
How to choose a router. How to choose a router for the apartment

The development of information technology is forcing people to have electronic gadgets at their disposal: from a smartphone to laptops, tablets. However, by and large, they are useless without going online.

If your apartment or private home has an Internet cable, each device can be connected to the World Wide Web. Based on this, the question arises of how to choose a router that provides high data transfer speed and stable operation over a long period of time?

What should I look for when choosing a router?

You can purchase the most expensive router (router) with the maximum characteristics and stylish design, but it will not work, because the type of WAN port (connection of the Internet cable to the router) was not taken into account. The most popular connection types include:

  1. ADSL - is carried out on the basis of a telephone cable and gives access to the network through communication with the subscriber's telephone line.
  2. FTTB is the most popular internet entry. Fiber optic cable with twisted pair is connected to a private house or apartment. At the end of the line is a standard RJ-45 connector.
  3. Docsis is not the most common type of connection. It is characterized by the presence of a coaxial cable with a low coefficient of conductivity. Such Internet is not very fast.

Thus, answering the question "how to choose a router for the apartment", you should consider the type of Internet connection. Wrong choice of the type of WAN port will cause the router to fail to function, as a result of which you will have to purchase new equipment.

how to choose a router

Additional router specifications

If the port was chosen correctly, you must determine the maximum speed that the equipment can provide. All routers have different prices, which depend not only on the manufacturer, but also on the maximum speed of data reception and transmission. If you have an Internet connection with gigabit speed characteristics (that is, downloading huge files from the network occurs almost instantly), then by acquiring a router with a WAN port, you can easily lose the declared speed (it will be cut down 10 times).

Not the least role is played by the presence of a Wi-Fi module. In fact, this is the main function for which the router is purchased. When answering the question "which WiFi router to choose", one should take into account the range in which the equipment operates. At the moment, almost all models operate in two modes: 802.11 g (maximum speed - 54 Mb / s) and 802.11 n (modern high-speed format that allows for data transfer in the range from 400 to 450 Mb / s).

which router to choose for home

Why do we need USB ports?

It should also be noted that there are several LAN ports, that is, the ability to simultaneously connect multiple Internet connections to one router. The USB port also plays an important role. Such connectors are available in all mid-priced models. Their presence makes it possible to connect additional devices.

This applies to network printers, 3G-modems, flesh-devices. If the kit includes removable antennas, then the range of the router can be significantly expanded (for example, to several rooms at once). In any case, the question of which router to choose for the home, you can not give a definite answer. It all depends on where the equipment will be located (with concrete walls, the radius of Internet coverage will be much smaller than with drywall), what are its speed characteristics and brand.

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Choosing a home router by manufacturer

A home router may not have maximum specifications. It is enough that it possesses an optimal range of data reception, and the transmission speed promotes a comfortable surfing the Internet.

Now you can find a huge number of companies specializing specifically in the production of routers. The most popular: D-Link, Asus, ZyxeL, Tp-Link. Each model has its drawbacks. For example, D-Link routers work with disconnects, despite the fact that this company is very popular among users of the CIS countries. As for Asus, these manufacturers still have not solved the problem of digital television - through Wi-FI it refuses to play.

However, despite all these disadvantages, each of the presented companies has its own service centers in most cities of the Russian Federation. This means that in the event of a breakdown, you can always make a complaint and deal with the problem. What can not be said about the Chinese models: it is unlikely to find a suitable repair center. Thus, wondering which router is better to choose, you should give preference to models of well-known companies. Overpayment will be insignificant, however, problems with their work and the search for a repair center will be much less.

The internal filling of the router

The technical parameters of digital equipment are of particular importance. In this case, we are not talking about data transfer speed, but about the size of RAM and the type of processor. The router is a highly efficient equipment with digital filling. Therefore, he needs a certain amount of RAM for data processing.

For optimal operation in the network without delay, the size of the internal drive should be in the range from 64 to 128 MB. As for the processor, with a frequency of 300 MHz, problems with the data transfer rate should not arise. The presence of antennas will increase the range (relevant for rooms with concrete walls) of the router, which will allow several devices to connect to it. This also applies to non-traditional gadgets. So, when answering the question of how to choose a router for the TV, you should consider the type of USB input. Digital television, as a rule, transmits information in two ways: through a WI-Fi network or by directly connecting the TV to the router.

which router is better to choose

Multi-Link Router: How much will it cost?

Support for all types of Internet connections is an important feature of the router. Each model has its own type of network connection. Simply put, not every cable can be connected to a WAN port. If there is no desire to deal with connection types, then it is better to purchase an average cost model (from 1500 to 2000 rubles). They work with any internet connection.

Thus, figuring out how to choose the right router, you need to determine the optimal technical characteristics of the equipment. Not only the speed of Internet data transmission depends on this, but also the cost of the router, the presence of additional ports and functions in its composition.

How to configure a router?

After buying a router, you need to configure it. Most models have the appropriate instructions and installation disc. However, if there is no disk and time to understand the documentation, you can configure the router according to the scheme.

