2 to 15 g;

- Medium-light (ML) - from 5 to 20 g;

- Medium (M) - from 10 to 30 g;

- Medium-heavy (MH) - from 15 to 40 g;

- Heavy (N) - from 30 g or more.

So which spinning to choose? To facilitate your choice, a few words will be said below about each.

Ultralight spinning rods

They are sensitive and fragile fishing rods. They are used during fishing for small fish - this is perch, pike, trout and others. Basically, their length is not more than 2.1 m. During fishing for a similar tackle, a thin fishing line is used (from 0.08 to 0.18 mm). This may raise the question of how to choose a spinner for this type of spinning. In this case, small wobblers and spinners, which weigh no more than 7 grams, are definitely suitable.

Light class

In this case, it is allowed to use larger baits - 2-15 grams. In such spinning rods, the sensitivity is almost no different from that in the lightest. But you can fish larger with this rod. Most of these models have a length of 2 to 2.5 m.

Medium Light Spinning (Medium-light)

They are the most common and popular among fishermen. In a way, they are considered universal. With a similar rod, you can hunt for a small perch, and for an average asp or pike. This device has peculiar advantages. The first is a strong enough spinning blank to catch big fish. The second is the extensive range of use of lures (5-20 g).

Middle-class Spinning (Medium)

These rods have certain characteristics. They also correspond to medium-heavy spinning rods (Medium-heavy). Use these devices in cases where there is a chance to catch big fish: asp, perch, pike, salmon and so on. Mostly these rods are used on large rivers and deep bodies of water.

During fishing for such spinning rods, a strong fishing line with a thickness of 0.25 to 0.35 mm or a cord with an appropriate section is used. The mass of baits in this case sometimes reaches 40 grams. This fact is important.This can not only attract larger predators, but also quickly lower the bait to a depth. Most often, the length of rods of this type is from 2.4 to 3.3 m.

Heavy class

Similar fishing rods are used for catching sea fish. They are also used for survival of the largest individual. For example, if you want to fish for catfish, then these spinning rods are perfect for this. They are strong and can allow to throw the largest bait, as well as a feeding bait.

Spinning selection

Let's consider this item in more detail. In this case, certain criteria must be considered.

1. When deciding how to choose the right spinning, initially you need to carefully inspect the rings for splits and cracks. The fact is that most of them are made from ceramics.

2. The second thing when deciding how to choose the right spinning rod is to inspect the rod blank. This must be done from the handle to the top. Check that there are no deep dents or scratches on it, as the rod will break under load in this place.

3. While inspecting the handle, pay attention to the coil holders. The clamping fastener should twist easily, but do not hang on the thread.

4. For beginners, the spinning of a medium-fast system with a length of 210 to 240 cm is suitable. The Medium class with a test of up to 30 g.

5. When deciding how to choose a spinner for a beginner, it should be noted that in this case, forms from Flagman, the Striker series, are perfect. They should be 240 cm long, a test of 10-30 g, medium-fast system.

These points will help the novice angler decide which spinning to choose.

Types of reels for the specified rod

There are several types of device data. Namely:

1. Inertial. They are distinguished by simplicity in the device, high sensitivity, large drum capacity, as well as low cost.

2. Multiplier. They are generally an improved mechanism of inertial coils. This device allows you to more correctly lay fishing line during the winding.

3. Inertialess. With their help, the implementation of more distant casts is possible. In this case, there is no formation of forest overflows (“beards”). For beginners, spinning reels are suitable for inertia-free reels, which are the most elementary in operation today. With such devices, the lightest nozzles can be used.

Reel spool

This device is a removable special drum on which the fishing line is wound. When winding, this device carries out translational movements, namely back and forth. There is a basic requirement for a spool - an absolutely smooth and notch side. This criterion is important. These notches are found by drawing a finger along the contour of the spool in places where, when casting, the line is in contact with the side. If there are flaws, then they feel good with a finger.

The magnitude of the coil is indicated on the spool itself as a four-digit number. For example: 3000, 2500, 1000. These numbers denote the class (light - 1000, medium - 2500, heavy - 3000).

Basically, several diameters of fishing line and the necessary footage are written on the spool for proper winding without backing. For example: 0.35-120 or 0.3-160. It is always necessary to select the class of reel that matches the specific type of rod.