So, first you need to connect the Internet cable to the router through the WAN port. If everything is done correctly, you should check the operation of the equipment. 2 LEDs will blink on the control panel to confirm the connection. Then you should directly connect the router to the computer.

To do this, a cable must go with the router. One end must be inserted into any socket on the router (if there are several), the other should be connected directly to the network card of a personal computer. After that, the router settings will have a standard look.This means that the password and login to enter the router control menu will look like admin.

To improve the safety of working on the network, it is recommended to set your own 8-digit password of letters and numbers. To do this, go to any browser. Enter in the search line, after which the router menu should open. There you should select the System category and go to the Password Settings tab. After changing the password, click the “Apply” button.

how to choose a router for the apartment

How to choose a cheap router?

After choosing the optimal technical characteristics, you should determine the price. The question arises of how to choose a router that will be distinguished by stable operation and provide high speed data transfer for reasonable money?

Among cheap routers, models should be distinguished, the price range of which ranges from 500 to 1500 rubles. Such models have a Wi-Fi connection speed from 150 to 300 Mb / s. The absence of additional USB-ports excludes the possibility of connecting network equipment (printer, Flesh-cards). In most cases, such routers will need to be rebooted several times.

This is due to the fact that the filling installed in them is not stable and does not provide high conductivity of the network signal. Such routers are recommended for those who have an Internet speed of no higher than 15 Mb / s. Otherwise, it will be “cut” by the router due to the weakness of the internal filling. Examples of routers: Asus RT-N12, D-Link-620.

What is the peculiarity of budget routers?

The best option for home routers should be considered models whose prices range from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles. Routers of this series are distinguished by stable work on the Internet due to high-quality internal characteristics. Moreover, these models allow you to transmit Wi-Fi signal, the speed of which exceeds 600 Mb / s. The processor of the router ensures smooth operation. In addition, there is no need to reboot it.

In most cases, such models have one USB input. This makes it possible to use additional functions of the router (network drive, torrent client). When answering the question of which router to choose for the home, it should be noted that models of this price category will best meet such characteristics as the ratio of the speed and quality of equipment operation at the minimum cost for its purchase. These devices include Zyxel Keenetic Lite, Netgear 3210.

how to choose the right router

Does it make sense to purchase expensive routers?

This topic is relevant for owners of high-speed connections, data transfer in which is measured in gigabytes. Prices for these types of routers start at 3,000 rubles. Routers of this category allow you to transmit a Wi-Fi connection signal at a speed of up to 750 Mb / s. High-quality internal filling almost completely eliminates breakdowns, freezes, malfunctions in the operation of such equipment. The declared and actual data transfer rate will be almost the same. This suggests that the router does not “cut” it.

In addition, the presence of 4 or more USB ports allows you to use all the additional functions of the router. Such models make it possible to open your own servers on the Internet or separate “rooms” within local networks. Thus, when considering how to choose a router, you should consider the speed of your Internet connection and the purpose of using the equipment. If you need it exclusively to create a Wi-Fi connection point, then there is no point in overpaying for additional features that you are unlikely to use.

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The main misconceptions of buyers of routers

So, after you have received information about what a router is, you can begin to search for the desired model in the store. This is where the main problems arise.They are associated with typical customer misconceptions about the quality of digital equipment, which have nothing to do with the real situation.

The first misconception is that a good model will be advised by a consultant. This is actually not the case. He is interested in selling an expensive and branded thing. In the event that he sincerely wants to help you, he will not succeed in doing this for one simple reason: he will not know all the technical parameters of your Internet connection. It is this indicator that has a decisive effect on the router. Which one to choose, you must figure it out yourself.

The second misconception is that all routers are the same. This is also not true. Some routers have characteristics that differ from devices of the same series. Therefore, choosing the right model can play a key role in network performance. The best option can be found by studying reviews of different models and making their own conclusions on the positive and negative characteristics of routers based on them.

misconceptions about the choice of routers

Should I choose a router on the advice of relatives and friends?

It should be borne in mind that the advice of friends or colleagues should not be regarded as truth in the first instance. For example, you were advised by a router of a specific manufacturer and with clear specifications. For some, it will work just fine: high speed, no malfunctions and failures at high loads. But for others - this is not the right option. Since the data transfer speed is higher, and, therefore, the router can not cope with the loads, which leads to its constant reboots and overheating.

Thus, when asking a question about how to choose a router, you should remember that you can make the right choice only, focusing on several components: the purpose of the work, the speed of the Internet connection, the range of Wi-FI coverage, the presence of additional functions.


Buying the optimal model of a network router depends on the specific purpose of its use. When thinking about how to choose a router for a tablet or laptop, it should be taken into account that the speed of Wi-FI connection will be a determining characteristic for these gadgets. For home purposes, models are suitable for a price of 1,500 to 3,000 rubles. They, firstly, are characterized by relative stability of work, and secondly, they have optimal conductivity sufficient to connect a smartphone, laptop and tablet at the same time. In any case, the choice is up to you.

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