All spinning reels have a spare spool. A fishing line of a different diameter is wound around it. In many cases, these spare parts are graphite, of poor quality. However, they are also iron.

Friction brake

This device extinguishes jerking fish, thereby reducing the number of outbreaks. This device also protects the line from breaking. There are 2 types of performance - rear and front. For beginners, the main thing is to set it up before fishing.

To do this, we tie the end of the fishing line and move a couple of meters. Fully tighten the friction clutch.We tighten the line so that the form has a characteristic parabolic shape. In this case, do not overdo it. Slowly we begin to release the brake until the moment when the coil gives a few centimeters. After that, the configuration is completed.

Number of coil bearings

This is also an important point when deciding how to choose a spinning novice. Places where the moving parts come into contact with the coil body are equipped with bearings to increase the service life and softness of this device. It is believed that the more of them, the better.

One of the main requirements for a spinning reel is the presence of a timber laying bearing on the roller. His presence is important. The reason for this is the use of wicker forests. After all, they are endowed with abrasive properties, and on a cheap low-quality reel they simply saw a roller. This will render the device unusable.

how to choose a spinning rod

Coil selection

In this case, certain criteria must also be taken into account. In order to successfully choose a reel for spinning, the following actions should be performed:

1. You need to pick up your favorite coil and carefully inspect all its parts for visible damage. Initially, attention is paid to moving parts. After we inspect the handle of the coil, the handle of the logger with a roller and spool. If there is no visible damage, then proceed to the search for invisible flaws. To do this, draw a contour along the contour of the spool rim with a finger for nicks.

2. Next, the bow is assigned to the casting mode. Then she comes back a little. If the bow jumped to the operating mode from a simple touch, then it is better not to take such a coil. Since when you cast the bait, it can spontaneously return the bow to the winding mode. And this at least threatens with a loud slap on the water and scaring away the fish, and a maximum - by breaking the fishing line and shooting the bait.

3. Then it is necessary to turn the handle with the hinged handle half a turn. It should effortlessly become the working mode of the winding. Repeat this action several times. After that, you need to give starting acceleration and remove your hand. The last inertia should make another 5 to 10 revolutions.

4. In conclusion, it is necessary to quickly spin the coil near the ear. This must be done to identify suspicious noises. If there are none, then remove and put on the spool. Then twist the friction brake. With each click, the spool will scroll harder and harder.

That's all, the coil is selected, and you can safely pay for the goods.

Spinning line

In this regard, you should also correctly determine. In this case, many may have a question about which fishing line to choose for spinning. Here it is necessary to take into account certain nuances. In this case, there are 2 options - to put a wicker or monofilament fishing line. It depends on individual desire. Many adhere to the first option - a braid for spinning. How to choose it will be described in this paragraph.

In braids, the characteristics are very well suited for this type of fishing. She is much stronger than the monophile, does not stretch and does not have a "memory". Its minus is the price. A braid with a cross section from 0.12 to 0.14 mm is the best option for a beginner angler.

It is wound almost under the side of the spool. At the same time, it must remain to the edge of 2-3 mm to ensure maximum casting. The thickness of the fishing line significantly affects the casting distance. That is, the thinner it is, the further the bait will fly. But you should not overdo it. During the casting of the spinner, its mass becomes many times larger, which can lead to rupture of the fishing line if it is excessively thin. Having familiarized with this paragraph, we can confidently say which line to choose for spinning.


To catch predatory fish, it must be installed. Our pike is guilty of this, leaving no chance of success in most cases.Mostly they use purchased leashes with an exact breaking load, and also pick them up much less from the base. Since with “dead” hooks, a break of the leash, and not of the main fishing line, is possible. This is a reliable fact.

For spinning, leashes are made of both flexible soft material and hard wire. Each of them is used in certain cases. Most often they put leashes flexible, the length of which is from 15 to 20 cm. Wire harnesses are mainly used only for twitching, as this prevents the lures of the bait tees.

Choosing a Pike Spinning Reel

In this regard, it is also necessary to correctly determine the necessary device. Indeed, for successful fishing of this breed of fish you need the appropriate spinning on the pike. How to choose it will be described later.

choose a spinning for pike fishing

In this case, the best option would be the selection of spinning of well-known brands, as self-respecting manufacturers, as a rule, conduct repeated testing of rods. The question may arise which company to choose spinning. In this regard, there is a definite answer. You must select these devices from popular and well-known manufacturers. Consider the best made American spinning rods. However, it all depends on individual desire and financial ability. In any case, every trifle should be taken into account when selecting the necessary rod.

An important role is played by the place from which fishing is planned. After all, the length of this device will depend on this. The most suitable and universal is a length of 2.7 m. The test of this spinning will directly depend on how much the bait is used. It is important to know. The heavier the bait, the larger the test.

Rings should be selected for braided fishing line. This will be the best option in this case. The handle must first of all be comfortable for the angler himself. It is better if it is made of cork and does not have visual joints. For successful fishing of this type of fish, the option of a rod having a slow system is perfect. In this case, the spinning deflection will go directly from the handle.

How to choose a spinning jig

Jigs are called silicone nozzles. They are made in the form of a small fish. It should correspond to that which the predator planned for catch hunts. In this case, appropriate spinning is required. How to choose a good one for this process - we will consider in this paragraph.

In general, jigging can be done using any suitable rod. However, it’s better to choose the right spinning jig for this. How to choose this gear? This is nothing complicated. To do this, consider the following criteria:

1. In this case, the spinning weight should be light. Therefore, when choosing gear, you should not even pay attention to the rod, the mass of which is more than 250 g. The selected model should definitely be plug and two-part. The telescope in this case is absolutely not suitable.

2. Spinning for jig must have high-quality rings. This is important to know when purchasing gear. Therefore, when choosing this device, it is worthwhile to carefully inspect the annular inserts for the presence of various cracks, chips, and roughnesses. This should not be all.

3. When choosing a spinning length, you should think about how the fishing will be carried out. If this happens from a boat, then in this case a short fishing rod is necessary. Its length should be in the range of 1.9-2.4 m. In all other cases, it is recommended to use a fishing rod of more than 2.5 m. The best option is 2.7 m.

4. For jigging, it is recommended to use a quick spinning system. This is a must know.

5. With regard to the sensitivity of the jig fishing rod, it should be very high. Therefore, when choosing a suitable spinning rod, draw its tip slightly along the wall. This procedure will help determine how sensitive the model is.An ideal option would be a bend of no more than 2 cm with a load of 2-3 g at the end of the spinning.

6. The holder for the coil in this case must have high strength. First, you can choose the classic version. Then this item is recommended to be selected individually.

7. The test range of the rod in this case should be quite large. This should also be considered. The best option would be a test: 5-25. It is approximately 9-22 g.

how to choose a spinner

Spinning Rating

Currently, there are many different companies producing these devices. However, the following are considered more reliable and reliable:

1. “Graphiteleader” (“Olympic”). This is a fairly well-known Japanese company. It is popular for its high quality characteristics of materials and finished products.

2. "Tenryu". It is also a popular Japanese company. With a thorough and scrupulous approach, this company creates high-quality spinning rods that are valued around the world.

3. "Daiwa". Also a Japanese famous company. With its abundance of various types of lures and tackles, it has secured a leading position among other manufacturers of these devices. The improvement of the already perfect technologies guarantees this company support of an impeccably high rating.

4. "Valley hill". Another popular Japanese brand. This company also produces spinning rods with excellent characteristics, often introducing new technologies.

5. “G. Loomis. " This is an American company. It produces fairly high-quality spinning rods and fly fishing rods. This company has a leading position in the global market for these devices.

6. "Nissin." This is a fairly well-known Japanese company. She specializes in the manufacture of high quality specified fixtures.

7. "Fujitsu". Another Japanese popular company. Spinning rods under the brand name “Fujitsu Shogun” have a rather fast action and low price, and are great for jig fishing.

8. "Waterland". Also a lot of famous Japanese company. In this company, the forms of these rods are the personification of power and delicacy, and the accessories - magnificence and high style.

9. "Shimano." It specializes in the manufacture of high-quality fishing rods for various types of fishing. This company has a wide range of spinning rods, which are technological and generally recognized.

10. "Megabass". This company also specializes in the manufacture of spinning rods. Their quality and efficiency are up to standard.

In general, there are a considerable number of these companies, however, the most popular are still considered Shimano and Daiwa.


In this text, everyone will find a lot of useful information on how to choose a spinning rod for a beginner angler. In general, it is not difficult to do this if you fully comply with the above recommendations.

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